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Mess, Mess, Mess

The next day, Liam and Beth were walking up to the front door of Vanessa's house so they could get everything Beth needed and move it into Liam's house..

They knocked and when no one answered, Beth said "it's still half my house.. so let's just go in" 

Liam shrugged and they opened the door.. Inside was completely trashed.. 

It smelled like weed and sweat and sex and there was beer cans, beer bottles, and empty red solo cups everywhere. Beth gasped as they walked into the living room and found several sleeping, half naked people on the couch.

The TV was broke and there was paint or.. something colorful on the wall..

They went to the kitchen and found a multiple used condoms on the counter, lots more cups and beer cans, and they found clothes on the floor and the fridge door was open..

In the hall, there was a bunch of balloons

Beth opened her bedroom door and found it to be untouched, to her surprise. 

"You stay here and grab some stuff like clothes and perfume, okay? I'm gonna look for V." beth said as she left Liam in her old bedroom..

She walked further up the hall and heard vomiting in the bathroom. She shoved the door open and found a naked guy puking in the toilet. He didn't even notice her.

She shut the door and shuddered then walked over to the closed door that lead to Vanessa's bedroom..

She knocked and no one answered so she opened the door..

and in the bed lay Vanessa and two others. Two guys.

All naked.

Vanessa's hair was a mess and her body was covered by a sheet. On guy was cuddled up to her side and the other was laying face up a bit away from the two..

In the floor, there were condom packages and clothes..

She shut the door quietly and went back to the bathroom.

This time, she knocked, and the guy on the other side said "Come in"

she opened it and cringed at the smell of puke.. The dude flushed the toilet and said "sorry.. hey, were you at the party last night? I didn't see you"

She looked away from him and said "Can you cover yourself?! Jesus.. No I was not at the party.. I'm moving out.. I just came from my stuff."

He giggled and said "I can make you come, baby"

"Ew! You're disgusting!" She said as she grabbed some of her stuff off the counter and ran to her bedroom.

When Liam and Beth had all her stuff that she actually wanted, they walked out carrying a couple boxes each and a bag and Vanessa happened to walk out of her room at the exact same time. She was wearing a sweater and shorts and was trying to comb her hair with her fingers.. but she froze when her eyes landed on the two..

"Oh.. uhm.." She didn't even know what to say

"You don't have to say anything, Vanessa.. We just came for my things and whatever is left in the bedroom, you can sell or throw away." Beth said

Vanessa just nodded.

Beth walked out and Liam glanced back at the red headed girl..

Tears streamed down her face and she ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind her..

Bitter Sweet ~Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now