Chapter 12 : The Singer's Dilemma

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"You know what, you should take things a bit easy", Inko says as she sees her son, who graduated high school just a month ago on the bed. His right arm was covered in cast, due to an injury he sustained while pushing a child out of the speeding car's way. The doctors informed him that his bones was damaged to such an extent, that he might not be able to play guitar anymore in the future and that made the boy feel dejected.

"I can't. University entrance exam is within next week. If I want to get into Kamino Art University then I have to work hard", Izuku says and Eri, who was sitting beside him simply sighs and says, "Zuku-oniichan, you have been preparing for this exam from past one year. You worked so hard that your high school had to make you a valedictorian. Taking few days break won't do badly for you. I believe that you will still ace those exams, considering how much you have worked".

"I can't believe Izuku is old enough to leave home now", Inko says with tears streaming out of her eyes like waterfalls and Izuku, with a comical expression on his face, says, "You seem to have a lot of confidence in me considering the fact that I didn't even take my exam and you are already crying about me leaving home".

"You know what? I think you should hang out outside a bit. I can accompany you", Eri says to which Izuku replies, "Hey, don't waste your vacation on a loser like me. Go and enjoy with your friends".

"Loser?" Eri and Inko ask with one eyebrow raised.

"Yes, a loser!" Izuku replies back.

"Yeah right, my son who is so intelligent that he was asked to be a valedictorian is a loser", Inko says with a sarcastic voice and to which Eri with a sarcastic voice of her own, says, "Yeah. My brother who is so fudging handsome that it is enough to make half of the girls in student body swoon over her is a fudging loser".

"Aren't you hanging out with Kacchan a lot?" Izuku asks with a raised eyebrow to which Eri retorts, "Well I am polite enough to switch the words instead of saying the F-word". "And Katsuki didn't even visit you from past one month", Inko points out and Eri nods and says, "I find it very weird. He usually drops by frequently during vacations".

"Let it be. He and Ochako had started dating. It would be better for them if they hang out with each other rather than me", Izuku says with fake enthusiasm which his sister notices. The girl was very perceptive and was already into the secret that her brother is in love with his brown haired childhood friend. When she came to know that Ochako started to go out with Katsuki, she didn't know what she felt. Ochako was a nice girl and all this time she thought that her brother and she would end up together. The news of their relationship came as a shock to both Inko and Eri. Eri couldn't help but feel sad for her brother and if she had to be honest, she didn't like Katsuki much. She preferred Setsuna and Ochako over the blonde boy. But seeing her brother acting like nothing has changed and like he is fine, made the girl sadder. And like anyone who wants to see her brother happy, she devised a plan.

The plan was simple. Call Ochako to hang out at someplace and say her that she wanted to hang out with her and when they meet up, feign that she wants to go to bathroom and leave those two alone. In future, Eri comes to know how silly this plan sounded but her current self was very dumb when it comes to relationships.

"You know, you are right that I should spend my vacations with my friends", Eri says as she brandishes her flip phone out. Izuku looks at her curiously and Eri continues saying, "So I am going to call Ocha-oneechan". Her brother's eyes widen and he asks, "Why? Why are you calling her?"

"Because she is my friend duh", Eri says with a matter of fact voice and Izuku sighs and says, "But she would be Kacchan". "Well I have to remind her that he is not the only human in the world", Eri retorts to which Izuku asks, "What happened to the shy little sister I grew up with?" "She grew up", Eri says with a smug smile on her face. Inko lets out a small chuckle as she sees both of her kids arguing. It was one of the rare occasions and after her husband's death, both of her kids have become very quiet. So this back and forth was a welcome change in Midoriya residence which was a 3BHK apartment.

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