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Sam stood between my brother and me. I momentarily focused on my nightshirt, bunched together on the countertop, while Sam and Derek focused on his laptop on the kitchen counter. Every minute that passed increased the tension as Sam drove a needle into my arm to draw out a small amount of blood. He then placed a droplet from the syringe onto a blood reader chip and inserted it into a computer.

"Well, the unfortunate news is that he has no powers," Sam sighed, leaning over the kitchen counter. My breath caught as the reality of my new situation sank in. Derek muttered a curse and pushed himself up from the chair.

"Can't you do something? Max was still a rogue super the last time I checked," Derek said, sipping his beer and momentarily staring at me, clicking his tongue. Derek grunted, loud and angry.

"At the moment, no, but I'll figure something out. James, you've always regained your powers, right?" Sam still held out hope that my powers might return.

"Yeah? What if I don't want my powers back this time, Sam?" I growled. Sam folded his hands around his beer, taking another sip.

"Maybe that's what's holding you back, James. You would have had them if you weren't so stubborn." Sam settled, sitting at the table and running his hands through his shaggy blonde hair.

"You need to focus, James. Max is a dangerous individual. Until yesterday, you were the only one who could have stopped him besides your dad, me, and the entire police squad. But as you know, humans are helpless. Find a way to trigger the return of your powers." Sam interrupted Derek.

"I don't want my powers back," I admitted honestly. I didn't care if I regained my powers or not. Sam snatched my soda can from my grasp.

"You were right about one thing, James. What happened to you when you were six was unfair, but you wouldn't be where you are today if those events hadn't occurred," he said. "Your brother is right. This is not something to be taken lightly. We need to find a way to get your powers back."

I buried my face in the granite countertop, still broken from the other day. I was fortunate my father hadn't said a word about it. My fists clenched, and I closed my eyes, attempting to focus my mind and body. If my powers were to return, now wouldn't be the time. Suddenly, my eyes snapped open as I briefly felt a flicker of energy in my palms, only to have it dissipate just as quickly.

"Why does this even matter so much? I lost my powers due to one of your cures a few years ago. Why do you care now?" I snapped as Sam slammed my soda onto the table.

"Because I created Max. I was part of a terrible government group researching and experimenting on kids like you. Now, I need your help to stop him. Your superpowers were fate. I swore to protect you from them, but it happened regardless, and now you're the only one who can save everyone." I snatched the soda back and took a big gulp, meeting Sam's gaze.

"So, that's supposed to make everything better?" I crushed the empty can in my fist. Sam licked his lips and let out a sigh, taking a breath.

"No, it doesn't, and I'm sorry, James, for everything I put you through. But I can't change the past now."

The reality sank in. I had lost my powers once again. They might return in the future, but Sam had a point about the number of antidotes I had taken and their impact on me and my powers.

"I can't handle the pressure of being the hero everyone expects me to be. I'm not a hero. I'll be getting ready for school if you need me." I hurried past the kitchen doorway, up the stairs, and slammed my bedroom door. My room was a mess, with clothes scattered all over the floor. I rubbed my weary eyes.

"Are you ready, James?" Derek asked, standing in the doorway, peering in. I took in a deep breath.

"Not even close," I replied, my lips curving into a frown. Derek walked over and sank onto the edge of my bed. I hunched my shoulders and let out a sigh.

James Knight: Teenage Superhuman - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now