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Messy, messy, messy

The next morning, Zayn was taken away to the X ray room and Liam was left by himself to scroll through his social media once more as he was still curled up in the chair he had slept in. He found her account again, somehow being drawn to it without even meaning to be, and he could've cried right then when he saw her newest post.

*Waking up with him in the mornings after such an amazing night.. Thanks, A. xx*


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Niall rolled over in the unfamiliar bed and groaned at the pounding in his head. He reached around the bed next to him, looking for Harry's body, and when his hand placed on a stomach he smiled. He rolled and curled up against the body next to him. He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the shirt, and he realized that he was not laying with his boyfriend. That was not Harry's smell. Although, it was a nice smell, It wasn't Harry.

His eyes shot open immediately and his eyes trailed up the body until he seen the boy's face.

It was no one he recognized. They were handsome. His hair was a mess but it was obviously in a quiff across his forehead. There was a faint stubble across his cheeks and chin. His eyelashes were long and brushed his cheekbones when his eyes moved a little in his sleep.

He's gorgeous.. but he's not Harry.

Quickly, Niall went to get up.. but the sleeping boy wrapped his arms around Niall and hugged him close.

The awake boy noticed the tattoos on his arms. A little stick figure skateboarding. A paper airplane. The word 'oops'. A big compass below all that plus more..

Definitely not his boyfriend.

He moved the boy's arms away and got out of the bed.. and he was only wearing boxers. He quickly pulled the front away from his body and looked down at his dick. It didn't look like he'd had sex the night before. And his backside didn't ache so he certainly wasn't the bottom.

He looked around the floor and found his jeans and shirt and shoes and socks and quickly dressed himself. Then he looked around the night stand, dressed, and floor for any trace of condoms.. and.. Nothing.

The boy in the bed, who was still asleep, was wearing a shirt and.. well, Niall had to pull the blanket back a little to check if he was wearing pants, and he was wearing basketball shorts.

Niall was the one undressed. 

But why?

And where the fuck is his boyfriend!? And what happened last night?!

He hurried out of the room, after grabbing his phone from the nightstand, and almost laughed when he got in the hallway. A guy was sitting in the hallway, asleep, with penises drawn all over his face in black marker.

He walked past and opened the first door he saw. A bathroom. Empty. The next, a bedroom. Three people were in it but all three were passed out (or sleeping) half dressed girls. The next and the last before the staircase, a bedroom. He opened it and found Gemma laying on top of the guy she was dancing with last night, both undressed completely but covered by a sheet.

If Gemma is here, Harry must be here Niall thought

The hospital door was pushed open and Harry came running through it. Liam almost fell out of the chair and looked at Harry like he was insane.

"What the hell, Man?!" Liam shouted, scared and confused

"I-I lost Niall! We drank, like, a lot last night and I don't remember a single thing and I woke up in the alley by the bar and NIALL IS GONE" Harry's voice was rushed, panicked, and wavering.

"Woah woah! Harry, calm down mate" Liam stands and shoved his phone in his pocket. 

"What's going on? Take deep breaths." He grabs Harry's hands and Harry breathes for a second then says "Gem and Ni and I all went to a club. A-and Gemma went home with a boy. And.. I guess at some point Niall and I got split up because we'd had way too much to drink. I woke up in the a-alley by the bar.. and I searched all around the bar and alley and parking lot for him but he wasn't there." He says slowly

"okay.. good.. Did you try calling him?" Liam is obviously very worried and scared for his friend but he needs to stay calm to stay rational.

"N-No. My phone is gone. Lost. Couldn't find it." Harry mumbles, almost ashamed.

"well, let me call him then." Liam nods and lets go of Harry and gets his phone out, quickly going to Niall's contact.

After four rings it went to voice mail.

"Shit" Liam mumbled as he took his phone down from his ear and ended the call.

Bitter Sweet ~Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now