Samual's Private Note's

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March 1, 2009

James is rapidly acquiring extraordinary abilities beyond human limits. His strength, speed, and skills are unmatched, and he is progressing at an alarming pace. Considering this, James qualifies as a potential candidate for treatment and testing, pending Matthew's consent.

Note to self: Keep James away from my workplace and ensure absolute silence about his powers! Matthew and Sandra would be devastated if they discovered what I did and if the government took James away from us.

On a related note, James appears to be invulnerable. Today's attempt to draw blood failed as the needle couldn't penetrate his indestructible skin barrier.

Although there is still a heartbeat, it exhibits irregularities. After extensive analysis, I've determined that James' heart rate ranges from one hundred eighty to two hundred twenty beats per minute, resembling the average speed during a cardiac arrest for an average adult. However, this seems to be typical of his extraordinary physique.

Swab tests detect an abnormal supergene within his healthy cells. No unusual ailments or disorders are evident, and he seems to be in optimal health.

Within a few hours, James also developed telekinesis. Further examination reveals his ability to run at superhuman speeds and lift heavy objects like automobiles.

Reminder: Park vehicles around the corner next time.

James can also levitate, and with more time, he may gain proficiency in flying. His rapid progression parallels Experiment 2802 or Maximus.

Upon closer inspection, the two exhibit striking similarities. I will closely monitor James for additional surprising attributes. It is crucial to consult with the doctors regarding the containment of Maximus' behaviors, as his escapes have led to harmful incidents involving my nephew, James. For now, this concludes my examination of James. I will resume my work tomorrow when I have more time.

March 15, 2009

James's powers have significantly intensified in recent examinations. For instance, he effortlessly lifted my car and refrigerator.

Reminder: Keep James away from the kitchen and vehicles.

His blood pressure surges, triggering uncontrollable superpowers when exposed to caffeine.

Note to self: Refrain from giving James any caffeine. Educate James on resisting caffeine cravings. Allow him to rest before encouraging the use of his powers.

James has become incredibly strong and demonstrates accelerated learning abilities.

James confided his secret to Derek on his birthday this year, necessitating a discussion with my nephews about the importance of keeping James' powers confidential.

Reminder: Have a conversation with James and Derek upon arriving home.

I must conduct more systematic studies on James' genetic material and abilities to better understand their functioning.

While my powers have progressed over the past few years, James surpasses me significantly. This realization drives me to delve deeper into the realm of superhuman genetics. I will investigate further findings later this week.

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