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Widow was in front of Alex. Steve was behind Alex and he knew from the look on Widow's face that she was not in a good mood. "Natasha, don't think about it." Steve looked at her.

"Do what?" Alex asked and then Natasha punched Alex in the Jaw. He fell to the ground. He shook his head trying to get the stars out of his head.

"Everything's better Cap." She looked down at Alex. "He is hard to beat." Alex got up on his own.

"That hurt." Alex turned to Natasha and Steve.

"Good. No one beats me." They started to walk to the main area. As soon as they docked they opened the door and they walked out. Alex was surprised at what he saw. It looked to be a big ship. He was being lead to the main area. Then a man was in front of Alex. He had on eye covered by a patch.

"Why is he no tied up?" He ask Steve.

"He's okay. He's on our side." Steve said defending Alex.

"If I did not say before but he is a threat and should be restrained." Alex was a little made at this guy.

"We tried that Fury. He just keep escaping and beating the crap out of us."  Fury nodded.

"Natasha, restrain him." Fury said and she went up behind Alex.

"With pleasure." She grabbed his hand but he ended up flipping her.

"I came here by will and this is how you treat me." Alex turned around. "I'm Leaving."

"You can't leave." Alex heard Fury and next thing he knew he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Natasha. Within a few seconds Alex had her on the ground.

"Now I can break your arm or stop touching me." He had her arm pinned to her back. If he put just a little bit of pressure than it would her arm. He let her go. There was guns pointed at him by Fury. Steve got in front of Alex.

"Fury. This kid is good. Let him join the Avengers and we can keep a close eye on him." Fury thought about it for a minute and nodded. Tony came out with Thor.

"So, this is the man that defeated me." Thor asked as he got closer to Alex. Thor put his hand on Alex's shoulder. Alex tensed up. "No one has really done that before. This is a true man to become a hero." Alex was not relaxing. Tony opened his mask so everyone could see his face.

"You one strong kid. How about we all got to Stark tower and talk." Alex did not say anything. "What's wrong kid. Cat got your tough." Alex's chest started to hurt. He knew what that meant.

"Everyone down." Alex went down to the ground and so did everyone else but Tony and Thor. A bullet hit Tony's armor near the chest. Alex was there. Fury got up and saw what happen.

"Stand down." Fury yelled into the a ear piece. Tony was unharmed. Alex got up slowly because his should still hurt. Steve walked up to Fury.

"Did you just try and kill a kid?" Fury did not say anything. "Tony lets go. Get Alex to safety." Tony Grabbed Alex and flew. Alex was scared cause he was thousands of feet up in the air. A plane followed behind Tony that Cap, Natasha and Hawkeye was in. Thor was flying beside Tony.

"Okay Alex. Were almost there. Hold on." Alex saw a big tower with His name on the side. They landed on the balcony. Tony's suit started to come off and they walked. Alex was farther in front. The plane landed on top of the tower. Tony rushed Alex into the building. A girl with blond reddish hair ran to them and hugged Tony.

"You alright?" She saw Alex. "Who's he Tony?" Tony looked at her and they moved more into the center of the building.

"Pepper, meet Alex Rider. He was the threat Fury wanted us to pick up." Pepper looked at Alex almost scared. Natasha, Hawkeye, Thor and Steve walked in from the elevator.

"Tony isn't he dangerous?" Pepper looked back to Tony.

"No Pepper it was a miss understanding but they still think of him as a threat." Pepper walked towards Alex and shook his hand.

"I'm Pepper Pots." He shook her hand. He was thinking that she was nice. 

"Pepper?" Tony asked and she turned back to him. "Is Bruce in his lad?" Captain, Hawkeye, Natasha and Thor were behind Alex.

"Yea. Why? Are you hurt Tony?" He shook his head and eyed Alex. His should still hurt. She put her hand over her hand. "Oh. Come on lets get down there." She took Alex's hand and dragged him to the elevator. Everyone fit in the elevator. Alex was feeling claustrophobic. He saw Pepper press a button that had a B on it meaning basement. She also swiped a card. It took them quite a long ways.

"Sir. I sense that the young man in the elevator his low in blood and is malnourished." A computer talked scaring Alex.

"Thank you Jarvis. That's my intelligent computer." Tony said. All of them but Alex were worried for him including Natasha. The door opened to a lab with one man in it. "Bruce, we need your help." The man looked up and saw Alex

"Who's that?" He pointed to Alex. Alex walked up.

"I'm Alex Rider. Apparently I'm a threat." Bruce shook his hand. 

"Join the club. I'm Bruce. So what's the problem?" He looked at Tony.

"Well I shot him in the should and Jarvis said that he does not have a lot of blood and that he is malnourished." Tony said. Alex felt like a little kid. He felt fine. He was not hungry and his back only hurt a little.

"Hope up on the table and take your shirt off so I can see the burn." Alex hesitated. Only Steve knew about his scars. He hoped up on the table. "Come on Alex. You have nothing to hide." Alex slowly took off his shirt and everyone saw his scars and were surprised but Cap. Natasha went closer to Alex.

"What happen to you?" Alex sighed. He looked over his should to see the burn but he could not see it.

"Let's see. Tortured, shot all apart of being a teenage spy." Then she saw the sniper wound.

"You should be dead." She said almost regretted it when she said it.

"2 cm above my heart. I was young when it happen and that's the reason why I am still alive." She backed up. "My shoulder is starting sting so can we please hurry this up?" Bruce snapped out and started to clean the wound. Alex did not flinch as he cleaned it. In no time Bruce got it all patched up and Alex put his shirt back on. Steve walked up to Alex.

"You never said that you were tortured. By who?" Alex looked down and walked past Steve.

"Scorpia." Pepper opened the door and took him back upstairs to give him a room to sleep in. She went with him.

"That kid has been through a lot." Tony was next to Bruce. Bruce nodded.

"How old is he Tony?" Bruce asked Tony. Steve answered.

"He said 16. Started being a spy at 14." Steve waited for the elevator to come and he went to his own room. Tony and Bruce stayed down stairs with Hawkeye and Natasha for a little bit then they went upstairs for the night.

Alex Rider/ Avenger Crossover: Code BlueWhere stories live. Discover now