Chapter 6

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The meet & greet was over. Finally. I love my fans, but I was sweating under the heated roof. We went backstage to find the snack table. We grabbed some nerds rope & water, then head to the couch for another game, considering what happened. Just then, Gregory came.

"Hey, guys, fantastic job!" he says, patting Jc & Connor on the back. "Were going to be going to four more shows, then it's over!" Kian sighs.

"Thank god, I'm tired as fuck" he sighs, slurping his water. I snicker, looking at Sam. He shrugs, biting his candy.

"It is really fun, though" he says, "ya' know, meeting the fans & stuff." Ricky nods. Suddenly, a brunnette girl walked behind Greg. She waved, shyly. Greg realized she was there.

"Hey pumpkin" he says, "this is Annika, my daughter." Annika waves again.

"Hey, guys" she says. We all wave, as Ricky eyes her. I nudge him, reminding him he's 22, & she's 15.

"Hey, a guy can dream?" he says. I look at him, dully.

"Ricky, you & Jenn are perfect" I smile. He licks his lips, looking down. I regretted it as soon as I said it, after Jenn hating on Ricky. He soon changed the subject.

"Perfect for Trevor" Ricky whispers. I nod. The only guy who has a girlfriend, is Jc. Sam broke up with a girl, a couple of months ago. I thought Ricky & Jenn would hit it off, but I was wrong. Connor is still searching for Molly. Trevor is still young, but who cares? That leaves Kian. I see Annika eye him, who gets up & goes to grab another rope.

"Hold on, Dakota's calling" Gregory says, putting the phone to his ear. He walks to a corner, as everybody socializes. I sit on the couch silently. Annika tilts her head at me. She then walks to the couch & sits next to me.

"Hi, your Kyle Bridges right? Huge fan of your music covers!" she says, smiling. I blush.

"Thanks, your dad is a pleasure to work with!" I say. It was only 25 minutes, & I was beginning to like her, despite her little stunt a few moments ago to Kian. Sure, maybe she was like me, crushing on an idol, no biggie. Then, she asked me a serious question, which nearly gave me a heart attack.

"Are you & Kian together?" she asks, sipping her water. I choke on my spit, laughing. She furrows her eyebrows, smirking. "What?"

I catch my breath. "I'm sorry, no, were not together" I breath. "like he would go out with me!" She sighs, releived.

"Oh good, I was going to ask Kian on a date" she says. I frown.

"R-Really?" I mutter. She nods, cheery.

"Yup, I'm doing it now" she says, standing up.I try to stop her, but she's already up to Kian.

"Hey, Kian" she says, smiling.

"Hey, Annika, right?" he asks. She nods, going closer to him.

"I was thinking," she says, placing her hand on his, "maybe we can, go to a movie, or" -he clutches his red solo cup- "to dinner?" I gulp. I was really hurt. This wasn't like fangirl hour, with your idol getting a girlfriend & people heart broken. This was reality, not Twitter. This is the world, not Instagram. This bullshit was a real situation, not YouTube, or Vine.

I saw a fangirl-heart-stopping-tear-eyeing situation.

But, then.

"I'm sorry, no" he says, shrugging.

I was about to burst out laughing, dancing on a table, for the sake of fangirling religion. She drops her jaw.

"What?" she asks, demandingly. Wow, for a sweet, shy fan to a bitchy, drama queen, she could be a great actor. He shrugs again.

"One, I barely know you, two, I'm not ready for a relationship, and three, I like someone else" he says. She smirks.

"You like that bitch, behind me?" she spat, pointing at me. I give her a disgusted look. He gulps, but plays it off cool.

"Pffft, no" he says, breaking my heart. That kind of hurt, to be honest. "I like somebody else." She flips her hair, leaving to her father. I walk up to Kian, pressing my lips together.

"Y-You don't like me?" I ask, quiet. He shakes his head.

"I-I, I uh, do."

"Like a friend?" i ask. He shakes his head, smiling. I smile, too, then biting my lip. I barely bite my lip at times like this, because this NEVER happens.

"Kyle Bridges, I am not ready for a relationship with Annika, but you on the other hand, yes" he says scratching the back of his neck. I blush, dropping my jaw.

"Are you saying-" he interupts me, putting his finger on my lips. I could imagine what he would ask me.

'Kyle Bridges, would you fuck me on a table?'

"Would you like to comfort me to a date at Renni's Pizzeria?" he says, confidently. My vision didn't exactly say this is what the question would be, but I was still happy. Back to reality, I grin, shaking my head.

"Why, of course, Mr. Loopyloo" I snicker. I could already here the aweing of Trevor & Jc.

"Why can't I have that?" Trevor pouts, as Jc pats him on the back. He shrugs.

"Hey, that Annika girl would be-" Me & Kian look at them wide-eyed.

"NOO!" We cry out. "SHE'S A BIATCH!" We startle them, as they jump back. They soon end up laughing. Me & Kian laugh, too. I jump up in realization.

"Kian it's Saturday, did you make a new video yet?" I ask. He nods, rolling his eyes.

"It's called 'TV Shows In Real Life,' mom" he says. I shove him playfully. Jc rolls back to us from his conversation with Trevor.

"Hey, me & Trevor are going to grab some Starbucks, wanna come with?" he asks.

"Is Ricky, Sam & Connor joining us? Connor is obsessed with coffee, anyways" Kian asks. Trevor shakes his head.

"Ricky & Sam are grabbing some clothes & Connor is visiting the apartment for a shower" Trevor shrugs. Just then, Gregory comes back.

"Ok, so we all have to meet on Tuesday for another photoshoot at 5 PM, capeesh?" he says. "Annika went to a beach club with her boyfriend, so you guys can be free." Greg leaves with Ricky, Sam & Connor. Kian scrunches up his nose.

"That bitch" he says.

"What? Who, Annika?" Jc asks, confused.

"She asked me out a few minutes ago, friggin' slut" he says. Trevor grins, snickering.

"Sooooooooo, Starbies?" Jc asks, holding up his car keys. Me & Kian nod, as we all join them to the car. Jc goes up to the driver's spot, Trevor goes in the passenger seat & me & Kian go in the back.

What a fucking day.

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