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Realization, Realization, Realization 

"Ya know, Cass, I wish I'd of known you were coming.. I would've worn something a big nicer.." He said as he motioned to his Rolling Stones t and black jeans..

" He said as he motioned to his Rolling Stones t and black jeans

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She giggled and gently tugged on the bottom of his shirt. "I think you look really good tonight, Z.." She spoke kinda quietly

Suddenly, he felt something.. something he'd never really felt before.. but it felt way too familiar..

He had felt this before.. He just pretended he hadn't.

He felt love for his best friend.. 

Yeah.. the girl he 'dated' in high school to make his ex mad.. But the whole truth of it is that he actually always had feelings for Cassidy..

When he dated her in high school, when he kissed her in front of everyone..

He loved her

He always had..

but he's talking to Vanessa again....

and he just realized he's been practically avoiding Vanessa this entire night and he's been attached to Cassidy...

but that's because his feelings for Cassidy are real... he just doesn't see that yet.

"Yeah.. uh.. thanks..." He suddenly gets awkward..

She frowns a little, confused at the sudden change, and she takes a step back.. She's worried she made him uncomfortable..

He scratches the back of his neck, now fully aware of his feelings for the girl he's been so close with this entire time, but now he's aware that he must've made Vanessa feel like complete shit.. and he thinks she deserves an explanation.

"This was fun.. but I'm pretty exhausted.. I'm gonna.." he didn't even finish his sentence, he just turned and started walking towards the car.

Cassidy was about to go towards him, but Vanessa stepped in front of her and said "Obviously sweety, He doesn't want you." then she spun around and followed after the black haired boy

Cassidy stood completely still, staring at the red head that just caught up with Zayn.. 

and she literally felt her heart break as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and she walked pressed against his side until they got in Liam's car..

"A-are you okay?" She heard Liam say from behind her

"Yeah.." her voice came out as a broken whisper so she cleared her throat and said "Yes. yeah, no, I'm good.. Just.. tired. I'm gonna get a cab."

Before Liam or Beth could say anything, she went running towards the golf place.. She went through it and out to the other side of the parking lot to the side of the road. She got her phone out and went to a taxi app she had and ordered one..

It would be there in 5 minutes..

She sat on the curb and put her head in her hands..

Liam and Beth watched her run before they could say anything.. 

Beth turned to Liam and said "Shit.. what could've went wrong? Everything was going great! The two were flirting and having fun! Did you see Zayn's eyes?! He's whipped!" 

She was frustrated and confused.. and Liam grabbed her hips and made her focus on him..

"I think that's what happened.. I think Zayn realized he is whipped.. and I think he got scared.. I'll talk to him tomorrow. For now, let's get home and get Zayn home and, maybe we'll get to leave Vanessa on a street corner where she belongs?"

Beth giggles a little which is exactly what Liam was going for.. he always tries to lighten the mood.

They go hand in hand down to the car and find Zayn sitting in the back with Vanessa.. except he's not sitting next to her, he's pressed himself against the door and is looking out the window..

He seems so focused on something..

Liam looks back and squints to try and see what Zayn is watching..

and he raises his eyebrows when he realizes..

Cassidy is sitting on the curb by the road, with her head in her hands.. Zayn is watching her with desire filled eyes.. 

"Zayn.." Liam said quietly

Zayn's head turned quickly and looked Liam right in the eyes.

"Go make sure she gets home okay. We'll take Vanessa back to her place." Liam tells his best friend.. and Zayn doesn't say a word as he quickly jumps out of the backseat and takes off sprinting towards the broken hearted girl by the street..

Now it's just Liam and Vanessa in the car, since Beth has to take her car to Liam's.. 

Beth turns to watch from her seat in her car as Zayn runs to her.. And Liam and Vanessa both watch..

But Vanessa looks angry and Liam looks proud.. and Beth has a hopeful smile on her face..

Bitter Sweet ~Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now