Chapter 7

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A/N: I know o2l has ended, but let's continue the story it already is, shall we? Kk, xox.


We walked into Starbucks, as Jc jumps on the couch, Trevor following behind. Kian walks with me to the counter.

"Two coffee fraps, pleasse!" Jc calls to us, as he returns to talk to Trevor. Kian rolls his eyes, turning to the lady.

"Two coffee frappucinos & two Vanilla bean frappucinos please" I say, handing a $20 bill to her. I read her nametag. May. She then gets out a sharpie & four cups.

"Who should I make it out too?" she asks.

"The coffee fraps are to Trevor & Jc, and the vanilla bean fraps are for Kian-" he points to himself, "-& Kyle." He points to me.

"Jc, Trevor, Kian & Kyle" she slowly says, jotting away.

She smiles warmly, as she sticks the money in the register, as we head to Trevor & Jc. They were both on their phones, scrolling through Twitter, as we sat down.

"So, Kyle" Kian says, "today is Saturday, did you make a video?" I smirk at his irony.

"Well, I was hoping to make a video with you guys" I say, hopefully gesturing them. Jc nods. Kian nods too.

"Totally, we can make my o2l vid for next week, I'll tweet out hashtag ask jyle" Jc says. Kian glares at him. He clears his throat loudly. Jc shrugs, smirking, predicting he liked me.

"Sure, lets do Kyle week on o2l!" Trevor suggests. Everyone nodded. I admit, I was pretty fucking flattered to have a week related to me. Wait.

"But, it's already obsession week" I mention. Jc shrugs.

"I like to make my videos early" he says. I nod.

"Yeah plus, we already made our videos for this week" Trevor says. I go on my phone, until they call us.

"Two coffee fraps & two vanilla beans for Jc, Kian, Trevor & Kyle!" calls the lady. Kian offers to carry the drinks, with Jc following behind. I talk to Trevor.


Me & Jc went up to the counter.

"Dude, your literally flunking!" Jc whispers, hitting me in the arm. I yelp an 'ow' quietly.

"What do you mean? What am I flunking, or shit?" I whisper back, grabbing the two vanilla beans. He gives me a look like I asked him what is Youtube.

"The test is to get a lady, and Kyle over there is the teacher" he says, grabbing the two other drinks one at a time. "She's giving you an F, sooner or later." I laugh, as we turn to walk away.

"Ok, I like her, but she doesn't like me" I tell him.

"Like who?" Kyle asks, startling me. I gulp, nervously giggling. Jc puts his hand on my shoulder, explaning we were talking about a girl from his hometown in 2007. As we walk out with our drinks, I mouth the words 'thank you' to Jc.

Kyle POV

If Kian was talking about the past, why didn't he say "liked?" He said "like." That means he likes her now. Ok come the fuck down, Kyle. Your being ridiculous, or, am I? I tried to keep my mind off the topic as we headed to our hotel room. We opened the door, as everyone unloaded. Jc took off his shirt & jumped in the bed. I snicker, jumping on my bed as well. Jc then sighs, setting up his tripod & camera. I tweet out:

@KyleBridges: Hey people, tweet me & @jccaylen shiz for our new collab xx #AskJyle

After a few seconds, replies, retweets & likes spammed my phone. Just then, as I opened the Instagram app, Connor walked out, towel covering his lower half & his hair frisky & wet. He stared at us.

"Hey, guys" he slowly said, laughing. "What are you guys doing?"

"They're doing a Q&A for Jc's video" Trevor says. Connor shrugs, leaving to change.

"Kyle, are you ready?" Jc asks, sipping his drink. I nod, still focused on my phone. He then covers his Canon.

"What's up, o2llllllllllllllllllllllll" he says, revealing me & him in the frame. He takes a breath for a minute, then says

"Jc here, along with Kyle Bridges." I wave.

"Wassup, guys!" I say, turning off my phone. Kian then jumps in between me & Jc, making us squirm, laughing.

"Kian here too" he says, grinning.

"Trevor too" he says, behind the camera. I shake my head.

"Basically, we're going to be answering your guys' tweets" Jc says, opening Twitter.

"Here we goooooo" I say, tickling Kian. He squirms, laughing hard, kicking his feet. He kicks his feet at the tripod, causing it to fall down.

"KIAN! STOP!" Jc yells. He fixes the camera again. Kian smirks, leaving to go to the bathroom.

"Ms.o2l5 asks, who is your favorite youtuber?" Jc reads off his phone. I start to hold in a laugh.

"I mean, besides DailyGrace & jennxpenn is o2l" I say pushing my hair aside. Jc smiles.

"I like Kyle Bridges" Jc says. I put my hand to my chest in awe. Trevor then volunteers to read us the rest of the questions until 4:40. Everybody, even Ricky & Sam, were scramming everywhere. Getting dressed, getting cleaned & getting ready. I wore a top saying 'la la la' referring to the song by Fergie. I then wore shorts & converse. Kian wore a nice top & long jeans. Jc wore a floral button up & jeans along with some cheetah vans. Ricky wore a shirt with a pokeball on it, pants & vans. Connor wore a white tank with black pants & vans. Sam had a nice black sleeveless shirt, with black jeans & white vans. Lastly, Trevor had a black shirt with a pink front pocket, some black jeans & red converse. We were prepared. Gregory pulled up to the front, as we all got in.

I couldn't even remember all of it. I can remember me & Kian watching a movie on the bed, Jc on the other bed editing his collab vid with me, Connor chilling on the floor on his phone & Trevor, Ricky & Sam in the room next to us. Kian was shirtless & Jc was partly shirtless, considering he had a button up. I just remember my thoughts.

I'm going to go on a date with Kian. There's a week dedicated to me on our2ndlife. I'm friends with 6/6. I am in some of their shows on tour. I met a whole lot of my fans.

I never thought my life could get any freaking better.

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