chapter 12

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Audrey's POV

When we got to the house we all claimed rooms. Luke an I got the biggest because this was all planned and paid for by me. When we got our stuff all unpacked I flopped on the bed and let out a sigh. Luke laid down right by me, "Can I ask you something babe?" Luke said.

"yes" I said turning on my side so I could look into his perfect blue eyes.

"Why did you quit soccer, what happened?" Luke asked. That brought back so much, I started tearing up till Luke rubbed my back and bought me into his chest, "Please tell me."

"I was in the goal and this girl was on a breakaway, well when I slid out and grabbed to ball she purposely stomped on me knee and then kicked it with her other foot. I couldn't walk for days, that's when they decided to take me to the hospital. Turns out my knee was broken and the muscle was torn. They said I had serious knee damage and to keep playing could put me in a wheelchair by the age of 60. So I quit. I didn't want to have my ability of walking token away from me." I told him never removing my head from his chest.

"I'm so sorry baby, why didn't you ever tell anyone?" Luke wrapped his arms around me tighter,

"I didn't want to talk about it, so I didn't. It was my choice and I wanted to keep my nightmare to myself." I said shrugging and then kissing his neck before jumping out of bed. He just layed there as I walked out the door. When i opened to the door there was 4 familiar faces all sad and I'm guessing they heard what happened.


Marisa's POV

I can't believe it. Why didn't she tell me? That's huge but I don't see Audrey quitting over that. I know she wants to play. She can't even watch the sport without getting pissed or upset. I feel really bad, that was her life, I never thought she would care about anyone like she cared about soccer. Sometimes I think she cares about Luke more but other times.....

"Audrey" I said following her.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" She yelled running off. I decide to let her go, looks like she is going for a run and I don't want to stop her from that.


Calum's POV

I can't spend this time in Australia obsessing over Audrey's problem. I convinced Marisa to look around Australia and give it a chance. She hates moving and she is scared for Lucy, Its scary to have a baby who wasn't suppose to make it and then to move at the same time. But this is my home and I have moved for her, its her turn to move.

"Babe" I said to snap her out of her thoughts.

"Yes?" She said looking at me.

"Can we move here? This is my home and I can't stay away forever and if were going to move I think it would be better to do it while Lucy is still young." I said trying to really explain why and convince her.


Marisa's POV

"Do we have to?" I asked. i really don't want to. I mean Australia is a beautiful place but I don't want to move.

"Rissy I can't stay in the U.S. I need to come back home." he said.

"Yeah well I can't leave my home." I said getting a attitude.

"Well then what happens with us, With Lucy?" He said and my mouth dropped open, is he saying we have to split.

"What do you mean?" I asked, if this is how it's going down Lucy ain't going anywhere she is mine.

"I mean since we will be living in to different places, will we break up? Where will Lucy live?" He said and I really looked at him, he looked like he was about to cry. I knew he was about to break, fuck i am about to break.

"Lucy stays with me, she already needs me all the time. And well I guess this is the end of us. Is this really what it came down too?" He pulled the car to the side of the road and got out. I broke down in the car. Crying so hard I coouldn't breathe. This couldn't be the end of us. I love him, sure we fight and things like this happen all the time but we always work it out.


Calum POV

As I walked up and down the road memories keep flashing in my mind. Like when she sings in the car, or how she can shove pizza in her mouth so unlady like and not give a fuck, the way she walks, how beautiful she looks in the morning, Her holding OUR child for the first time. Every reason I love her, every perfect thing about her and every perfect flaw. I can't believe that we are breaking up because we can't seem to figure out where to live because we both are stubborn as hell.

I got back in the car but Marisa wasn't in there. All there was was a note on a napkin that said, 'i'm sorry that this happened, I can't talk about any of this right now. I need to clear my head. I will see you later tonight.

I love you, always and forever

love rissy'


Luke's POV

Audrey came walking back inside,, she was sorta limping but hiding the pain. Not unusual she never shows her pain.

"Babe" I said getting her attention.

"Yeah" She said jumping up and sitting on the counter.

"have you ever thought about moving out here, maybe playing soccer over here?" I said walking in between her legs and rubbing circles on her thighs like I know she likes.

"Yes I have, it's really beautiful out here and they have a great soccer team. But I can't leave Marisa, she would hate me and that's my home."

"Just think about it, this is my home and i want my home to be your home" I tried backing out but she wrapped her legs around me and attaching her lips to mine. She broke away and brought her lips so close to my ear I could feel them as I talked, "Destroy me Luke Hemmings" So I carried up to our room and did as she said.

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