Chapter 5

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Marisa POV
"God Audrey!" I yelled when she was knocking on her front door. I have been staying here to help her. She has been going out and drinking a lot. Now she takes Elijha. I don't like him. I don't like Luke to much either.
"Am I amazing or not." She says holding a beer out to me. Gesturing for me to take it.
"I can't drink." I told her. I haven't told her I'm pregnant yet.
"Don't be a party pooper!" She says and starts jumping and spilled a little. "Just a little." She says pouting.
"Im fucking pregnant!" I screamed.
"What?" She asked, I guess that sobered her up a little.
"Im pregnant." I said quietly.
"Wow" She said before chugging down the beer she offered me. Shit shes at it again. Then all the sudden there is a car pulling into the drive way.
"Oh! Elijha!" She yelled happily.
"Hey beautiful." He said smiling walking up before realizing she was drunk. "Audrey really." He scolded her.
"I'm tired." Audrey said streching out her hands like a little kid.
Audrey POV
I hate hangovers. I try to get up but something is holding me down. I turn around to face Luke but its Elijha. I forgot Luke left me. Remember last night I started crying. Elijha arms just wrapped tighter around my waist, pulling me into his chest.
"Elijha." I whisper.
He doesn't respond so I start kissing along his jaw ling and then down his neck. Realizing what I was doing I quickly pulled out and went down stairs. I heard him sigh and I felt really bad.

I hear the phone ringing and run over to answer it.
"Hey." I said into the phone.
"Audrey?" They questioned. Who was it. It was. No. Luke.
"What do you want?" I asked rudely.
"Are you okay? Marisa said-" I cut him off.
"I don't care what Marisa said. I lost the fucking baby. I'm a failure. I lost you. Then the baby. And i get drunk every fucking night." I said starting to cry.
"Audrey. Your amazing. Stop please" It wasn't coming from the phone. From the phone was Luke crying too.
"Elijha I am a fucking failure!" I screamed.
"Elijha?" Luke questioned. I just sat there crying. Elijha took the phone from me.
"Im sorry whoever this is. Audrey isn't doing great. May I ask who this is?" He asked Luke.
Luke POV
Did he really just ask who this is. God I wanna fucking punch him. What is he doing over at my house.
"I'm Luke." I said.
"Oh your the fucking bastard. I can't even have one moment with her without her crying over you." He says and his words hit me. Im ruining my relationship with Audrey. Shes running to this Elijha guy. I should be who she wakes up next to. I should be her shoulder to cry on. I am glad I am coming home for a while.
"Give the phone to Audrey." I demand.
"No" He chuckles.
"Give her the fucking phone now" The line just went dead. I called Audreys cell. I sighed with relief when she answered.
"Hi" She said sadly.
"Im coming home." i said.
"Well have fun at Calums or whoever you are staying at." She said.
"That house is mine too. And I think we should talk things." I said.
"Okay." I could hear Elijha voice in the background. Then the line went flat. No goodbye. No nothing.
Unknown POV
I knock on Audreys door since Marisa door said she would be here.
"Hey." Audrey said with some guy attached to her waist. She moved his hand and he rolled his eyes sighing.
"Is Marisa hear?" I asked and she giggled.
"She is behind you." I turn around to see a very pissed off Marisa staring at the guy whose was attached to Audrey.
"Eligha.." She said pissed off.
"Yeah." He said smiling.
"Get the fuck out!" She screamed.
"Audrey do you want me to leave?" He asked looking down at her making her extremely confused.
"Marisa I need to talk to you." I said. Audrey sighing with relief.
"Oh Rissy. Boys are coming home." She said and that ruins some of my chance of getting Marisa.
"Yay!" Marisa yelled but I walked up and wrapped my arms around her. I put my face really close to hers and wishpered, "I love you." Then I connected our lips. Fuck she is the best kisser ever. Wait she is kissing back. Ow. Bitch. She kicked me in the balls.
Hint. The pic. Love you guys. Do you ship Elijha and Audrey or Luke and Audrey? Tee heee

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