The doctor discharged us and we were on our way back to the tower. Everyone flew here so we too the jet back and got there pretty quickly. Everybody went to do their own thing before the mission because they were leaving tonight.
"Hey kiddo follow me." Tony said with a bright smile on his face as he grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hall. I didn't like the nickname very much but I knew he wasn't gonna change it so I didn't say anything. Bucky followed us as we got in the elevator.
"Where are we going?" I asked a he clicked the button for floor 15. "Surprise." Tony replied finally letting go of my hand. I heard Bucky chuckle quietly so I hit him slightly on his arm.
He took my hand in his as we walked out of the elevator and down a hallway all the way to the end. "Welcome to your new room." tony said swinging the door open to reveal a gorgeous room. It had a light lavender color on the walls, a chair that hung from the roof, a desk, and a queen size bed. It was amazing.
"Do you like it?" Tony asked noticing me staring. "Do I like it? I love it. Is it mine?" I asked because I noticed a picture of me and my siblings on the wall. "It sure is. Bucky's room is across the hall and mine is the floor above.
But we will let you get settled in because we need to go prepare for the mission." Tony said leaving. "I'll see you in a bit okay?" Bucky asked letting go of my hand. "Okay." I said quietly as he left not wanting him to leave. I walked up to my closet to put some clothes away that I got from Mystic Falls. I opened the closet door to find a giant wardrobe. It was full of clothes already some actually nice.
After I had gotten everything away I went to see if Bucky was in room. I knocked on the door and in a few seconds he opened the door. "hey what's up?" he asked smiling when he saw me. "Nothing just wanted to see you before you left, make sure you were okay." I said hugging him. He held me close not letting me go. I jumped when a voice spoke up.
"Sorry for the disturbance but Mr. Stark says it is time to go. Everyone is waiting for you at the jet." It was a British girl. "Thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y. Ok do you wanna come see me off?" He asked me with a a chuckle. "Of course." I said wrapping my arm around his.
We stepped in the elevator and pressed the number for the roof. "Hey when I'm back do you want go on a date?" Bucky asked breaking the silence. "I would love too." I said smiling. The elevator door opened to show everyone in their suits an I hadn't realized Bucky was in his. "Alright Tinman you ready?" Tony asked as he made his way to the jet.
"Don't call me that" Bucky yelled turning to me. "I'll be home before you know it alright?" I nodded my head and he leant down to kiss me. As our lips intertwined I heard someone come up to us. "Alright love birds lets go." Tony said in our ears. Bucky backed away and i waved good bye as the jet left.

The Winter Soldiers Tribrid
Storie d'amoreWarnings: There are mention of rape and abuse. You were taken by Hydra at 15 and held captive for 8 years until the Avengers rescued you. You are the only tribrid ever to exist. Part wolf, part witch, and part vampire. You found yourself growing clo...