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DISCLAIMER ⚠️: The following scenes contain mild romantic content and playful interactions. If you are uncomfortable with such content, please skip ahead. However, it may apply to the story. Thank you.


Mia's jawline was smooth and sweet as I kissed her—a taste I could grow used to. Her hips and pelvis pressed against me as I leaned in for another kiss. My tongue traced the outline of her ribs and down to her navel. She tucked her soft blonde hair behind an ear and fell over me. Her laced bra covered her chest.

I closed my eyes and breathed her in. I stopped. Mia's breathing labored. I felt her breasts pressed against my chest.

My eyes caught the dim light of late evening and casted purple shadows along the far wall.

The smell of sweat and sex filled the room. Sweat dripped down Mia's forehead and chin, and tiny beads formed a stream and ran down her chest. Her forehead glistened as she panted, and her blonde hair flickered with her movements. Her bare skin was soft like those cotton sheets I looked to replace but more comfortable than any you've probably ever slept on.

Mia's waist wrapped around me as she pulled me close, her fingers digging into my back. There was no escaping. Our gazes intertwined, a rush of warmth causing our cheeks to turn a rosy hue, and then, as we ascended from the bed, a realization dawned upon me - akin to the famous words spoken from space, Houston, we had a problem.

"Are we floating, James?" Mia asked, puzzled. We both looked down and realized we were hovering above the bed.

"Would it be wrong if I said we were?" I replied with a wince. Mia grinned at me, and I gently lowered her back onto the bed, lying beside her like Peter Pan, gazing at her with tender eyes.

"Not really," she admitted.

"Well then, I guess we were," I replied, my smile brightening. Mia shifted to the side, sighing as she sat up, grabbing her shift from my nightstand and slipping it on.

"What's the matter, Mia?"

"It's nothing, just..." She trailed off, lowering her head. "Never mind."

"Are you sure? You can tell me anything. I promise it won't make me uncomfortable," I assured her. I hurried to Mia's bedside and plopped beside her.

"No, it's okay. It would be better if I said nothing," She pressed her lips tightly together.

"Come on, Mia. You can trust me. I'm here to listen," I urged her.

"But I feel uncomfortable talking about it," she buried her face further into her chest.

"That's alright. Whenever you're ready and feel comfortable, you can share anything with me," I reassured Mia, wrapping my muscular bicep around Mia's slender shoulders. She pressed her face against my chest.

A few moments later, there was a knock on the door. I didn't push Mia away; instead, I leaned back on the bed, and she nestled even closer to me. "Do I need to give you both the talk?" Sam's voice echoed through the door. I huffed with annoyance as Mia withdrew from my embrace, and I used my telekinetic ability to unlock the door from the bed. Sam entered.

"Thanks a lot, Sam," I grumbled. Mia yawned and stretched her arms, sitting up. I also sat up, and Mia snuggled back into my chest. I shot an irritated glance at Sam.

"Your dad is home if you want to know."

"What's gotten into you, Sam?" I rolled my eyes, pulling Mia closer to me.

"Plenty of things. You know better than this. What if you got her pregnant and passed on your powers?" Sam's tone turned stern, reflecting a fatherly concern. "We don't know what would happen—"

James Knight: Teenage Superhuman - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now