Chapter 12

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Right now, it was really boring. My mom & Tyler went back home & I have another week here. I was in the hotel room with Kian & Ricky, & we were bored.

"Hey, we still haven't made a video for my channel?" I ask, quietly. They exchange looks & smirk.

"Maybe I can stand behind the camera" Ricky says, "& ask boyfriend tag questions. So like favorite color-"

"RICKY!" I yell, tackling him. He hollers with laughter, as Kian slowly backs away. I look up at him.

Do you just wanna do a Q&A?" I ask him, politely. He shrugs, but nods.

"Your brother & is friend are so freaking cool" Kian says, "especially Tyler & that Romeo guys."

"Yeah, Romeo was chill" I said.


About fifteen minutes later, me & Kian were dying of laughter at a joke Ricky said.

"Anyways, dramalamadingkong" Kian begins, as I laugh at the username, "says are you dating yet?" Me & Kian look at eachother then the camera.

"Nah" Kian says, "she's way out my league." I bang my head on Kian's head, as he tackles on top of me. In the lens, all you can see is me & Kian lying on eachother & all you hear is Ricky humming the Lion King.

"MeowMarie7 asks," I say, continuing the video, "what is your favorite poop?"

"Oh my gosh!" Kian squeals. "I love PINK poop!" I die of laughter at this joke.

"What, I do!" Kian says, defensively.

"Blue poop is better!" I shout. He acts all offended.






"RED POOP, MOVE ON PLEASE" Ricky yells with a sassy tone. Kian smirks.

"For all those ladies out there, handle your red poops" Kian says with a cheeky grin. I roll my eyes, slapping his forehead.

"Last question, pastelpottorff asks, did you enjoy the tour with Kyle?" Kian looks at the camera for a moment & gives a thumbs up.

"I adore Kyle & everything she does, so we freaking loved it!" Ricky boasted behind the camera.

"What Ricky said" Kian explains, "but ten times infinity that shit. That's me."

I blush like crazy, quickly changing the subject so no fan girls could spam my channel.

"Ok, guys!" I yell. "Thank you so much for watching, if you enjoyed it please give it-"

"THUBS UP!" Kian squealed like a kid, popping the P. I laugh & tell him he sounds like he's 3.

"And subscribe for more videos!" I yell, "I love you guys, BYEEE!" I cover the lens, turning off the camera.

"Aiight, I'll edit it tonight & upload it around tomorrow" I sigh out throwing my camera on the bed.

"WE ARE HOME!" A voice yells from the door. We see a wild Trevor plop on the bed as Sam hops on as well. Jc walks in, with a grim expression.

"Yo, Jack Crackalack" I joke, "wanna head to get some Starbucks, just you & me?" I purse my lips to hear a response. All I get from him was a grumpy mumble, "no."

"What? Why not, I haven't hung out with you alone in forever!" I respond. "What's up, buddy?"

Over the loud conversation Trevor, Kian, Ricky & Sam were having, I hear Jc whisper, "Can we please talk in private?" I nod, as leads me to the outside roof where me & Kian chatted. Instead of sitting on the ledge, he closes the screen door & pulls up two lounge chairs.

"Sit" Jc mutters. I obey, listening closely. It takes a while for him to talk, lip quivering.

"Me & Lia broke up" he mumbles. I gasp.

"What, oh no what happened?" I ask, apologetic. He shrugs, sniffling. Oh no. Don't cry, Jc.

"I dunno" he says, "I guess we needed a break because of her music &" Jc is choking up, with his eyes turning red. He had his red eyes filled with water.

"I'm so sorry" I say, trying to comfort him.

"I just love her so f.ucking much!" Jc sobs, landing his face on my shoulder. I hush him.

"Jc, Jc" I whisper, "it's only a break. Soon, you'll have Lia in your arms, she just needs space. And so do you." I let go, facing him now.

"Maybe, clear your head" I suggest, "focus on something else, like YouTube or traveling. That'll cheer you up, right?"

He shrugs. "I dunno, Kyle. I-I guess I've never had a really girlfriend before. You know, something that's not awkward." I nod, agreeing to his opinion.

"Well, are you gonna tell the boys?" I ask. He shrugs.

"Maybe, but not now." He gets up & wipes his face roughly. He turns to open the door. He then turns once more to look at me.

"Well, cmon! Your paying for my frappe, though." I shake my head at
Jc's deal, but we set off to Starbucks.


Well? How'd you like it? Unfortunately, in going to be ending this fan fiction on either chapter 20 or 22, comment an answer! Also, what should happen to Lia & Jc? Or Kyle & Kian! Inbox me!!

Ps, the reason I am ending this so early is because I have a new fiction story I'm working on. But, should I just make a sequel to this? :)


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