Chapter 5

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A'N: I'm hungry, but im too comfy.

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"That was awesome!" Jc says, wiping the sweat off his forehead with his arm. He jumps on the couch as Ricky & Sam follows. I could see the crowd moving away from their & to their friends or parents.

"It was great, definetly hot, though" Trevor says, planting himself on the othe're r couch.

"Agreed" I say.

"Hey, let's play truth or dare!" Kian says, "there is only 30 more minutes 'till the meet & greet!"

"M-M-Meet? &, Greet?" I stutter, frowning.

"Yeah, why?" Connor asks, furrowing his eyebrows. Oh no. They're worried.

"I meant, uh, MEET & GREET, YAY!" I say, weakly smiling.

"Are you ok, Kyle?" Jc asks.

"So, truth or dare!" I yell. They all shrug it off. Thank god. We get in a circle on the floor, as I sit next to Sam & Jc.

"I go first!" Connor yells, as everybody sighs. He looks around the circle, when his eyes lay on me. He then smiles, a big goofy smile. "Kyle! Truth or dare?"

"Dare" I say, as Sam nudges me.

"I dare you, to kiss you're favorite on the lips!!" he yells, as everybody kept oohing me. I give a worried look to Kian. He quickly hides his grin, shrugging. I sigh. Kian & Sam trade places, as I sit next to Kian. I leaned in, pecking him on the mouth.





I kissed motherfucking KIAN LAWLEY.

I swear to god if I could scream, I would.

Kyan. Kiyle. Mrs. Kyle Lawley. Mr. Kian Bridges.

Hey, I'm a fangirl, what can I say?

We then pull away.

He smiles, as I blush. Jc awes, as I punch him, even though I really didn't care.

"OW!" he yelps, "what'd you take, boxing lessons?"

"I'm strong?" I say puzzled, as everybody laughs. I couldn't beileve my luck. I went to L.A to host for o2l, I kissed KIAN LAWLEY!!!, & I made friends with o2 motherfuckin' l. I look around the room & spot Ricky.

"Ricky!" I say, as he blushes. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth" he replies. I quickly thought of a truth.

"Have you ever, kissed/crushed on a youtuber, & who was it?" I say, giggling. Trevor & Jc make a shocked/grinning look, high-fiving eachother.

"We know it! We know it!!" Jc yelled. Ricky blushes, looking down. Kian looks disapointed or depressed. I quickly regret what I had just asked.

"I crushed on-" Ricky begins, as his smirk quickly turns into a frown, as he sees Kian's look. "Nevermind."

I knew who Ricky had crushed on.

It was Andrea.

Jc, Trevor, Sam, Connor, Ricky & me frown. We kept silent. Kian then stands up, tears filling in his eyes.

"I'm gonna go to t-the bathroom" he says as his voice cracks. He quietly walked away, as I got up & followed.

"Kian! Wait!" I say, following him. i finally catch up to him, as we sat alone. He was crying.

"I'm sorry" he whispers.

"Don't be, you didn't do anything" I say, placing his head on my shoulder.

"I-I'm ab attention seeker, people hate me" he says, wiping a tear.

"I'm always here for you, Kian. Just like you are here for me. Every Saturday. On two channels.*


It was Meet & Greet time. Ricky gave Kian a pep talk, which made him feel better. As we got to the long table, all 100,000+ people were lined in seven rows. We were lined up, as Connor, Trevor, Ricky, Sam, Kian, me & Jc. It was only 15 minutes, & people were having us sign posters, cases, shirts, taking selfies & more. I couldn't help but smile. Smile at my fans. Each & every one of them. One by one. Every single person.

I wouldn't be here without them.

I would be at home, watching movies with Tyler & mom.

But, no.

I'm here.

In L.A, with o2l signing shit.

And that feels fucking awesome.

I felt Jc nudge me, as I look. He gestures to a girl, about my height, looking 16.

"What did you say when I asked you who's your favorite youtuber?" Jc smirks. the girl repeats it.

"Kyle Bridges" she says, smiling at me. i greet her, take a selfie & such.

"What's your name?" I ask her, returning the shirt she gave me to sign.

"Jordie" she replies, smiling. I nod, as I give her my number. I don't know why, but I feel like this one was a keeper. Which is surprisingly weird, because I usually don't greet fans like that.

She waves, then leaves to go to Trevor's table. I could see her squeal at the phone screen. I can infer she was looking at her contacts.

"Wow" Kian says, "wow." I nudge him, smiling at the crowd.

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