Chapter 16

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-Buckys POV-

I woke up to ringing in my ears. I was still in the car though. There was wreckage all over the road and I was upside down. "Y/N!" I yelled but she didn't reply. I didn't see her anywhere. I had to get out, make sure she was okay. I punched the door until it flew off and pulled myself out of the car. I stood up and looked around. There were no other cars around, just a bunch of trees. God where is she?! I looked down to see a car coming. I started waving my arms and yelling for help hoping they'd stop and help us.

When they saw me they stopped and quickly got out of their car. "What happened? You're bleeding?" they asked but I didn't care. "My friend, I can't find her. We were in a crash. She unbuckled to get food from the back and then this idiot drove into us and now I can't find her." I rambled on. "It's okay we will find her, don't worry, she can't be too far. What's her name?"

"Y/N." I said while looking around. I didn't know how long we had been out for but it seemed like it was long. I heard my phone going off in my pocket. It was Steve. I had a ton of messages from the group but before I looked at them I checked the time. It was 10:30. We must have been out for a while. I called Steve after noticing I've missed 10 calls from him.

"Hey." I said into the phone. "What happened are you ok?" Steve asked. He sounded annoyed and worried. "There was an accident. Some idiot drove into us and we flipped the car and I can't find Y/N and I don't know what to do. I can't lose her Steve." I replied almost in tears. "You won't okay. We have your location we are on our way."

That's when I heard something in the woods. "Y/N!" I yelled as I ran for the wounds. "Whats going on? Did you find her?" I heard Steve ask but I just ignored him and kept running. I saw her stumble out of the woods covered in blood. 

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