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Loss, Loss, Loss

"Ugh, she's just getting on my nerves.. with all the whining and complaining and.. fuck, I don't know.." Liam runs his hands down his face and Zayn shakes his head

"I get it, mate.. Cassidy and I are having a falling out.." the black haired boy admits

"What?! But you two-" Liam started but stopped speaking immediately when he and Zayn both heard the front door

"Cass? Is that you?" Zayn asks, shouting a little so she could hear him.

"Yeah, it's me.. Who's car is that?" She yelled back and they heard her setting her bag down

"Liam's! He's here!" Zayn replied then Liam shouted "HI" 

"Hey, Liam" her response was dry and she sounded tired.. then she came walking around the corner and entered the sitting room.

"Li, you look stressed.." She says as she sits on the sofa, one space from Liam

"Uh, no..  a bit tired, but I'm good" he lies, honestly worried she'd tell Beth if he said the truth

"Yeah, Liam's having a bit of trouble sleeping.. He just came to talk and relax." Zayn says as he nods to Liam then glances over at Cassidy

"Hmm.. sorry about that, Liam.." She sounds kind of careless

Liam just nods then stands and says "I've actually gotta be, uh, going now.. Thanks for talking with me, Z.. and nice seeing you again, Cassidy"

Zayn waves and says "bye, brother" and Liam nods and Cassidy says a simple "bye, mate" and he just gives her a small smile before leaving..

In his car, he sees his phone waiting, and ringing, while it sits in his passenger seat..

he picks it up and answers, without checking the title

"Hello?" He answers dryly

"Hey, this is Beth.. I was.. uh.. wondering.. would you come home?" She asks nervously

"I was on my way anyways.. is something wrong?"

"no.. kind of.. lets talk about it when I come back" Liam says as he turns the key to his car and starts the car engine.

"Right.. see you when you get home." She says just before hanging up..

Bitter Sweet ~Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now