8) Switch to me

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Chesters POV

...I walk over to his bed, he turns off the light and we both get in, as soon as I get in, he pulls me close to his chest and holds me there, I kind of froze, not knowing what to do, but then slowly relaxed and laid there.

"Good night, hun." He mumbles.
"Night, Park- wait what'd you just say?"
The Next Day
Parkers POV

It feels like it should be the weekend, at least I wish it was, it's only Thursday. Why does time move so slowly? I think to myself while Chester and I walk to school.
Everybody knows what happened, stupid Amerose posted her in the hospital on Snapchat, I just hope we don't get suspended for that.

"Nervous?" Chesters asks and side-eyes me.
"Kind of, everyone knows that we beat up Amerose." I sigh.
"Yep. Reputation is gonna kill us faster than Amerose will."
We stand outside the school for a little bit, then finally walk in. I expected it to be like one of those scenes in shows where the main character walks in and everyone stops to stare, luckily, it wasn't that. We saw some of Ameroses' friends and they just gave us dirty looks.

"Well, we didn't get beaten up and we've been in the school for two minutes now. Ugh, I already want this day --and school-- to end." Chester complains.
"Me too," I say and close my locker, "at least there's no more tests in English or science. Second semester is over in like a week."
"Yeah, but there's still two finals in math."
"True, at least we got the easy subject first, art."
"Because I'm such Picasso." Chester says, doing Jazz hands.
"Fine, you want algebra first?" I stare at him, mockingly.
"Let's just get to art, the bell's about to ring." He says and I smirk.
"I sometimes just want to jump out a window during school." Chesters tells me as we paint in art. We decided to take art since it was probably the easiest course we could take.
"That's everyday of my life, bro." I tell him as I mix some light blue and pink together to make a pretty lilac colour.
"Did you just 'bro' me?" He asks.
"Okay, "dUdE"."
I laugh and we continue painting. It was a group project, so Chester and I did it together, the theme was 'The Sun', so we're painting a sunflower.
"How and why are you such a good painter?" Chester asks me and chuckles.
"Hah, I'm not, I dunno, practicing I guess."
"You paint in your free time? How come I've never seen any of your paintings before? Are you any good?" Chester asks me, excitedly.
"Calm down, dude, you're asking a million questions per second." I laugh slightly, "I sometimes will go to this pottery place where you can paint your own items, like mugs and plates, you should come with me sometime, I think you'd like it."
"What? Like a date?"
"W-what? Uhh, I don't know, just like hanging out, like..friends?" I say, confused.
"Yeah, yeah, that's what I meant." He says then immediately turns back to the canvas.
What would it even be like if it were a date?

At lunch time
Chesters POV

"Well, we did it," Parker begins, "we made it through the first two classes."
"Now only English and Algebra to go, yahoo, can't wait." I say, sarcastically and take a bite of my sandwich. "I can't remember where I got this sandwich from, but it's in my locker."
"Oh, yeah, I made that for you." Parker tells me.
"Hm? You..made this for me?"
"Yeah I did, before you woke up I got up and quickly made it."
"Oh, thank you." I smile, brightly.
"No problem, Ches." He smiles back.

"We haven't uploaded on the channel for a while, should we do that soon?" I ask.
"Oh, yeah, we were about to start filming, then what happened?"
"Erik had to go, he got a call and said it was an emergency. I hope it wasn't tragic."
"Speaking of Erik, have you talked to him recently?"
"No, I haven't, I'll call him later."

After school

We actually made it through the first day without any bad encounters, I'm surprised, Amerose was popular, maybe she didn't tell anyone it was us? Or maybe she never got the chance to?
"Well, we got through today without any horrible run-ins." Parker tells me as we exit the school.
"Yep." I say. "Also I saw Erik earlier and asked him if he wanted to film with us later and he said no, he said he doesn't want to be on camera anymore."
"Oh, that's a shame, when do you wanna start filming? I wrote up a script already and I could try to get my cousin in it, he doesn't live far." Parker says.
"You have a cousin? I never knew that." I say as we cross the street.
"I don't know, I guess it just never came up." He told me.
We stopped outside at a park and sat down at a bench, Parker took out two copies of the script he wrote and printed out and we went over it.
"This is really well written. And you wrote this?" I said, amazed.
"Yep, all in one night." He chuckled, lightly.
"Impressive, I like it, when should we start filming?" I ask.
"How about Friday?"
"Okay, also can you hang out right now? I need more help with my home work."
"I'll ask my mum."
I say and get up to call her, it takes some convincing since she is always like "you never spend time with me anymore" and "that Parker seems like a bad influence on you" I know she's just jealous and I really don't care if she is upset, but she finally says that I can as long as I'm back by six, since I have to cook dinner tonight.
"Yep, I can hang until six." I tell Parker.
"Same, I just texted her, I don't know why I do that anymore though, I'm 17 and I always get home so late and my parents don't seem to care."
"Same with my parents, anyways, want to rehearse this?" I ask.

"Sure." He says and we practice the script we wrote, laughing and chatting for what seems like forever, I didn't want it to end, but after a couple hours (surprisingly), it was an hour until six, so we decided to put the scripts back and Parker asked for help with his homework.

"Oh, also, can you help me with my homework? It's for art and I just need you to check over it to make sure I didn't make any mistakes." He asks me.
"Yeah, sure." I say and he hands me his sketch book. Our project was to draw something that related to 'mirrors', so Parker drew a -really fantastic looking if I may add- drawing of someone taking a picture in a mirror, it was phenomenal.

"Wow, this is...amazing." I say, my jaw dropping.

Parkers secret talent is that he is really great at drawing.

"You really think so?" He asks.
"Yeah, it's really great, the teacher's going to love it."
"Wow, thanks." He smiles brightly. "Wanna get a bite to eat before we go?"

We head into, now our favourite, cafe, it's a small area that sells the best lemonade.
"This is really sour." Parker tells me after taking a sip of his lemonade.
"Yeah, it's cheap though." I slightly giggle.
"Yeah, the muffins are good too."
"What do you think is going to happen when Amerose comes back?" I ask him and as soon as I do so, his face turns a little pale.
"Well...we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

"We'll deal with it when it comes up."
"Why'd you have to make up a metaphor with it?"
"Oh my- everytime, Chester, I don't know." Parker says, playfully and sighs.
"No, no, I like it," I laugh, "it's cute."
"I mean, uh...I dunno."
"Alrightly then."
We finish up our drinks and food and Parker starts walking me back to my house.
I think I gotta tell him,
Tell him what I've been holding onto for so long.
"Parker, wait." I stop walking.
"I-I need to tell you something. Don't interrupt, just listen."
He nods.

"I...uhm, so..for the past couple months or so, I have started to...I guess, like you, not just as a friend, but I really like you romantically."
"R-really?" He stutters, I've never seen him so nervous before, I've also never been this nervous before either.

"I just.." I start up again, "I've always just found myself having butterflies when I'm around you, you always know how to make me feel better, and..I always appreciated that, now and forev-"

I was interrupted by his soft lips being placed on top of mine. He was kissing me, I closed my eyes and he put his hand on my cheek. Then, we pulled away and just started into each other's eyes for a while.
"Do you...want to go out, maybe..Saturday after filming?" He asks me, nervously.



"Ah, oh, sorry, I must've z-zoned out, hah. Yeah, I love yo- loved to go out with you." I correct myself.
"Great." He smiles, so genuinely.
He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers as we continue to walk back to my place. I was still in shock from what happened before. He actually kissed me, I never thought that'd happen.
"Well," Parker says as we stand outside my house, "day off tomorrow, that's good."
"Right, I can finally sleep in for once." We both laugh.
"Goodnight, Chester."
"Goodnight, Parker." I kiss him on the cheek and we wave each other goodbye, then I walk into my house.
I can't believe I finally got to kiss the person I've liked-
For so,
So long...

I'm so tired omg lol, I should really go to bed rn bc I gotta wake up early tomorrow, anyways, sorry this took so long to come out, but I have 4 more chapters coming out after this, so enjoy those when they come :).
Also *spoiler alert 🚨🚨*, next chapter will probably be shorter bc it's gonna be them doing a life of luxury video and on a date and I'm bad at writing those things lol.
Word count- 1758 words.

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