15) breath (Epilouge)

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Parkers POV
...We lie in silence for a little bit, when I realize that Chester has fallen asleep, I look down at him in awe.
I can't believe that right now, right in this moment, I'm in bed with my boyfriend whom I love so much. The most innocent man on the planet.
Nothing could be better than this.

One and a half years later...
Chesters POV

I unlock the front door of me and Parkers apartment and walk inside, shutting the door behind me. I hear Parker start to walk towards me.
"You're back!" He says, excitedly. "How was the party?"
I went to a party on my own, for the first time in like, forever, with a couple of new friends I made at my job.
"It went better than I thought actually. They're so nice, you have to meet them!" I say.
"Good! Also, I hope you're not too burnt out from social interactions, because I invited Kaleb and Erik over." He tells me.
"Oh, that's right, they got back from their honeymoon a couple days ago! Great, when are they coming over?" I ask. Erik and Kaleb got married a couple weeks ago at a beautiful resort in Hawaii.
"In about thirty minutes, I'm almost done the food, want to help?"

"Well, I can officially cook a meal without have a mental break down and crying for an hour." I tell Parker.
"Progress, Chester. Progress." He smiles and kisses me on the cheek, then starts to take the plates out of the cupboards.
"So, tell me, Ches, how's things with your mum?"
"Hm, I haven't spoken to her in a while, last time we talked was I think, three months ago? She apologized about mistreating me, but I told her I need time." I reply and take out cutlery to set the table with. "I just don't know how to text her back again.
"Maybe try calling her instead? That way you can hear how she sounds, like if she's sincere or not. Or meet up with her." He suggests.
"Maybe." I say.

A couple minutes later Erik and Kaleb arrive.
"Hey you two!" Parker says as he opens the front door and greets them.
"Hey, guys!" Erik says, happily.
They both walk in, carrying two tupperware containers, one with a salad, the other with tarts.
"Soo, how was the honeymoon?" I ask them.
"It was amazing! Jamaica is so beautiful!" Kaleb exclaims.
We sit down at the table and talk more before serving the food.

"This is so good, how long did it take to make?" Erik asks Parker about a certain dish, I'm not quite sure what it is, but it's made up of potatoes, gravy and carrots. He's not wrong though, it's great.
"Only about thirty minutes. Oh! I don't think we said yet, Ches, tell them about what happened today." Parker says.
"Right! Okay, so it might not seem like a big deal, but I actually have friends now! Well, besides you two, they're my friends from work and we hung out today." I say.
"That sounds great, good for you!" Kaleb smiles.

We quickly finish up dinner and chat for a little bit longer. We play some games of charades, card games, and so on.

"You two still haven't unpacked from Hawaii yet?" Erik asks us as we're standing by the back door, him and Kaleb about to leave.
"Oh, no, not yet." I say, looking at the burgundy coloured suit case next to the closet. It reminds me of when us four went to Pennsylvania after graduation. That was probably one of the most fun times I ever had.
"That was like a month ago! C'mon, man!" Kaleb jokes.
"I know, I know, we just always keep forgetting about it." Parker shakes his head and sighs. "YouTube and stuff."
"Oh, right, how's that going?" Erik wonders.
"Pretty good, actually, we just hit two and a half million!" I announce.
"Congrats! That's amazing!" They both congratulate us.
"Well, we should probably head out, see you guys later! Thanks for inviting us!" Erik says.
"No problem, bye, guys!" Parker says and we wave goodbye to them.
"That was fun." He tells me.
"It was. Also, while we still remember it, let's empty the suit case." I smirk.
"That's right, so many things to do and so little time." Parker says and we unzip the suitcase. "This reminds me of Pennsylvania."
"I was just thinking that too. Good times."

"I think that's the last of it." Parker says as we finish up the last of the dishes.
"Took longer than I thought." I sigh.
"It did, thanks for the help, PIC." I see him smile.
"Welco- wait, PIC?" I ask.
"Yeah, remember that?"
"I-I do, I didn't know you did." I lightly blush.
"I didn't think you would, either. The first nickname we ever gave each other. Hey, want to go sit out on the balcony with some wine?" Parker raises his eyebrows.
"Sure." I say and grab some glasses, Parker grabs a bottle and my hand and leads me out to the porch. We decorated it before with string lights, plants and, since out balcony is wide enough, a comfortable couch with some cozy throw pillows.
We sit down, Parker draping a blanket over us, and I rest my head on his chest.
"This is really what it's all about, eh?" Parker whispers.
"It is." I take a sip of my wine as I feel the cool night breeze, with Parkers arm wrapped protectively around me, lightly blow at me.
The night sky is always so pretty. It really illuminates everything.
It especially illuminates something on my finger. My engagement ring. I can't believe in just eight months we're getting married. I guess he couldn't wait to propose.
And I can't wait either,
I can't wait to get married to the love of my life.
Everything right now is
Just Perfect.

You see what I did there at the end? Lol I just thought about it right there and was like "this is genius".
Thank you all so much for reading this! Comment below if you want maybe another Parker book? :)) 💖💖
Stan Parkster
Word count- 1049 words
Total word count- 26,319 words omg-

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