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"You all packed and ready to leave?" My father questioned, counting the boxes and bags as we loaded the final ones into the car. Our trunks were overflowing with most of our belongings, illuminated by the mid-morning sunrise in the driveway. We pledged to return later for the remaining items, though the exact timing was uncertain.

"I'm ready," Derek replied, firmly shutting the back of his vehicle while my father finished closing the trunk of his CRV. A group of police officers lingered nearby, poised to escort us safely to the border.

"I'm good to go as well," Noah chimed in. Since he lived in the nearby hotel, only one suitcase accompanied him, just a few rooms away from Max. Noah seldom returned home, skillfully evading Mia in the hallway and slipping away from his room. He had cautioned us about his brother and friend's enigmatic scheme, but fear kept him from delving deeper into it.

"Are you taking the longer route?" Sam asked, standing attentively next to the car, palms pressed against its exterior. Noah and I exchanged glances. "One of us needs to monitor the skies while Matthew drives," I suggested.

In the background, my father shook his head skeptically. "I'm not entirely convinced that's a great idea. What if Alexander or—"

"That's the plan, mate," Noah interjected, scanning the neighborhood as the police officers attempted to control some curious onlookers. "And those guys will tail us for approximately a mile outside the border," he added, gesturing toward the rumbling police cars in the distance.

"I'm not your mate, Noah. I'm your uncle," my father stated firmly, crossing his arms.

"You can fly with me to California if that's what you want to do, James," Noah replied, cracking his knuckles and giving Derek a pat on the shoulder. "You okay?"

We all witnessed Derek gazing up at our two-story house—the place that may no longer be our home but had been our sanctuary for years. "It's going to be alright, Derek," Sam reassured him with a comforting tone.

Derek took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "I hope so," he murmured, his eyes fixed on the roof where we used to spend countless hours talking and hanging out.

My father chuckled. "Me too, bud," he affirmed. After a moment of silence, my dad opened the car door. "Are you guys ready to go?" he inquired, looking at Noah and me.

Noah scoffed, standing tall. "James is coming with me, just in case," he confidently responded.

"Oh, sure, just in case," Derek mocked, chuckling.

"I'll go with Noah," I declared. All eyes turned to me this time.

"Are you sure, James?" My father's gaze met mine.

"I'm certain," I reassured him. "Besides, it will keep me occupied for the next few hours while we wait for you guys."

"It's a four-hour drive," Derek reminded me. I was well aware of that fact.

"I was thinking of taking Noah to the comic shop to keep him busy."

"Pete's old place?" Derek's eyebrows shot up.

"Hell yeah," I replied.

"You're going without me?"

"Yeah. I thought Noah would enjoy it."

"Alrighty," Samual clapped his hands together. "We should hit the road before Alexander and Max find us."

"He's right. By the time we reach there, it'll be sundown," my dad agreed.

"I can drive," Derek offered, but my dad shook his head. "I've got it, Derek," he said, dangling the keys, and I watched Derek's smile fade. "You take Samual's car, and we'll meet there. It's not safe for any of us to drive alone."

"We'll leave too," Noah stated.

"Give us a call if you need anything," I added, reminding them that Noah and I were just a phone call away in case of any emergencies.

"Okay, stay safe," Sam said.

Noah ascended higher into the sky. "I'll race you, Knight," he smirked.

Knowing my powers had returned, I was much faster than Noah. I could easily outpace him by at least a mile and a half, and his challenge held no weight for me, not that he cared. We both relished the surge of adrenaline that came with competing.

"You're on!" I shouted, lifting off the ground. Then my father entered the SUV, while Derek and Sam entered the CRV. We were en route to California—my childhood home, where I honed my powers at a young age. I was going home and wasn't sure if I'd ever return to California again, but what mattered was we stuck together as a family while Maximus was still lurking in the shadows, seeking vengeance.

James Knight: Teenage Superhuman - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now