13) AYA

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TW- Slight abuse (just at the beginning of Chesters POV)
Chesters POV and slight swearing.

..."Do you want me to help you tell her?"
"No no, it's alright. I'll get to it eventually."
"Okay, well, see you in a week, Ches."
"Bye, babe." We hug goodbye and I walk inside.
Then it hit me.
I'm actually going to be moving in with him.
I always just thought of it as a fantasy,
even when we weren't dating, I always thought about it.
I love him
Parkers POV

This is the most exciting week of my life, I just graduated high school, I have great friends, and I'm moving in with my boyfriend. Huh, boyfriend, it still feels weird to say that word.
I get home and my parents were already waiting for me. They bought me a cake and some other gifts.
We sat and chatted for a little while, future plans, where we'd go out to eat tonight, and of course, Chester and I moving in with each other.
"So, you and Chester are moving in together?" My mum asks. I'm not quite sure if she knows I'm out yet, so I don't think she's knows that Chester and I are dating. The only family member that knows I'm out is my older sister, Kelsey.
"Yep! It's only a couple blocks away from here incase you ever want to visit." I say.
"How lovely!" My mum responds.
"When do you leave?" My dad asks in a jokingly manner.
"Can't wait for me to leave, eh? Hah, next Monday."
"Only a couple more days of you being here, aww." My mum hugs me.

I eventually go up to my room and start to pack a few things up. I'm going to start to pack some of my room decor and things like pillows and blankets.
I take out a suitcase and start to take some items off my wall. A couple posters, stuff off of shelves, a couple fake plants. Then, I hear my phone buzz, and a text appears on my screen.

Ha, now everybody knows! I will make your life hell

The text read out.
And it was sent by...
Oh no,
Not her,


What the hell? How did she get my number? I thought I blocked her!
As soon as I turned on my phone, I blocked her number. I immediately called Chester.

Ring ring ring
Ring ring ring
Ring ring ring
Hey, it's Chester, I cannot answer the phone right now, please leave your message after the beep.

Oh my god.

"Hey, Chester, call me back as soon as you can, I- just, call back, it's important."

Well, I have to tell somebody about this, so I decided to call Erik.

Ring ring ring
Ring ring ring
Ring ri-


"Oh, yes, okay, listen, remember Amerose?"

"That witch? Uh, yeah, I do."

"She just texted me saying that she's going to make my life hell, but I swear I blocked her number!"

"What? Can't this girl just leave us alone?"

"I know, right? Anyways, school is over so we probably won't ever see her again, and I'm only telling you this since I can't get to Chester. He usually always answers his phone."

"Oh, yeah. I tried calling him before as well, but he didn't answer."

"Huh, he must just be busy. Well, I'll see you later, bye, Erik."

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