Chapter 10

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The incident with Ricky last night really shook me. And today, we had another show. Gregory came up to us.

"Change of plans, everyone. This is the last show" he says, patting Connor on the back. Were all confused. Connor jerks back.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"No time to explain!" Gregory shouts, "now go out there & make girls gawk!" He shoves Ricky & Trevor on the stage for their performance. Sam, Kian, Jc & I sat in the lounge.

"BRB, gotta wazz" Sam says, running to the bathroom. Kian sits next to me.

"I'm gonna go get some nerds rope" he says, pecking me on the cheek. I purse my lips, as he gets up & walks away. Jc & I sit in the lounge, awkwardly. He's on his phone & I'm picking at my nails.

"What'd you & Kian do?" he asks. I shrug my right shoulder.

"Ate, talked" my voice trails off, "...fucked." He hears me, standing up shocked.

"You guys did it?" he shouts. I punch him in the gut, as Kian came back.

"Hey, guys" he says, sitting down. Jc stands there, his jaw hanging down. Kian snickers.

"What?" he asked. Jc gulps.

"Nothing, I'm gonna go eat" Jc says, running off. Kian looks at me weirdly.

"Well then" he says. "I can't believe this is the last show!" Kian pouts. I nod.

"Yeah, it sucks" I say.

"Greg is such an asshole, all of those fans we were gonna meet!" Kian then looks uncomfortable.

"Hey, hey, your fans will understand!" I slowly inch towards Kian, comforting him. He chews on his nerds rope.

"No, they won't. They won't understand." Kian groans, as he jerks away from me.

"Kian, don't be like this. What's wrong, baby?" I ask. I quickly cover my mouth surprised, as he glances at me. He smiles. I can't believe I just did that!

"What, I'm your boyfriend now?" He smirks. I blush crazily.

"I dunno." I slightly frown.

"It's just, I heard Ricky & some kid talking last night. Sickens me to hear Ricky acting that desperate!" He puts his forehead in the palm of his hand, as he sighs in frustration.

"I heard too. But, hey, you know what would cheer you up?" He looks at me. "A new video?" We both giggle, but he slightly nods. Sam walks back.

"Hey, Bawley!" Sam jokes. Kian smiles, confused.

"What the f.uck is Bawley, Sam?"

"Your ship name! I made it myself" Sam says, looking proud. I roll my eyes, as Jc nervously comes back.

"Yo Jc, hand me my water please?" Kian asks. Jc is looking pure stunned. He gulps.

"Sure, uh, Kian." He then chuckles. He throws Kian's water bottle to him.

"Dude, what's up?" Kian says, "your acting weird."

"Kyle told me you guys fucked!" Jc practically shouts. Connor turns his head to us, as Sam, Jc, Connor & Kian look stunned. I'm praying Kian is not mad.

"You told him?" Kian whispers, a bit angered. I gulp, my voice shaking.

"Yeah, I'm sorry" I say, trying to choke up my tears. Kian notices this and automatically wipes the tiny tear on my cheek.

"I'm not mad, Kyle" he says, "just disappointed." He gets up & walks away, as I look at Jc.

"What the hell, Jc?" I say in pure disgust, walking to the snack table.



Anyways, hey! Sorry for no new chapters! I've recently had finals week, but IM BACK BABEH.

New short chapter, working on the 11th!



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