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I found myself in the same alley where I encountered two super-powered criminals a few days ago. It seemed to be a notorious spot for criminals seeking an escape. As I stood there, a mugger approached me, grinning as he sized me up. With a menacing grin, he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a loaded gun. But fear didn't grip me. I couldn't afford to be afraid. Bullets didn't threaten me... they left a scratch, at most.

"I don't want any trouble, kid. Get on your knees and let me walk away," the mugger said, pointing the gun at my face. Instead of backing down, I took a step forward, defying him.

"Go ahead, shoot me," I taunted, unable to resist a touch of sarcasm. The man hesitated, shaking the gun in my face. Impatiently, I glanced at my invisible watch. "I don't have all day. If you're going to shoot me, just do it already."

The gun clicked, and a bullet tore through my favorite sweatshirt-a birthday gift from Derek. It ricocheted off my chest and vanished behind a nearby brick wall. Cursing inwardly, I prepared to take action.

With a burst of speed, we collided with a fence at the end of the alleyway. Using my superhuman strength, I grabbed the mugger's wrist, attempting to immobilize him without causing harm. He struggled, hurling insults at me.

"Let go, you freak!" he yelled, attempting to pry my fingers off his wrist. Beneath my hood, I smirked as I seized his shoulders and lifted him off the ground, ascending into the sky.

"You're going to surrender, or else I'll do more harm than good," I warned him.

The mugger scoffed initially, but as we ascended and he caught sight of the ground below, he gulped nervously. Reluctantly, he raised his hands in surrender, but in panic, he grabbed my biceps.

"Okay, okay, you got me. Could you put me down?" He pleaded, squirming in my grip. I rolled my eyes at his antics. "Holy fuck! Put me down... Jesus fucking Christ!" he screeched, tightening his hold. Panicking, his eyes crossed, and he dropped weightless in my arms.

Glancing down, I spotted my brother, Derek, waiting beside his police car. Descending to the ground, I gently dropped the unconscious mugger on the hood, causing a dent. Derek shot me a disapproving glare as he handcuffed the man.

"Could you be a little more careful?" he scolded, though a hint of admiration gleamed in his eyes. He knew I had limitations, but he sometimes relied on my help.

I shrugged apologetically, and Derek gestured toward his damaged car with his eyes. I understood that I would have to make it up to him later. He escorted the mugger into the car, and I soared back toward the alleyway. Landing on solid ground, I pulled down my hood and walked away.

As I left the alley, I noticed a hooded figure at the end of the tunnel, their violet eyes intently following my every move. I passed by without being pursued. Swiftly, I dashed out into the open, past the police cars, and spotted Derek's cruiser with its noticeable dent on the hood. He appeared furious, and for a moment, I avoided his gaze. Eventually, his expression softened, and he gestured with his eyes toward the damaged car. He then placed the mugger inside. The wind whispered past me, and I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Yet, I couldn't dwell on it as I retook the flight.


The next hour hit me like a ton of bricks. Monitors throughout the school corridors displayed a blurry snapshot of my face from the previous day, featured on Phoenix's news media. The image occupied half the screen, and while it was a decent photo, my face remained obscured, so it didn't concern me too much.

The headline of the lead story read, "Phoenix Teen Hero? Who is the Masked Figure?" News of the new superheroes and my alter-ego had spread, and if my secret identity were to be exposed, I would become the most popular student in school. However, it wasn't the first time a superhero had caused turmoil in the city, and it wasn't the first time I felt compelled to handle such situations.

James Knight: Teenage Superhuman - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now