14) Can be Better

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TW- E*ting D*sorder mentions of ab*se and mentions of s*icide.
Parkers POV
..."Hey, babe, I'm going to use the bathroom real quick. I get to be the first to test it out." He jokes.
"Hah, okay." I say as I watch him walk to the bathroom.
Then, I heard strange noises, I don't think it was from the TV, I think it was coming from the bathroom...
I went to go knock on the door to ask Chester if he was okay, but then was taken aback by what sounded like...throwing up?
"Uhh, Chester? Are you..okay?" I ask, my voice shaky.
I hear him cough a couple times then answer. "Yep, I'm good."
He comes out of the bathroom a few minutes later.
"Did you just throw up?" I ask him.
"What? O-oh, no I didn't, the, uh, toilet flushed weird." He told me.
"You sure?"
"Positive, yep."
He smiles at me and begins to walk away.
"Chester, I know what you've been doing." I state and see him stop walking, then turn around and look at me, his face turning pale.
"W-what?" He almost whispers.
"You don't eat as much anymore, you always "forgot" to bring your lunch to school, weird noises from the bathroom, and you always complain to me how cold and tired you are." I explain.
"Seriously, bro, I'm fine. Promise." He tries to convince me and starts to walk away again, but I grab his arm and feel how skinny it is. I stop for a second. He never use to be this skinny, how have I not noticed? He does wear hoodies all the time.
"Do you have an eating disorder?"
"I..." Was all Chester could say. I see tears start to fall down his face, I was also starting to feel teary-eyed.
He drops to the ground and starts to sob uncontrollably.
All I could do was sit down next to him and try to calm him down.
"Ches, buddy, it'll be okay. Calm down." I say in a soothing voice.
"No, it..it won't." He says through tears.
"Yes it will, tell me what happened."
It takes him a few minutes to calm down, but then he finally explains to me what happened.

"W-well," he begins. "some guys in our high school put notes in my locker telling me to...
They would sometimes take my lunch and throw it out, I would see them do it. They would punch me..over..and over. In the bathroom after school. Parker, I never had to stay late."

I just stared at him, in disbelief.
What did he ever do? Was the only question in my mind, so I asked it.
"What did you ever do?"
"I don't know!" He starts to cry again, and for the next few minutes, we just sit there, still on the floor, hugging and crying.
It's about two or three hours later now, Chesters been in his room for all of that time, I could hear him silently sobbing to himself and felt angry at myself for not comforting him when he did.
I decided not to tell anyone what happened to Chester, it wasn't anyone else's business, not even Erik or Kalebs.
Also, when I grabbed Chesters arm, it didn't just feel skinny, it felt..bruised? I don't know exactly what it felt like, but it felt like it had bruises.
I decided that I should go and check on Chester, just to make sure he's alright.

"Chester? C-can I come in?" I stutter and knock on his door.
No response.
"Chester?" I ask again.
I finally hear footsteps coming closer to the door, then Chester opens it.
"..yeah?" He almost whispers. He looks so tired and pale.
"Are you okay? You've been in there for a while now." I ask.
"I'm..not okay. But I don't want to talk about it." He mutters.
"Chester, we have to talk about it at some point. Can we just quickly talk about it now? Please?"
He thinks over it for a second.
"Fine." I walk into his room and we sit on his bed.
"So, um.." I started. "When did the whole 'you not eating' thing start?" I nervously ask.
"I don't know..I just stopped eating as much." He says, shyly.
"Alright, did your mom know? Did anyone know?"
"No, no one knew, until you found out." I could see he was about to start crying again, so I put my arm around his shoulder and held his hand.
"You'll get through this, I promise." I tell him, which only makes him cry harder.
We sit still like that for a couple of moments.
"I could uh, try to hook you up with..my therapist, if you'd like." I mutter.
"You go to therapy?" He tilts his head at me and asks.
"Y-yeah. Just anxiety and stuff like that, no big deal." I say. "If you'd like, it could just be me, you, the therapist, and your mom talking in the room, if that would make you feel more comf-"
"No! I-I mean, uhm..that, uh, I..." He says and couldn't finish his sentence.
"Oh, do you not want to? It fine I'm not pressuring you into it." I say.
"No, it's not that, it's just.." He sighs. "Okay, when I tell you this, you can never tell a single soul. Ever. Got it?"
"Yeah, I got it."
"Okay, so..my mum, you know how she drinks sometimes." He starts.
"Yeah, you tell me she does that a lot." I tell him.
"Mhm, well, sometimes when she does that, she gets really drunk and..she..hits me.." His voice gets quieter. "Hard.."
I knew she drank, but I never knew she got physical when she did.
"Oh my god, where? When?" I frantically ask him.
"It's only physical sometimes, it's not even that bad."
"When was the last time she hit you?"
"Chester. When was the last time she hit you?" I enunciated that word.
"Uhm..I think, a couple months ago?" He rubs his neck and I can tell he's lying.
"Chester, you're lying, I know it." I tell him.
"And why do you care?" I felt taken aback, why would he think I wouldn't care?
"Because I love you, man! Of course I'd care. Just please, tell me the truth." I beg.
"Fine. Well, you remember a little while ago when the door bell rang and I said it was someone who was confused." He starts.
"Yeah." I reply.
"Well, it wasn't, it...was my mum. She yelled at me for 'leaving her', and she grabbed my arm really hard and I think left a bruise." His head sinks down.
But, just, why would she do this?
Why have a kid just to abuse them?
"How often does she hit you?" I ask quietly.
"A couple times a month, I'd say." He mumbles.
"Chester," I begin, "I'm so sorry."
"What's there to be sorry for?" He asks. "It's not your fault, it's probably mine anyways, I probably did something wrong. But, m-moving on, I just want to know one thing."
"How did you know I have an eating disorder?"
"Well." I say. "You remember my sister, Makayla?"
"Yeah, I do."
"I never told you this, but she use to have an ed, and when she finally told us, she told us about the symptoms of it, what it felt like, etc. So, I just knew when I saw you that something was up."
"You have a sharp eye." He tells me and I chuckle, lightly.
"Yeah, I suppose so."
Chesters POV

"Uh, Chester. Chester!" I hear Parker calling me from the living room. I tiredly get up and walk to where he is. I barley got any sleep last night, I was just glad that Parker was by my side.
"Yeah, babe?" I ask. He points to the tv, it's on the news channel.

"Breaking discovery." A lady on the news says. "A student at Hanlitin Heights Secondary has been arrested and charged with multiple counts of assault, going by the name of Amerose Linn. Back to you, Tom."

I stare at the television in disbelief. Did she say 'Amerose'? The Amerose.
"W-what?" I manage to stutter out.
"I know, they finally caught up to her." Parker sighs. "She had it coming, I guess."
I look at him. "Why are you not more shocked about this? I mean, you dated her for weeks, and she also beat you up. You're not going to make any more comments?"
"I dunno what else to say, really." He says and changes the channel.

"Alright.." I begin to walk back to my room.
"Have you ate breakfast yet?" Parker calls to me.
"Uh, no." I say.
"Wait here, I'll make you some."
I sigh. I want to eat, but at the same time, I don't.

"Okay, here, take your time eating." Parker slides a plate in front of me as I sit at the island. He made me toast, scrambled eggs and a cup of green tea.
"Thank you." I whisper and take a deep breath in.
"Of course, I'll be in my room." He says.

I stare at the food for a little bit.
My 'fear food', as they call it, has mostly been foods that are high in calories, have lots of fat or sodium in them. I think if I eat this I'll feel fine, but I'm still too scared to.
Finally, after what feels like forever, I take a bite of the scrambled eggs, I feel..nothing. I feel fine.

'Don't purge. Don't purge. Don't purge. Just eat it, you'll be fine.' Repeats in my head over and over again.
I take a bite of the toast, then eat some more eggs, drink some of the tea. And before I know it, I'm done.
I stare at the plate, my mind blank, and so is the plate. I did it, I ate a full meal.

"Hey, Chester, did you eat anything yet?" I hear Parker say as he walks in.
"Wow! You ate everything on your plate, good job, Ches!" He pulls me into a hug.
"Hah, thanks." I say and hug him back.
"I'm so proud of you." I hear him whisper.
"You're...proud of me?" I ask.
"Yes, I am, Chester. I am so proud of you, and I love you." He repeats.
I look at him, then kiss him.
The kiss lasts for a few seconds, I feel wrap his arms around my waist.
"I love you, Parker."
"I love you too."
Parkers POV

It's been about a week since Chester and I moved in, and I figured we start up Life of Luxury again. It's been I think about two months since our last video, and we're slowly growing, we just hit 100k a while ago as well!
I walk to Chesters room and knock on the door.
"Chester, can I come in?" I ask.
I hear a muffled 'Yeah', and walk in.
"So, I was wondering if you'd want to film a new Life of Luxury video today? We could do like a room tour of something." I say.
"Sure." He says and we walk to the living room and get the camera.
"What's up, Lux Army?" I begin. "Today, Chester and I got a new video for you!" Chester turns the camera around, revealing himself.

We start the apartment tour off in the living room, then make our way around the kitchen, then our rooms, a small room that we use as an office, and our rooms.

We say our goodbyes to the viewers as we finish filming, then shut off the camera.
"I'll edit that later." I mumble.
"You want me to help?" Chester offers.
I shake my head no, then wrap my arms around him and just stand there, hugging him. He hugs me back and I smile.
I still can't believe we moved in together, it doesn't seem real somehow.
We eventually break away from our hug and I check the time on my phone. '10:45pm', it read. I better get to sleep, I gotta get my sleep schedule back to normal, instead of going to bed at 3am every night.
"Hey, Ches. Wanna cuddle with me in my room tonight?" I ask him, sheepishly.
"Sure, babe."
We walk back to my room, I shut off the lights and we get into bed.
"So," Chester starts as he gets comfortable, his head laying on my chest, as I intertwine our fingers, "it's been a crazy week."
"Yeah, time flies by fast, eh?" I say.
"It really does. It feels like I'm still in school." Chester replies.
"It does."
We lie in silence for a little bit, when I realize that Chester has fallen asleep, I look down at him in awe.
I can't believe that right now, right in this moment, I'm in bed with my boyfriend whom I love so much. The most innocent man on the planet.
Nothing could be better than this.

Wowzaz what, epic BIG EPIC chapter what am I saying, sorry lmao. Anyways, this is technically the last chapter, but there is still an epilogue after this which I'm excited to write.
Word count- 2225 words.

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