4) In Your Time

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Chesters POV

Hey Chester, I just HAD to tell someone this!

oh yeah, what is it?

I'm going out with Amerose

Really? Nice, happy for you, man.

What's wrong?


Whenever you're sad or upset you use like, proper grammar while typing.

No I don't.

Alright, if you say so, anyways, bye.

Well, at least he's happy.

Parkers POV

Best. Day. Ever! I'm going on a date with my good friend, Amerose tonight! I lied to my parents and told them I'll be hanging out with friends at six thirty, but I'm just going to see Amerose.
Something that I've been seeing in Chester recently is that he acts weird around Amerose, I would think that he doesn't like her, but he's said that he does, a lot, almost...too much...Oh well, no time to think about that, I gotta get ready for my date!
Alright, all ready. I head out of my house and walk down the street, we were going to meet outside the cafe we were meeting at, nothing too fancy. Suddenly, I got a call from Chester.

Hey, Chester, what's up?

Nothing, just wanted to see how your date's going.

Are you stalking me right now? Hah, I'm just walking to the place right now, why?

Oh, I dunno, I'm bored, there's nothing to do, well, besides biology homework, but it's too hard, can you help me with it?

Chester, I can't, I'm a block away from Little Bakers, I gotta go soon.

Oh, Little Bakers? Yeah, they're good, well, have fun on your date, see ya.

'Kay, see y-

Anddd, he hung up.

We chose Little Bakers because they have the world's best pastries, imagine the best thing you've ever tasted, and times it by a million, that's this place. And I think I see Ame right next to the shop!

"Hey, Park!" She greets me happily and we hug.
"Hey, Ame, you look great!" I blushed, she was wearing a mint green sweater, navy blue jeans, black boots and had her hair in a half down bun, with rose gold earrings.
I wasn't wearing anything exciting, just some black jeans, blue shirt, and a denim jacket.
"Thanks! So do you, should we go inside now?"

Immediately as we walked in, freshly baked bread filled the air, followed by muffins that I feel as if I could already taste.
We went to get our food, then sat at a table. I got a blueberry filled scone and a latte, while Amerose got a blueberry muffin with an ice tea.
"So, how you adjusting to the new school?" I ask her in between bites of scone.
"It's good, did you get your mid grades yet?" She asked me, "I got an A in gym, physics and algebra, then a B- in careers, you know, it really sounds easy, but I'm sixteen and still don't know what path to go down career wise."
"Three A's, nice work. I have an A in gym and algebra, and a B in drama and biology."
"Nice, double A's and B's!" She joked.
"Hah!" I laughed.
"I'll be right back, I'm gonna use the restroom." Amerose got up from the table.

Chesters POV

Now it might not seem like the morally right thing to do...
I just have to see what happens on this date.
I heard Parker say that he and Amerose were going to Little Bakers for their date, so I may or may not have snuck past them and sat at a nearby table to hear their conversations. Uh oh, I see Amerose coming towards me, oh, she's just going to use the washroom, good.

"Go away, you will never be his." I heard her whisper to my ear, then continue to walk to the washroom.
What does she mean?
How does she know? Sure I like Parker, but I don't like like him.
I think.
I'm in love with him.

Parkers POV

"Back, I swear if you touched my muffin I will end you." Amerose laughed as she sat back down.
"Haha, I didn't, totally, don't flip it over."
I said, quickly.
"Alright." She took another swig of her drink, "Dang, their food and drinks are good, but over priced."
"I know, right? Like I get they're a small business, but seriously? Four dollars for a dinky little scone? Even if it tastes like heaven?" I say.
"Hey, you still got it though."
"Yeah, it's just sooo good though!" I admitted and took another bite of it.
"Well, goodnight, Parker." Amerose said as we stood on her doorstep.
"Goodnight, Amerose, I had a fun time. Thank you for, uh, asking me out, hah." I say awkwardly.
"Yeah, thanks for accepting it." She chuckled.
We said our goodbyes, but as I was about to start walking down the stairs, she pulled my arm and pulled me into a kiss, I was too shocked to do anything, I didn't kiss back, I just stared at her closed eyes in shock.
"Good night, Parker." She said then went inside.
I stood there for a few more seconds then got off her porch and started walking home, I had to tell somebody about what happened, so I called up Chester.
"Hello?" He picked up.
"Hey, Chester, it's Parker, so, I gotta tell someone about this, but.."
"As I was about to say bye to Amerose, she kissed me."
The line went silent.
"what..?" I heard Chester say shakily.
"What? Are you good, Ches?"
"Y-yeah, I'm fine, I need to tell you something, I'll tell you tomorrow after school."
"Why can't you just te-"
He hung up on me.

The next day, after school (time skip ik, I'm sorry lol)

"What did you want to tell me, Chester?" I asked him as we left the school.
"Well, okay, don't be mad, but-"
"When you say "don't be mad", I know I'm going to get mad, what is it?" I interrupted him.
"Uhm, well, I kind of followed you to the cafe when you went on your date with Amerose and she told me to go away and that I'll "never be yours" or whatever that means," he chuckles lightly, "and then she slipped me this piece of paper."

"What?" I said angrily, "You followed me and dug into my personal life?"
"C-can you just read the paper, pl-"
"No, why did you follow me?!" I almost yelled at him.
"I..wanted to make sure that...i-i don't know, that she didn't hurt you or something like that, I'm sorry, but would you just look at the paper, please?" He said nervously.
"Fine!" I took the paper out of his hands and read it aloud.

"The fittnes gram passer test is a-"

"Ok, what the hell is this?" I deadpanned to Chester.
"Huh? Oh yeah, that's the back, I don't know why it says that, flip it over."
I sigh and flip it over.

"I'm going to find you, you and your stupid little brain and channel are going to rot, r-o-t, rot." Seems fake,
"I will break you, and your friends stupid heart, in a few weeks, he will be nothing."

"What?" Was all I said.
"I don't know either, you gotta trust me man, didn't you see her walking towards me?" Chester tries to convince me.
"No? Why would she allegedly say this?" I question him.
"I dunno, she's bad news man, I mean how much do you really now about her? She's bad news, we gotta confront her."
"I know she likes muffins."
"Not that, please can we confront her?" Chester begs.
I think about it for a moment, would she really write that? It doesn't seem like her, do I believe Chester? I've known him for a couple of years now, but I've only known Amerose for a couple of weeks, oh god.
"Tomorrow at lunch, I'll talk to her, bye." I tell him and walk away.
"Thank you, bye." He smiles.
I never noticed until now,
How cute his smile is.

Peepeepoopoo I'm sorry my humor is literally a five year old, anyways new chapter yay!!! I have so many things planned out for this book already.
Word count- 1377 words.

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