5) Hallucination

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TW, Mentions of su*c*de

Parkers POV

..."Not that, please can we confront her?" Chester begs.
I think about it for a moment, would she really write that? It doesn't seem like her, do I believe Chester? I've known him for a couple of years now, but I've only known Amerose for a couple of weeks, oh god.
"Tomorrow at lunch, I'll talk to her, bye." I tell him and walk away.
"Thank you, bye." He smiles.
I never noticed until now,
How cute his smile is.
The Next Day at Lunch
"Hey, Ame, you got a second?" I catch up to Amerose as I see her leaving the class.
"Yeah, what's up?" She asks me, cheerfully.
"Umm, well, yesterday Chester told me that you gave him..some sort of note? And told him to leave me alone, something like that, did you say that to him?"
"What? No, of course I didn't." She says.
"That's what I was thinking, it must just be a coincidence, maybe he thought it was you." I sigh in relief.
"Yeah, maybe, c'mon, let's go to our lockers." She says and we walk to our lockers.

Once we get there, I see Chester and Amerose tells me she's just gotta talk to him about math.

Chesters POV

I hope that Parker talks to Amerose soon, she's a psycho.
"Hey!" I hear someone almost yell from next to me, I slightly close my locker and; speak of the devil herself, it's her.
"What do you want?" I ask, already getting mad.
"Why did you tell Parker? I warned you."
Then, I had an idea I quickly took out my phone and opened a voice recorder app I had on my phone, I clicked the start button and started recording.
"Warned me of what?" I ask.
"First, I'll ruin your relationship with Parker, I'll get with him and brainwash him," she says, "then, to top it all off, I'm going to make sure he gets all messed up in his head, and finally ends it all."
Then, she walked away, I just stood there, stunned.
What does she mean "ends it all?"
I have to show Parker this footage, but not now, I'll tell him after school.

After school, at four (ik time skip I'm sorry)

I couldn't talk to Parker after school, he wasn't at his locker when I was leaving, then when I left the school, I saw him, but he wasn't alone, he was with his friends and Amerose, with his arm around her.
Once I got home, I called him and told him I needed to see him as soon as possible.
"Parker, I need to see you right now, it's urgent."
"I can't, I'm busy, I'm hanging out with some friends, can't it wait till tomorrow?"
"No, Parker please, it's really important, I swear just five minutes, please."
"Fine, I'll make up an excuse saying I got to go early, this better be important."
"Yes, thank you! I'll meet up with you near the bank."

Call ended.

I met up with Parker near a random bank to show him the audio I got of Amerose and I talking.
"Okay, listen to this." I say and give him my phone, he presses the play button and lifts it up to his ear, slowly, I see his eyes widen in horror and/or shock.
"W-what? Did she really say that? Was that really her? Who even is she?" He asks in a hurry and looking worried.
"Now do you believe me? You have to end things with her as soon as possible before you get hurt." I try and convince him.
"Are..are you sure?" He asks.
"What do you mean?"
"You're not lying to me, right?"
"Of course I'm not, we're...friends.." I look down, then quickly back up.
"Thanks, dude, thank you for having my back, I'm sorry I didn't believe you before."
"Don't worry about it, when are you gonna end things with her?"
"Tomorrow. Hopefully she leaves us alone." He says, slightly smiling.

The next day.

"Hey, Erik just texted me, he wants to meet up and says he has some sort of information about Amerose." I tell Parker as we're walking home from school.
"Really? Does he say what information it is?" He asks me.
"No, just information, and for it to just be me, alone."
"Oh, that's weird, where does he say to meet him?"
"Outside the mall."
"Maybe I should come to, and just watch behind a wall, incase anything bad happens, it could be a setup." Parker suggests.
"Yeah, hopefully it's not though, he's the only one of your friends I actually like- I mean uh..." I cough to cover it up, "I like all your frien-"
"Nah, it's fine, I know they're a bit of a hand full." He laughs.
"Why do you hang out with them then?" I ask.
"I've known them for so long, it's hard to let friendships like that go. Anyways, what time does Erik wanna meet up with you?" He asks me, but I couldn't pay attention to what he was saying, I just spaced out thinking about what he said, the part "it's hard to let friendships like that go".
"Yo, Chester? You still with me bud? He stops walking and pokes my shoulder a bit, which causes me to snap out of it.
"Huh? Oh right, sorry, he texted again asking if I could meet in ten minutes." I say, flustered.
"We're right by the mall, let's go now!" Parker says and we start speed walking as I'm texting Erik that I'll be there.
"Ok, I'll tell you everything he says to me." I tell Parker as I'm about to walk up to Erik, "Oh, also, did you end things with Amerose yet?"
"O-oh, yeah I did, she said she just wants to stay friends though, I lied and said that we can still be friends." Parker says.
"Alright, well, see you."
"See you soon."
I walk up to Erik and he notices me almost immediately.
"Hey, Chester, thanks for showing." He says, smiling.
"Yeah, no problem, so, what information do you have on her?"
"Well, recently I realized I recognized her! She was in my last school and she's not new to this city, she's new to the school, she hospitalized some girl at our last school for..I think the girl flirted with her boyfriend or something like that. They had a fist fight and Amerose knocked her out so bad that she was in the hospital for a week!" He explains.
"Oh my god! That's terrible!" I exclaim.
"But it gets even worse, when she got transfered here she recognized me and told me to stay out of her way or she'll mess me up.."
"Oh no, I'm so sorry that happened to you."
"Thanks, that's all I had to tell you, I'll help you get her out of here."
"Thank you. I'll see you at school next week or the weekend maybe."
"You too, wait, there was..something else I needed to tell you too." He stops me.
"Hm? Yeah?"
"Well, umm..so I recently discovered that I am...gay."
"Really? That's great, good for you!" I say to him happily.
"Thank you!"
"Yeah, and if I can be honest too, I think I might be gay as well." I tell him.
"Really? Nice, man!" We high five, "But, that's not all I wanted to say. Chester, I think...

I meant to put some of the last part into the next chapter, I just forgot lmao.
Also school starts tomorrow nooooo.
Word Count- 1281 words

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