11) Knock Knock

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TW- Homophobia 🤡 and Swearing 🤬.

Parkers POV
..."Please don-"
Chester stands for a second, I hear him breathing heavily, then fall to the ground, sobbing.
"Oh my, are you okay, Ches?" I ask him worriedly.
"What happened, man?" Erik asks.
But no response,
just sobbing.
He's the one person I would never want to see cry, yet I did see.
Chesters POV

God, I hate myself.
I'm locked in Parkers bathroom, not by force, by choice; I locked myself in here.
I can't tell him what's wrong, or Erik, or Kaleb for that matter. They wouldn't believe me and just agree with them.

"Chester, open up, please." I hear Parker pleading from the other side of the door.
"No, leave me alone." I say, sniffling.
"Chester, c'mon, man." I hear Erik say.
"I said leave me alone!"
I can sense they're still standing there, then I hear their footsteps slowly walking away from the door.

I wish I could just tell them what was going on, but they'd never believe me, who would?
If my parents didn't believe I was getting bullied years ago, why would someone I've only know for three years believe me?
I know I'm not alone,
But sometimes it just feels like I am,
Even when there is so many people around.
I slowly get up off the ground. I look at myself in the mirror, wiping the tears off my face, and cautiously open the door.
I walk back the Parkers room and see that the door is closed, I take a deep breath in, then out, and knock on the door twice.
It's instantly opened by Parker, with Erik and Kaleb slightly behind him.
"Hey-" I start, but then am cut off my Parker hugging me tightly. Then, Erik and Kaleb joined in the hug.
It stopped after a few seconds and we went to sit in his room.
"Are you okay, Chester?" Kaleb was the first to ask anything.
I think about it for a minute, then sigh, I might as well tell them some of it.
"Um..well..this morning I got a text from Andy, and he sent this." I open my phone and show them what he said.
It was a photo of me and Chester kissing, and under it he wrote.
I'm going to spread this photo every where unless you do what I say. I'm not playing around, Chester, you better reply.
"Oh my, why would he do this?" Parker says, angrily.
"I-I don't know." I sigh.
"I'm going to call him from your phone and ask him what the hell he wants." Parker says.
He calls him and puts it on speakerphone.

Ughh, don't talk too loudly, I have a hangover;is the first thing we hear him say.
Immediately after he says that, Parker talks loudly directly into the microphone, and I laugh.

Hey, what was that for?

For being a douche, what's your problem?

Huh, what're you talking about?

You just sent Chester a photo of him and I..kissing..this morning with a threatening text, what's up with that?

Goddd..it's too early for this.

I don't care, what's wrong with you?

I'm just playing, I didn't know you two were gayyyyy.

Well..we are, why did you send that? Just tell us?

Dude, no one likes the gays;the gays? You're in big trouble if that photo gets around.

Okay, so just, don't spread the photo around then!

What if I do?

Why would you though?

Parker, Parker, Parker..you're so naive, when will you learn the hard truths about this world?


Okay, bye, I'll be sending this photo to everybody.


"Did he seriously just do that?" Erik asks.
"Yep." Parker replies. "What's up with him?"
He tries to call Andy again, but he doesn't answer, obviously.
"I know where he lives, we could just go to his house." Parker says.
"Okay." I say.

We get up, Erik, Kaleb and I stealing some of Parkers hoodies, since none of us brought a change of clothes to change from our suit, and headed over to Andys house.

"Okay, we're here, how do you suppose we do this?" Parker asks.
"I say we just bang on the door until he lets us in." Erik says.
"Alright, not too hard though, it's still early."
We walk up onto the front porch and knock on the door, not too hard, not too soft.
"Hello? Oh, Parker, Chester! Hello, Andy is in his room. I'll get him. " Andys mom answers the door, I don't know how somebody so sweet, such as his mom, could create such an evil, cold hearted being.
"Thanks, Mrs.Land." Parker says and a few minutes later Andy comes down the stairs and outside with us.
"What the hell, you guys came to my house? Ugh, seriously?" He steps closer to us and closes the door. "What do you guys wants?"
"We want to know why you're threatening us with that text you send Chester!" Parker demands.
"Hah, because it's funny. Gays are weird, everyone will laugh at you."
"But wh-" Andy cuts him off.
"We're not friends anymore, by the way. Not just you and me, also Erik, I didn't know you swung that way, HAH."
Suddenly, Parker shoved him on the ground.
"What the hell is your problem, you dick!?" Parker yells at him, then punches him. "I swear to god if you tell anyone that, I will end you. I know where you live, I know how weak you are." He kicks him once more, then signals us that we should go, so we run away, leaving him on the ground with at least a broken nose.

"Oh my, that was intense." I say as we walk back to Parkers house. "Thank you for defending my honor."
"Yeah, it wasn't just yours, though, all of ours, you, me, Erik and Kaleb. I swear if he gets that photo up I'm going to murder him." Parker tells us.
"Same, how did that guy turn so quickly?" Kaleb asks.
"I don't know, but I think he knew I was gay from the start, he always hated me." Erik says, slightly confused.
"What a piece of shit." Parker sighs.
"I know, right?"
We walk back in silence for a minute, we get home and chill for a little until Erik and Kaleb eventually get picked up. They're out to both of their parents I'm pretty sure, but I don't think my mum would accept me, she's been, kind of..toxic- I think that would be the right word to use- lately. Parkers parents probably would, they're super nice.

Parker walked me back to my house a couple minutes later.
"So, we're graduating soon." He says.
"Yeah, can't believe high school is almost over, it went by so fast." I respond.
"Yeah, it really did. Also, I was wondering." He stops walking for a minute and I look back at him. "Do you, want to, I dunno, maybe..move in with each other when we graduate?"
"Really? You'd want to move in with me, are you sure?" I ask.
"You make it sound like if I do you'll murder me." He laughs and continues walking. "There's a cheap apartment complex near me."
"Hm..yeah, sure. Let's do it."
"Really?" He stops again.
"I love you, Chester." He says as he looks deep into my eyes.
"I... I love you too, Parker." I look back at him and we kiss slowly on the lips.

We arrive back at my house and wave goodbye, I walk in. Today started off meh, then bad, then super bad, but ended..also meh.
I can't believe graduation is coming so soon.
And we'll be moving in together soon.
I can't wait.

Aaaaa sussy chapter, sorry it's not as long as my other chapters, but yeeyee, also happy Valentines Day, I made a Parker x Chester playlist down below btw:

Word count- 1325 words.

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