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Names, Names, Names

"Yeah, Beth is her name.. but, man, I've seen probably a dozen guys try her.. and it never ends well for them" The bartender told Liam as he made him a drink

"Yeah? She's hard to get ahold of.." Liam replies as he sorts through his wallet for the right amount to give to the bartender

"Well, good luck.. Seems like she likes you more than she liked the other dozen" He said as he set the finished Jack and Coke on the bar. 

Liam passed him some money then took his drink and walked over to where Zayn was sitting on a curved couch, a girl next to him all cuddled up to his side.

"Hey, Z! Seen her?" Liam asked as he sat a bit away from him, also on the couch

"Middle of the floor, as usual.. Get a name?" Zayn said as he wrapped his arm around the short blue haired girl sitting almost in his lap.

"Beth" Liam replied simply as he looked out at the dancefloor..

He seen her almost immediately.. She's wearing a yellow, tight a the top but flower from the waist to the bottom that was at her thighs, gorgeous dress and yellow heels to match. Her hair is in spiral curls and there's even dye in it now, highlights to be specific.

"She's so beautiful" Liam mumbled as he sipped his drink and watched her.. then she turned, and they locked eyed.

She raised her eyebrows at him and smirked and he nodded and held his drink up a little, signaling a sort of wave.

She smiled wide. 

She guessed that he had learned her name.. and honestly, she was surprised..

When the song ends, she walks off the dance floor, her red haired friend linked arms with her and they both walked towards Liam, Zayn, and the blue haired girl kissing Zayn's neck..

When she was close enough, Liam smiled and said "Beth.. Looked good out there" as he motioned to the dance floor. She bit her lip and said a simple "Thanks, Liam"

He was shocked, she knew his name. but he didn't let it show as he motioned to the red head.

"She's here with you every night.. yet I never see her leave with you. What's your name?" He asks

"Vanessa." She replies as she looks around, like she's searching for someone.. then she gasps and tells Beth "He's here.. I'm going! Love ya"

Beth watches her friend run towards the bar then she turns to Liam, Zayn, and what looks to be Zayn's hookup for tonight.

"You cared enough to learn my name.. Care for another dance?" 

He bit his lip, downed his drink, and stood 

Bitter Sweet ~Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now