Chapter 17

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I woke up in the middle of the trees. Everything felt...... different. I heard ringing in my ears and I was covered in blood. The last thing I remembered was driving in the car adn reaching into the back for soomething and then him yelling my name. I stood up as best as I could and started making my way out. 

I wasn't sure if I was going the right way but I heard Bucky calling my name. I followed the sound until I saw road. "Y/N!" I heard him yell the closer I got to him the stronger the urge became. He wrapped me in his arms and my head was right over his neck. "Bucky." I managed to squeeze out. It was quiet but he heard. "What?" he looked at me confused. "I can't. I have to get out of here." I told him as I started to walk away. 

Just then a stranger walked up to me. "I'm glad he found you but you both need to go the hospital right away." I heard her say but I couldn't focus on her face. The ringing in my ears got stronger and my head began to ache. I barley could hear anymore but I felt Buckys metal hand touch my back. I still couldn't remove my eyes from her neck.

 "Y/N are you alright?" I heard Bucky ask. It sounded like a whisper. I shook my head no not taking my eyes off her neck. "It happened Bucky. I can't focus." I whimpered slowly turning around to face Bucky. "Y/N you're okay. The others are coming." He grabbed my hands but I pulled them back.

"I'll be back. I'm gonna walk around a bit see if I can see them." Bucky said leaving me with the girl. Once I couldn't see Bucky, I couldn't help it anymore. I had to feed. "I'm sorry." I told the girl with a sympathetic tone in my voice. Before she could say anything I was onto her neck. 

I couldn't stop. I felt her body going limp in my arms. "Y/N?" I heard a voice come from behind me. I turned around to see Natasha  standing behind me with everyone. I could feel the blood dripping down my mouth. "I'm sorry I didn't mean too. I just I couldn't stop." I cried, tears streaming down my face. I felt a cold arm wrap around me. 

I melted in his chest not wanting to leave. "It's okay. You'll be okay." Bucky whispered in  my ear. He picked me up and carried me to the jet. I could smell all the blood in the med bay. "I can't be here Bucky." I said as Bucky placed me in a chair.

"What do you mean Y/N, we are going home." He told me taking my hand. "There's... blood. Lots of it in the med bay. I can smell it and it hurts." I put my head into my hands trying not to lose it. "Okay it won't be too long, come here." he said wrapping me in his arms. "I want to go to New Orleans, learn to control it." I told him hoping that we could go. "I'll talk to Tony how about you go get changed out of that dress." He got up and left me there alone so I got up to go to my bunker and get changed. 

When I was done I went out into the main part of the jet where everyone was. "Buck said you wanted to go to New Orleans, why?" I steve asked. "I have family down there and I was hoping they could help me." I sat down beside Bucky but looking at the others. I looked at Tony waiting for him to talk. "Sure we can go to New Orleans." Tony rolled his eyes andwent to change the route of the jet. I smiled happy that I was able to go the only thing was I didn't knoow anybody. I only knew my mom and Rebekah and they were nice but I didnt know anyone else. What if they didn't like me or didn't want me? Maybe I'm just over thinking it all. But I've heard things about my father. How hes a souless demon who only cares about himself, how he kills innocent people, and how hes just straight up rude. 

Maybe it would be different with me, maybe he will like me in and change. Bucky snapped me out of my thoughts with a hand on my back. "Are you okay?" I heard him ask. He could usally tell when I got caught up in my thoughts. "Ya just thinking." I told him leaning my head on his arm.  

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