12) Fantasy

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Chesters POV

...We arrive back at my house and wave goodbye, I walk in. Today started off meh, then bad, then super bad, but ended..also meh.
I can't believe graduation is coming so soon.
And we'll be moving in together soon.
I can't wait.
Three months later...

These past three months have been hectic, graduation is tomorrow, and by tomorrow, I mean in about a couple hours since it's three in the morning. I can't fall asleep, I'm too excited to leave this school finally. We got our grades back though, Parker aced almost all of his classes, I got an A in art, even though I'm terrible at it, a B in algebra and english some how, and we don't speak of science.

I finally was able to fall asleep, and today, today was the day.
I leaped out of bed with excitement, even though as soon as I did so, I almost fell on the ground due to how tired I was.
I quickly got changed into clothes that didn't have stains and washed out colours on all of them, and headed downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Boy, you're up earlier than usual." My mum says as she pours her coffee into a mug.
"Yep! Graduation today." I say. I still haven't told her about Parker and I's plan to move in together, I think that she would've gotten suspicious that we were more than friends.

"Oh, that's right. I'll make it to your ceremony." Like she'll be able to, she's probably going to be too drunk to drive.
"I'd love to see you there." I say, not sure if I do want her there or not.

"Wouldn't bet on it!" She laughs. "See you later, kiddo." She pats me on the back and I grab my bag, my toast, my phone and head for the door.
I see Parker and immediately run up to him and hug him.
"Hey, dude. What's up?" He says.
"Graduation today!!" I say, excitedly.
"I know!! I can't wait to get out of this school already." He closes his locker.
"Me too. Since it's the last day, we probably won't be doing much."
We walk to the first class, art.
"Last time we'll ever be in here, eh?" Parker says as we sit at our table.
"Yeah. Ugh, then it's math next." I whine.
"Why are you complaining so much? We're probably going to do like, nothing." Parker tells me.
"You're right, but it's still math."

We all celebrated the last day in art by drawing something significant that happened to us this year. I decided to draw Parker and I that one time when we went to a cafe and art place for our first date. Or, at least I attempted to draw it, it kind of just looked like a dumpster fire, but that's fine.

"Hey, what're you drawing?" Parker whispers to me. I show him my drawing.
"I love it." He shows me what he drew, he drew me and him while we were filming our first life of luxury video. That was so long ago, I thought we'd drop it by now, but we're still doing it and actually making decent money, for YouTube at least.
Parker and I both did get part time jobs so that we'll have enough for an apartment.

Art seemed like it only lasted five minutes, but sadly, it ended, and math was next. Luckily, all classes were cut to only about half of the length of it, since it would take at least half the day for graduation.

I expected nothing from math, but as we all sat down, our teacher had news for us.
"Okay, I know you're all excited for graduation in a few hours," Our teacher, Mr.Nalg starts. "and I'm so sorry to have do this to you, but pop quiz time! Get out a pencil, calculator and divider!" Everyone in the class groaned. Why were we having a test on the last day of school?!

My anxiety through the test kept going up and down, it was what we did in units six, seven and eight. I actually knew some of it, but I was for sure not going to get a grade higher than like, sixty.
Welp, English next, the only class I don't have with Parker, and the most annoying class. Not the class itself, just the kids. I really feel bad for our teacher.

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