Chapter 6:

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Isabella's (P.O.V)
As I woke up at 7 I did my usual girly things and ran down stairs to eat breakfast. I was wearing a blue summer dress with pink pumps. As I was waiting for breakfast to be served on the counter my parents approached me very suddenly asked "where was I last night?" " I was at mats house one of my friends helping him study." I said. They didn't seem so convinced but they let me off the hook and said "ok, now eat up before your food gets cold." they demanded. After breakfast I put on my bracelet for the winter festival, packed my bag and walked to the bus stop. As I walked to the back of the bus I took the seat on the right hand side next to the window. I put in my ear phones and started to listen to "TURN DOWN FOR WHAT"

Mats (P.O.V)
As I hoped on the bus alone I realised Isabella was at the back of the bus so I went and sited next to her. As I sat down she looked at me and smiled of course I smiled back and she said "cute outfit." I replied back "thanks" and asked her "if she had any plans on?" Unfortunately she said " yes because she had to go dress shopping for the ball." After that we both got off the bus and I bumped into Catrina. "hey there handsome" she said. "Asked anyone out to the ball lately?" She asked with excitement in her voice. I just replied back Cooley "yeah Isabella actually." She inhaled deeply and replied back sweetly "I'll be surprised if she lasts till the end of the day anyway what do you see in that girl, she's a nerd she isn't pretty and I'm gorgeous." That made me really offended " hey she is way more prettier than you will ever be." I said and stormed off.

Thalia's (P.O.V)
As we were waiting for Mat, I noticed that Isabella had one of the formal bracelets on so I decided to ask her "whose the lucky man that asked you out to the formal Isabella?" "Mathew" she replies and as i look over to Summer she looks angry real angry.

Summer (P.O.V)
I can't believe Mat asked that slut out I mean what does he see in her. Ok I admit it I am a tad jealous of Isabella and I mean who wouldn't.

Isabella (P.O.V)
As I saw Mat walking down the hall with a swam of girls around I yelled out loudly "over here Mat" and all of a sudden the girls move out of his way. But then Summer comes up to me and yells at me in the face "STAY AWAY FROM MATHEW HE IS MINE!" And she punches me hard in the head and I go flying back into the locker and then everything goes black.

Mat (P.O.V)
As I saw Isabella I straight away ignored Summer and rushed over to Isabella's side, picked her up bridal style and ran to the nurse.
2 hours later
"Isabella is okay you can go in if you like" says the nurse. Me and Thalia look at each other and walk in. "How are you feeling?" I ask "My head is killing mean." She replies. "Did you miss out classes because of me?" Isabella asks. "Yes we were worrying about you so much. Thalia answers. "Aw thanks guys"Isabella says. "We better get back to class I'm feeling a lot better now." Isabella says. "Are you sure" me and Tahlia say in Union which makes us giggle. "Yes I'm more than positive. "Ok than I'll walk you to your next class" I say. The rest of the day I spent with Isabella wow she is a dynamite girl I thought, meaning that you could never get board around her. The home bell just rang.

Isabella's (P.O.V)
The home bell just rang signalling end of classes. As I walk home I grab my keys for my Ferrari and drive to the mall, as I am paying for my dress I bump into Mat. What is he doing here I wonder. "Hi" I say. "Hi" he replies "have you gotten your tux for the dance?" I ask "yes and I see you've gotten your dress" he says. "Your correct want to get a snack?" I ask. "Sure". After we eat we say our good byes and drive home. I'm so excited for the ball appear entry he is going to pick me up in a lime at 6. I do my night routine and after I have a shower I get dress into my pjs and go to bed.

Mats (P.O.V)
So I've agreed to pick her up in a limo at 6 how exciting I thought. I am still angry at Summer though I don't know if I will ever be able to go give her. I heard it was Thalias birthday soon so I decided to get 5 seconds of summer to play at the ball. Next I do my night routine and get dressed into my pjs and go to bed.

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