10) Dun Dun Dance

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"Yes, Chester, I'm 110% sure that this is the best date I've ever been on, and will ever be on. I love being with you here, just the two of us."
"Awww, thanks babe." I smile and kiss him on the cheek as I start to slowly drift off to sleep.
"You know we have finals Monday, right?" Parker says.
"Don't remind me.." I groan.
Parkers POV
I woke up at eight this morning. I usually wake up around that time without an alarm, but that's on days off, I have to wake up at least an hour earlier.
Oh no.
"Oh, crap!" I whisper-yell, "Hey, Chester, wake up!" I look over to Chester, expecting to see him next to me, but instead he was on my chest. I don't know how I missed him.
"Hey, Chester." I gently shook him and he woke up, yawning. "We gotta get ready for school, it's eight."
"Huh? Eight, ughhh, why didn't you wake me earlier?" He groaned.
"I just woke up too, cmon."
We sat up from my bed, yawned and rubbed our eyes, then actually stood up. I went to my closet to get some clothes.
"Here, you can borrow some of my clothes." I hand Chester a dark grey sweater and some black jeans.
"Oh, thanks." He says as I see him walk to the bathroom.

I change into some black sweatpants and a white v-neck, I throw a dark brown hoodie over all of it.
I head down the stairs and see Chester, he made us both toast and we quickly ran out the door.
"Jeez, already 8:15, I hope we're not late, you know how strict Mr.Nalg is about being late." Chester says.
"Ugh, we have him first block? I'm too tired for math." I whine.

We finally arrive at school, just before the bell rings and speed walk through the school to get to our class.

"Alright, class, as you know the prom is tomorrow, so instead of having the test tomorrow, we'll have it next Tuesday so you can all get a chance to study." Our teacher, Mr.Nalg, says. A small cheer can be heard from some students as Chester and I look across the room at each other and do an air fist bump.
We got moved from each other because we talked to much.
Math went as expected, new subject, 4.9, almost on the fifth unit, home work, being confused and too scared to ask; the usual.
At least we have art next, which is always good.

"What are you gonna wear to prom?" I ask Chester as us and the rest of the class practice drawing people.
"Eh, I don't know, I'll try to find maybe like a tux or something." He says.
"I got some if you need to borrow one."
"Why do you own so many tuxedos?" He asks me, confused.
"My grandpa passed them onto my dad, which then got passed down to me."
"Oh, okay. How does this look?" He shows me his drawing.
"Nice, I like the shading on their face."
"Thanks." He blushes.
"Sooo," Chester begins as we sit at a table outside to eat our lunch, "who are you asking to prom?"
"Hmmm, I wonder..."
He slightly laughs.
"Oh my god, don't even joke about that, dude." He shakes his head lightly.
"Yeah, just kidding. Obviously I'm going with you, if you want to."
"Yeah, sure. You think your friends will be there too? Did you, uh, tell then about us..dating?"
"I think they asked if we all should go as a big group, if you want to I'm fine with it."
"Oh, uhh..sure, they might get suspicious if we turn it down, might as well. It's not like we have to hang out with them the whole time." Chester says.
"Right. And also, I didn't tell them we were dating. You know, we just started dating and I don't know how they'd react and stuff." I take a bite of my sandwich.
"True, true."
It was finally time to go home, I surprisingly don't have any homework, but my parents are back from their trip, and so are Chesters'.
My best friend.
And I'm dating him.
I must be the luckiest person in the world.

I know we've only been dating for a couple days now, I don't even think it's been a week, but he's gotta be the right one for me. We have so much in common, have the same sense of humor, hang around the same people.
Well, Chester kind of just follows me the whole time we're hanging out with my friends, I'm kind of thinking of dropping them, they're a bad influence on him.
I'm so deep in thought about Chester that I don't even realize he's calling me right now.
I grab my phone and pick up.

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