Chapter 2

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Hope you like this book, because I'm updating it & Loverboy a LOT!!

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"Ok, ok!" Tyler says. "What is it?!"

My face is turning bright red from enjoyment. I've never been so happy. And get this. My MOM emailed him about it. I want to scream but ya' know, trouble.

"Tyler Fred Bridges" I say, loud, "I have been accepted to join along the our2ndlife tour!" He's speechless. He quickly forms a small smirk, walking away.

"Yes, Kyle" he says. "And I met Harry Styles while I was on a pony, eating a Cheeto." I roll my eyes at his sarcasm. He walks away.

"Fine" I say. "Don't believe me." I decided to text Gregory & get more information.


Hey, there's my star!


Hey Gregory, do you know when I'm starting?

Well, there is five more country's, so I guess 4 AM Monday.


Great! So where am I heading?


I bought you a ticket to Atlanta.




See you tomorrow!


Btw, tell the boys to follow me on twitter if they can (;


Ha! Ok!

I snap my phone off & start packing. I pack my toothbrush, some toothpaste, pj's, hair brush, clothes & a bathing suit, just in case.

Oh, crap! I forgot!

I rush down the stairs, outside.
"There you are!" I say, grabbing my penny board. It's a bit weird, but I named him Alfie. Yeah, go & judge me.

I lastly put on my pajamas. Comfy pants & a tank that said 'gn' with the sleepy emoji. I decide to tweet out:

@KyleBridges: I'm excited 😋 @kianlawley @jccaylen @connorfranta @rickypdillon @sampottorff @trevormoran


I jump in bed, turning off my lights, as I deeply fall into a relaxing sleep.


I wake up to a bright day. Shining sun, glorious whether & no worries. Hakuna Matata & all that shit. I peer at the clock on my phone. It was a Sunday, at 9:57.

The best thing about hosting the tour is no school, so no overdue homework. I changed into something relaxing. A blue crop top & some sweatpants. I storm downstairs, finding the smell of breakfast. I walk in, seeing Tyler & mom. Tyler's devours a waffle, as I sit down eating mine.

"So, did you text o2l?" Tyler muffles through his food. "Did Sam ask you to Chipotle?"I punch him, letting him know to shut up.

"Tyler, she is" she says to Tyler, "And she is also meeting them, staying for 3 weeks & coming back here."

"Ha, ha, douche" I say, sticking my tonge out to Ty. Mom glared at me, with eyes telling me stop. I go back to eating.

"Mornin' fellas" Jonas says, storming into his chair. Tyler had a sleepover with his friend, Jonas. He's blonde & plays guitar. Jonas is awesome. He's like the NICE brother I've never had.

"Hello, Jonas" my mom said. She narrows her eyes at him. Just because me & Tyler like him, doesn't mean my mom does.

"So I heard you're hosting a tour?" Jonas says to me. I nod, all smiley & happy. He chuckles at me, biting his food.

"Yup, & I'm so excited!" I say.

"Now, hold on, sis" Tyler asks, stabbing his fork in his food, "what if this guy is lying? What if it's a perv trick? Wha-"

"Tyler!" Mom says, shocked, "if I emailed Gregory, then it must be real!" Jonas hangs his head down, looking at his breakfest. I giggle silently, so mom & Tyler won't hear me.

"Fine, but I warned you" he replies, stroking his dirty blonde, bed hair.

"I'm going to go out" I mumble. I take the last bite of my pancakes, & jump upstairs. I tip-toed to my room to get my board. Going down again, I call out to my mom, "Going out to Starbucks, be back at 10:20!" No response. I wait a second, shrug & head out. As I ride, I lean side to side, keeping balance. It felt like it took 3 minutes to get there. I walk in the cool breeze of Starbucks & head to the counter. I noticed a familiar face.

"Lil' Kylie!" she says.

"Molly!" I say, hugging her. Molly was my favorite Starbucks employee. I see her almost everytime I go to Starbucks. She never really hung out with me in another place, but that's her job's fault. I mean this place is always packed! But, she has always been like an older sister to me.

"So, what's on the menu?"

"Medium Java Chip" I say, grinning. She gives the order to a large employee, as she turns to me again.

"Sooooooooooooo, what's new?" she asks, with dazy blue eyes.

"I've been asked to join the o2l tour!" I squeal. She widens her eyes.

"Kyle Monica Bridges, if you're lying, I will sucker punch you in the no-no area" she says, slamming her fist on the counter. It wasn't that loud, but made me jump. Molly is also an o2l fan. She's into Trevor, but I ship her with Connor. 1), they both enjoy cats & coffee, & 2), they are both in their 20's.

"Nope" I shake my head. She's speechless. We squeal in excitement, that people stare at us. We eventually stop, as she hands me my coffee.

"How long will you be staying??" she asks, smiley. She leans on the black counter top, as I'm fiddling with my fingers.

"Three weeks!" I say, smirking. Her smile falls into a frown.

"Oh" she says, turning. "Well, have a nice time." She writes me something on my drink, then waves to me grinning again. I give a confusing/smiling look, then turn away. I walk outside, sitting in an outside booth. I read what she said. It wasn't my name.

I'll miss you :'( Have a nice time

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