On The Run

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Alex was in the woods near the SAS base running. He had not seen the deer yet but he keep running. He hear helicopters or some type of small plane, He keep running. His bag was slowing him down so he dropped it. One of the air planes dropped in front of Alex and three people stepped out of it. One of them was wherein red whit and blue with a shield with a white star in front of it. Then a women with red hair in all black. Then a guy had a bow and arrow. The men in red, white a blue stepped closer.

"Freeze. Put your hands above your head." Alex backed up. Who where this guys. Then he heard something behind him. He turned around to see a robot and a blond dude with a hammer in his hands. Alex was surrounded.

"You got this all wrong." Alex turned and ran more into the woods. He heard that they were behind him. He felt something in his chest and moved. Sire enough they were shooting at him. Then he heard something metal. It was a shield headed for him. He grabbed it and tossed it back at them. Then the robot got in front of Alex. The robot held his hands in front of him that glowed blue.

"Now lets not make this any difficult." Alex relaxed a bit. He felt someone grab his shoulders and his instinct kicked in. He turned around and there was the women. They got into a fight. Alex was thinking that she must have had some training. He blocked every punch she threw and so did she. By the end he had her pinned to the ground. He got up and ran when the guy with the hammer was in front of him.

"Please. We are trying to help you." He had a thick accent of some kind and Alex could not tell.

"Well, I'm not a threat so leave me alone." Alex kick the guy in the gut and he went flying. Then he ran more. Alex was getting tired but he keep going. Then he felt sheering pain in his back right shoulder. He feel to the ground. His skin around his should was burnt. He was trying not to touch it but he was in agony. He heard the women talk.

"Stark, did you really have too hurt him." He felt his hands being cuffed. 

"He was not making it any easier on us." The robot talked or Tony Stark talked. Alex was picked up to his feet. The women was in front of him. "Black Widow he probably would have ran all the way around the world." Alex guessed the women was Black Widow. He thought it definitely suited her.

"Tony I think that's not true. Come on Widow lets get him back to the Heli-carrier." The man in red, white and blue was next to Tony. Alex did not want to go so he did what he could and kick Black Widow in the side. He hear a small crack and she let him go. He got his hands in front of him.

"I'm not going anywhere." They backed up a little knowing that Widow was just hurt and thats not easy and that he also knocked out the guy with the Hammer.

"Take it easy. I'm Steve, or Captain America." He got closer to Alex and Captain America tossed Alex the key. Alex bent down slowly and picked it up and unlocked the cuffs that were on his hand. Alex started to feel a little dizzy. Steve saw it in his eyes and went closer to Alex. Where Alex was hit by Tony had started to bleed a lot. Steve put Alex's arm around his shoulder. Tony grabbed the guy with the hammer and the Archer grabbed Black widow. They started to head back to the plane they came in.

"Who's the guy with the Hammer?" Alex asked still dizzy but not out.

"That's Thor then the guy with the bow is Hawkeye." Alex nodded. They started to walk into the plane when Alex remembered that he was not suppose to go with them.

"Let me go. I'm not a threat." Alex flipped Steve to the ground and started to walk away. Then Hawkeye took an arrow and shot it at Alex. It was a tranquilizer but it did not effect Alex.

"Alex. Just come with us so that Fury can see for himself." Steve was behind him. Alex stopped and took out the arrow and turned to Steve. "How old are you?" Alex went closer to Steve.

"16." They started to walk back to the plane and he went into it. There was a medic in the plane and he looked at Alex's back. The medic had Alex take his shirt off. Steve was in the same room with him and both the medic and Steve got the shock of their lives. They saw all his scares. They got Alex all patched up. Black Widow was okay she had a fratured rib bone and Thor just had the wnd knocked out of him. Alex was in a room alone on the plane. Steve walked in.

"Your 16?" Alex nodded. "Wow. When did you become a solider?" Alex looked down.

"I was 14 when I started to spy for MI6 after I was black mail. Trained at SAS for about a week and then about two years later here I am at SAS and being hunted down by you guys." Steve shook his head.

"14 is too young in my books. You know your lucky to be alive with the wound from your chest." Alex nodded. Then he laughed.

"That's MI6 for yea." Steve smiled. He sat down next to Alex.

"You get nightmares from you being out in the field?" Alex looked at Steve.

"Yea. How did you know?" Steve sighed.

"I was in World War II. I have a super solider serum that made me bigger and stronger. I still have some. I had a best friend die during that war." Alex felt closer to Steve.

"I had a best friend die about a year ago. She died by a car bomb in Cairo. The person that killed her look exactly like me and I killed him." Steve looked at Alex. Steve felt bad for him. Steve was still a little up set about Buckey but for Alex and how young he was it must have been hard.

"I'm sorry Alex." Steve looked at his watch. "Were almost to the heli-carrier." Alex nodded.

"Any way I can back out?" They both chuckled.

"No. Come one. Widow is awake and I think she wants to talk to you before we dock." They walked out of the room. There was Black Widow in front of the door. She looked mad.

Alex Rider/ Avenger Crossover: Code BlueWhere stories live. Discover now