Chapter 13

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A/N: Btw, this chapter might be a lil' boring, but just wait for the next chapter! It's gon' get goooooood. If you enjoy, please vote? Xo.


Me & Jc walk into the leafy green place known as Starbucks Coffee. Starbucks, I admit, loved. But I kept thinking about Molly when I entered. Her last time seeing me; shit, now i'm sad.

"What do you want?" Jc asks. I thought for a while, forgetting my order.

"Vanilla Bean with a pump of caramel" I said. He nods.

"I'll order...A cotton candy frappe" he states in satisfaction. I nod in satisfaction, as well. We were up next. The lady ordering looked Hispanic, with her hair in a messy bun. She looked very friendly.

"Hello! What can I do for you?" the woman asked. Jc clears his throat, showing he's ordering first.

"Uhm, can I please have a cotton candy frappuccino with whip cream, please?" Jc asks. She nods.

"What size?" she asks.

"Medium." The woman finishes typing as I began to order.

"Medium Vanilla Bean, please" I say. She nods. Smiling, she takes two cups & asks us our names.

"Jc & Kyle" Jc says in our order. She nods, as we move to the couch.

"So" Jc says, "how's you & Kian?"

"Good" I mutter. He rolls his eyes.

"HOW good?" he demands. I grin.

"I mean, nothing exciting" I respond, "I really wanna go on a date with him before I leave." Jc goes on his phone.

"Hold on, gotta text someone" he mumbles. I roll my eyes.


Since Kyle wanted to go on a date with Kian, I started texting Kian. Ya' know, because I'm a good friend. And a love expert.

Jc: Yooooooo, Kiki.

Kian: What's up, Caylen?

Jc: What you doing?

Kian: Just chillin' with o2l. What's up?

I pause.

Jc: Kyle wants to go on a date with you.

Kian: Ok? Why didn't she just tell me?

Jc: idk.

Kian: Ok, well, I'll text her later. Bye

Jc: Later, Lawley.

Kian: See you, Justin :)

I turn my phone off, smirking at Kyle. She laughs.

"What?" she asks.

"Kian is gonna ask you out later" I spoke, proud. She drops her jaw.

"You sneaky taco" she mumbles. I smirk.

"A SPICY sneaky taco, Bridges" I say. I go up to recieve our drinks. The big lady in front of us takes her coffee, as she moves to the side. I grab both of our drinks as I return to the couch. Kyle is in the same position, like a statue.

"Your welcome" I say, sliding her drink to her. She smirks, sipping the straw. I do as well.

"So, why'd you ask Kian out for me?" She asks, calmly. I shrug.

"Hey, just because me & Lia aren't picture perfect, doesn't mean you guys are" I say, lounging in my seat. She smiles, nodding.

"Thanks" she says. "So, if you don't mind me asking, how'd you guys....?" her voice trails off in uncomfortable guilt.

"We met up at Creamy Chills Icecream" he says. "The guys went shopping do I hung around with Lia. She said we needed a break, considering she was gonna release an album very soon & I had a few projects myself. I don't blame her." I sip my coffee.

"What are they?" Kyle asks in curiosity. I say in thought. Maybe I should tell her. But, there very top secret & kind of heartbreaking for her. I then gulp down a breath & inhale a new one.

"One project is me having a miniature road trip with four friends" I say, "I dunno who yet." She nods.

"The other" I continue, "is a collaborate channel with Kian." Her eyes suddenly widen, along with her eyebrows cocking up. She sat in shock. Then, she smiles.

"That's great, Jc!" She cheers. Then she frowns. "Wait, but how will....." Her voice trails off in realization. She found out in that second, we were planning to end o2l. She sips her coffee, gulping down a visible lump in her throat.

"Yeah, I know" I say, upset. "O2l is sorta falling apart, Kyle. Don't tell anyone I told you this, but somebody plans to leave."


"I dunno." We both sat in discomfort. We obviously felt guilty about this scheme.

"Well, I don't blame you" she finally says, "Kian's a great guy. Dreamy, funny, weird, sweet." She smirks at a probably naked thought of Kian.

"Dreaming about Naked Lawley-Pop?" I mutter, smirking. She hits me on the shoulder playfully.

"Don't tell anybody about this convo, 'Kay?" I ask.

"I have zipped lips" she says, smiling.

Uh oh.


Well! Thanks for reading. Comment what should happen next & please vote for this fanfiction!


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