1) Love to Hate me

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Chesters POV

Yay, another 6 hours of torture, one friend, and bullies. Love it.

I was walking in the hallway when I finally got to my locker, it was only a couple away from Parkers, and when I saw him there I was happy. The days he isn't here are sad and lonely, I always get picked on because Parker's usually the one to defend me, sometimes I feel bad that I can't stick up for myself, but I just don't have the confidence to.

"Hey, Chester!" Parker greeted me, happily.
"Hey." I responded back, opening my locker to get my binders and books out.
"How was your weekend?" He asked me.
"You should know, you were over at my house the whole time, hah." I laughed.

We spent the whole weekend together, it was nice, but something seemed off about Parker during that week...

"Yep, hah. Anyways, is the algebra test today?"
"There's a test today?"
"Yeah, I think this morning."
"Great, I'm gonna fail." I said then slammed my locker shut;I'm not doing so well in school, Parker on the other hand is doing Amazing, straight A's and B's, while I get, at the most, a B [art].
"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll both pass, anyway, let's get going." He said and we started to walk to our math class.

* * *

It was finally lunch time, it's only been 2 or so hours, but it feels like it's already been a whole day. I got my lunch from the vending machine since I forgot to pack mine, I got a sprite and Veggie Straws.

"Hey, do you want some of my sandwich?" Parker asked me as he opened his lunch box.
"Hm? Oh, no thanks, it's fine." I said.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, thanks though." I assured him and opened my chips bag.

I was scared for the next class, it's English Literature, it's the only class we don't have together and I sit next to the most annoying and loudest people ever to roam the earth, group projects are a nightmare in that class.

"So, remember what we talked about on Saturday? The channel?" Parker asked me, interrupting my day dreaming.
"The YouTube channel? Yeah, I think I do." I replied in between sips of my $4.50 Sprite.
"Yeah, are we gonna go ahead with it? Because I was serious while suggesting it." Parker said, staring at me.
"Hmmm..." I thought about it for a second. I mean, there's no real downsides to making one, and it could be fun,"Yeah, sure, why not?"
"Cool! Okay, wanna meet at my place after school to set up the channel?" Parker asked me eagerly.
"Sure." I said while smiling at him.

* * *

"Alright, first idea, reaction videos." Parker stated.
"Animation story time videos."
"I'm bad at drawing, but go on." I joked.
"And scary videos."
"Hmm, what do you mean 'scary videos'?"
"I don't know, things with like monsters and creatures, kidnapping?" Parker suggested.
"Woah, getting kind of dark there, p, but I like the scary videos concept."
"Should we do that then?"

I created the channel while Parker got busy writing video ideas. Honestly, I don't have a single clue to what he means by "scary videos", like those ones made for like 6 year olds? Or ones that are like horror movies.

"Alright," Parker announced, "I have three video ideas, one, girl gets kidnapped by crazy man, two, we run into the forest because we got dared to, or three, one of our friends goes missing and we have to find them."
"Well, we can't really do any of those because we don't have any friends, or..atleast I don't.." I said, whispering the last little bit.
"I'm sure you have other friends besides me," Parker laughed, "maybe I can get one of my friends to play the role of one of them, what about the first idea? It's probably the simplest out of the rest of them."
"Yep, kidnapping, easiest thing ever, have you gone mad? You sound like a serial killer, hah." I joked.
"I don't mean to say that it's easy to kidnap som- wait, stop tricking me! You know what I meant!"
"Yep, totally..."

* * *

It felt..weird;having someone else besides Parker in my house.

We decided to use my house to shoot the video since it was larger.

Parkers friends name is Amerose, I felt like I've heard that name somewhere before, if sounds so familiar, yet I can't quite put my finger on it... Oh well, anyways, we started to rehearse the script and talking about things we could add onto it.

Time skip, I'm sorry I'm bad at writing lol
* * *

Finally, filming took forever to do, we should've gotten someone else to play the kidnapped girl, Amerose was terrible at it, at least it's over now.

"So," Parker started as he closed the front door, "Amerose is driving home, I offered her a ride, but she turned it down, heh. Anyways, do you know how to edit the video?"
"Do I look like the kind of guy who knows how to do that?" I said, sarcastically, then Parker looked me up and down, sort of checking me out.
"Actually, yeah, kind of, I mean, wearing sunglasses when it's night and inside, on the computer all the time, always wea-"
"Okay, fine, I do look like someone who would, but I don't know how to edit." I said.
"I don't really know how to either, I know what programs and apps to use, so I'm sure I can figure it out. Can I just borrow your camera so that I can download the video onto my flash drive."
"Yeah, sure."

As Parker was plugging his USB port into my camera, I couldn't help but wonder, why does Parker hang out with me? No one else does, the last friend I made was in....jeez, I can't even remember, grade three? I don't know, but why is Parker my friend? Why has he stayed around for so long?

"Alright, got it!" Parker said, catching me off guard while he waved the flash drive in front of my face.
"Oh, okay!" I replied quickly.
"So, I'll go home and try to get the editing done by tomorrow." He said, heading towards the door.
"Oh, it doesn't have to be done by tomorrow, take all the time you need!"
"Really? Thanks, Pic."
"Yeah, no pro- wait, what did you just call me?" Did he just call me "Pic"?
"PIC: Partner-in-Crime." He chuckled.
"Ohh, alright, well bye!" I waved Parker goodbye as he left my house.

I couldn't wait to see him again.

Haha, not an SN fan fiction lol, that reminds me, I have to watch the new video, but I hope you guys like this, also updates might be slow sorry.
Word Count- 1,144 words

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