6) 사랑해요, Saranghae

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"Well, umm..so I recently discovered that I am...gay."
"Really? That's great, good for you!" I say to him happily.
"Thank you!"
"Yeah, and if I can be honest too, I think I might be gay as well." I tell him.
"Really? Nice, man!" We high five, "But, that's not all I wanted to say. Chester, I think...
I think, no,
I know,
I'm in love with you, Chester."
"I love you, Chester, ever since the day I met you, all of my other friends are jerks, but you, you're special, and I just really like you, love may be a little bit strong, but it shows how much I care about you."
I stood in silence for a little bit then finally responded.
"Well...I'm sorry, I don't think I like you back, in fact, I actually like Parker, I'm sorry."
"Oh..alright then...you could have a shot he is bi after all, anyways, I think I'm gonna go now, so...bye.."
Before I could ask questions or say bye, he was gone. I stood there for a little bit, trying to process what happened, then remembered Parker was still watching, so I quickly ran up around the corner to him.
"H-hey, dude, so basically Amerose hospitalized a girl in her old school, where Erik also use to go to, then he said she threatened him, it's a long story." I say, slightly out of breath from running.
"Oh my god, how is she not in prison? Well thanks for getting the information."
"No problem, wanna grab some lemonade with me?" I offer as we start walking.
"From Kallie's? Sure, love that place."
"Yeah, me too."
Parkers POV

"So, I know that we're dealing with Amerose right now, but, I was thinking of some video ideas for the channel since it's been a while since we uploaded last." I say and take a sip of my raspberry lemonade.
"What you got?" Chester asks me.
"First, buying creatures or people of the Dark web,"
"Creepy, nice."
"second, something along the lines of finding someone either in the woods or in something like a closet,"
"Relatab- I mean, cool, cool, cool."
"Or something is wrong with someones family member."
"Ooh, I like that one, maybe that one, but who would act in it?" Chester asks me then takes a bite of his lemon bar square.
"Maybe Erik? I feel like some of out other friends would make fun of us for our channel." I admit.
"O-oh, yeah, maybe..maybe Erik." He stutters.
"Something wrong?"
"Nope, it's nothing, still got my mind on, Amerose and her..evil doings."
"Oookay, weirdo." I laugh. When he mentioned her name, it got me thinking. I..I didn't actually break up with her, I know I said I would, but I was honestly scared to, I will do it, soon...
Later that Night

I wrote part of a script for out channel and it's not the best thing I've ever written, I can't get my mind off of Amerose and Chester, I think I'm gonna call him.




Hey, Ches

Hey, dude, what's up?

Nothing much, I wrote some of the script for our video but I can't think of anything else, I'm so boredddd

Same, I just finished my homework so that's something, oh! Also our last video got I think it was.. close to 100 thousand views!

Really? Yes! That's great!

I know right! Also, I know it's late, but wanna stay at my place? My parents are out of town for the next couple of days, and I need to tell you something in person

I'll ask my mum, I'll get back to you later, see ya


*Call Ended*

"Heyy, guess who can stay over as long as they will study for their upcoming test next Tuesday!" I say as Chester opens his front door.
"I assume you? Nice! Come in." He says and I walk in, we walk to his room and start talking about our new video idea.
"Okay, so, obviously there's gonna be me and you in it, one of our friends who won't be a pain to work with, Erik?" I say.
"Y-yeah, maybe.." He says quietly.
"Is something wrong? We can get someone else."
"No, it's nothing, uhm..I'll tell you later."
"Okay, the second next least annoying person would be Cail." I suggest.
"Kale? The food?" Chester laughs, "I don't think I've met him before."
"No, he moved schools but he still lives pretty close, I could ask him tomorrow?"
"Sure. Anyways, do you need help studying for your test Tuesday?" Chester offers.
"Oh, yeah ok, thanks, it's for English. Something about Renaissance."
"Oh, I don't know anything about that, sorry."
"Yeah, it's fine, it's only worth like five percent of my grade, if I fail it can't be that bad."
"Good luck," Chesters says to me, "oh, also, remember that thing that I said I had to tell you before?"
"So, it's two things, first..uhh...so earlier today while I was talking to Erik, he told me the information, but also, he said...he said he liked me, like like." Chester said, breaking eye contact with me.
"Oh. What did you say after?"
"I-uh, just said I wasn't interested..which brings me to my next point, heh." He nervously chuckles,

"Parker, I...I'm gay."

really? Cool."


"That's okay, thanks for telling me." I smiled.
He smiled widely and blushed.
"Thanks." He says.
"For what?"
"I dunno, just..thanks."
We both smiled.

HAHA BIG PLOT TWIST, sorry this was shorter than usual, I was studying for a while and I'm tired aaaaaa, ok byeyeyrhryyr, get ready for the next chapters muahahahaha.


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