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Everyone was waiting for Alex to wake up. Natasha was in the room with Pepper. The others were waiting outside. Pepper and Natasha were have a small conversation. Natasha started the conversation. "Why does Loki want Alex?" Pepper shrugged.

"Maybe Loki has seen him in action and that he did wind Thor which is impossible unless your a God yourself." Natasha nodded. 

"Do you think Alex has any girlfriends?" Pepper was surprised to hear that out of Natasha's mouth.

"I'm sure he does. I mean look at him. He's hot." Alex was awake but no one knew since his eyes were closed. He was just listening to their conversation. Then he decided to answer Natasha's question.

"I have no girlfriend." He opened his eyed that felt like lead to see the bright hospital lights. He saw Natasha and Pepper on each side of him. 

"Alex. How do you feel?" Pepper asked. Almost concerned. She did not want him to feel pain.

"I'm fine Pepper. I have a high pain tolerance. Very high." Pepper looked relieved. 

"I'm going to go tell the guys." Pepper left the room. Natasha got closer to Alex.

"Why did you not go with Loki?" It was a trick question and Alex knew it.

"I didn't go with him because I know he's bad. Also I spent a lot of my time saving the world. I don't want to see all my hard work gone to waste." She looked satisfied with that answer. She left the room so Alex could get some sleep. Alex closed his eyes but soon opened them to Loki. He was next to Alex in a chair sitting Cross legged.

"Well isnen't the spy finally awake from his slumber." Alex stayed still. "I am going to make your life a living hell. You took my spear and now you must pay the price." Alex got up as quick as he could and kick Loki in the chest. He disappeared. Tony came running in with Steve.

"Everything okay?" Steve asked.

"Loki visit me. He's gone. Hopefully I may have cracked one of his ribs." All of them smiled.

"We probably should take Alex back to the tower so we can at least have a closer eye on him." They all agreed. The doctors let Alex go that night and Steve and Tony took him back to the tower. It was about midnight and when they walked in he aw pepper watching tv. She turned as saw Alex, she got up and hugged him.

"Your okay. Has Loki tried to take him again?" She asked Tony. She let go of Alex. Tony nodded.

"I'm fine Pepper. I think I broke some of his ribs." Pepper smiled at Alex. Alex thought for a moment. "He had his spear though. Where is it?" Alex looked at Steve, Tony and Pepper.

"It's in a safe place." Tony said. Alex got a little suspicious at that answer but he shrugged it off. He started to head for his room. "Where you going Alex?"

"Sleep." Alex keep walking till he got into his room. He paced around for a little. He was thinking about meditating cause it was a way for him to sleep without dreams. He light some candles and sat down on the floor. He closed his eyes and breathed in and out very slowly. His heart went down. Then heard a knock on the door. "Come in." As Steve walked in Alex opened his eyes. He was wearing blue jeans and a white shirt. 

"What you doing?" Steve walked in and sat in front of Alex. Steve sat the same way as Alex but facing him.

"Mediation. It a way of sleep for me." Steve nodded.

"May I join you?" Steve asked. Alex smiled.

"Sure but you have to answer one of my questions." He got Steve to smile.

"Go ahead." Steve said. Alex relaxed.

"You said that you had a friend die. What's your nightmares?" Alex asked. Steve went into a black expression.

"The only time I have a nightmare is when I'm punching a bag. I just start remembering all that I lost while I was in ice. I remember my friend dying. I start punching harder till the bag fly's off and I snap out of that and grab a new one." Steve said. It was similar to Alex's problem but not exact. "What's yours?" Alex sighed.

"I'm strapped in a torture chair. There is a big screen in front of me. I'm hooked up to machines and there is two men in front of me. One of them looks like me and the other person is with Scorpia. Then they show my friend escaping and right away i know something's wrong. Then they show her in the car telling me that it has a bomb that will be activated by a press of a button. The man that looked like me pressed it and I saw it happen and sometimes I'm the one pressing the button." Alex had tears going down his cheek. He quickly wiped them away. He noticed that it was a memory not really a dream. The only part that was different from the real thing was that he was not the one that pressed the button.

"Alex. I'm sorry you had to experience that. How about we meditate now." Alex nodded and they closed their eyes and breathed slowly. Alex knew his heart rate started to go down. He did not know about Steve but Alex felt relaxed. Then what seemed like a while he went deeper into his mediation and his breathing got even slower and his heart rate got even lower. One thing that he did not know was that there was a women in the room and Steve left a while ago. The women was asgardian. She had green clothing like Loki. Her name was The Enchantress. He could not hear her.

"This is the man Loki wants for his army. He has a broken heart. Perfect for me. He's also really cute." She was talking to another man in the room. His name was Executioner. He nodded. "You shall be mine Alex Rider." Green smoke covered Alex. He did not know what was happening. The smoke disappeared into Alex's brain. He fell over and all the Avengers and Pepper came running into Alex's room. They saw her. "Avengers. Nice to meet you. Now I must go." She was gone. Pepper ran to Alex.

"Alex. Wake up for me." Thor knelled next to Pepper.

"She has enchanted him. There is no reverse for it unless I take him to Asgard." Thor said. Pepper got up and left the room. Natasha went after her. Steve, Clint, Thor and Tony were the only ones left.

"Thor? Who was she?" Tony asked.

"Her name is The Enchantress. She must be with Loki." Thor said while he got up. Alex still was on the floor. "I must bring him to Asgard." Then Alex opened his eyes.

"Why am I on the floor?" Alex got back to a sitting position.

"Alex, how do you feel?" Thor asked knelling once again next to Alex.

"Fine. Why?" Thor saw Alex's eyes turn green for a second but he did not say anything.

"Jarvis just said you feel so we wanted to make sure you were okay." Tony said lie through his teeth. It was almost morning.

"I guess I should get up and take a shower." Alex got up from the floor and everyone left. There was a bathroom connected to the room. He picked out a outfit that they had bought the other day and took a shower. Once he was done he went into the living room. No one was in there. He grabbed a piece of fruit and Tony walked in messing with his tablet in his hands. He was reading something. He notice Alex and turned off his tablet.

"Hey Alex." Tony's hair was wet so Alex thought he could have taken a shower. Alex had this feeling to go take a wake.

"Tony I'm going to go take a walk around the block." Alex got up. Tony was not paying attention at least that's what Ale thought. Tony messaged Natasha that Alex was going out and that she needed to watch him. Natasha was out walking around seeing if anything was out of the ordinary and she was close to the tower.

"Oh. Alex before I forget." Tony gave Alex a phone lie his. It was clear. "Your phone. If something happens. Text 911 to any of us. It has all our numbers in it." Alex put it in his pocket and went into the elevator. He walked out of the building and walked around till he found an alley and he went down it. He did not know why but he just did. There was a women in the alley way. She looked at him with green eyes. It reminded him of Grace. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

"Honey you made it." She said. To Alex her voice was beautiful. He walked closer to her. Natasha was watching from a far.

Alex Rider/ Avenger Crossover: Code BlueWhere stories live. Discover now