Yes? No?

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As i said, we are practicing for our new song. This is the first time M.J and i produced a song together for our group. And for a comeback too, which is a huge deal.

"Goldie when can we show our song to JYP?" i ask desperately.
"Actually we can show it to him tomorrow i think" she said "We just need to tell him about it before hand" she added.

"AHH i'm excited!" i responded back.
"ME TOO" M.J says.
The next day

M.J pov
Me and seonmi are on our way to JYP's office to show him our song. We really hope he accepts it because this song took us forever to figure out. This songs is mostly english since all of us are basically fluent. But it does contain some korean to not lose our touch.

Before walking in i knock and we hear "Come in".

"Good morning sir" seonmi starts off by saying.
"Good morning, you guys are here to show me your song?" he asks and seonmi looks at me, waiting for me to reply.

"Ah yes, um me a seonmi here wrote this song ourselves with the help of some of our members. We really want this to be our comeback sir". I say in a convincing tone.
This man isn't saying anything but looking at us, it's getting on my nerves.
"Bring me your laptop and play it please" he finally says after looking at us like a creep. I walk up to his desk, place my laptop down, and play the song.

Seonmi pov
After M.J plays the song we wait for his answer. After 2 minute pass the song is finally over. We wait for him to speak.

"Okay girl this is a very nice song" he starts off saying, "So, i approve of it"
When i tell you me AND M.J screamed..
"Ah thank you so much sir" i say and now to show respect and so does M.J. We head back home to tell the girls the news.

"GIRLS COME DOWN" Goldie yells.

Haewon and Jieun come running down as fast as lighting.

Ah so many questions but i feel like teasing them so i look down with a sad expression.

Their faces dropped. "Did, did he say no?" haewon asks. I look up than say "yes, he said yes!" after that jieun literally tackled me down and haewon joins.
"YOU ASSHOLE I THOUGHT HE REJECTED" jieun says almost choking me to death.
"Hey, get off her jieun, and why would he say no we're great songwriters." she says flipping her hair.

Well guys i guess this is our new beginning and i can't wait.

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