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Once Alex was out of the room it was silence. Natasha was the one to break the award silence. "Alex was talking about his best friend was killed. Could that be the women the he had the picture of?" She was looking a Pepper. Pepper thought about it for a minute.

"Yea your right. Jarvis?" Pepper said.

"Yes Miss Pots." The computer asked. The living room was back to normal.

"Can you get an ID on the picture Alex was holding?" Pepper looked to Tony which had a Tablet that was see through.

"Yes. Please hold on. I will send it to Mr. Stark's device." Then a image of the women poped up. Tony started to read.

"Jackie Starbright. Lived in London with Ian Rider as a house keeper and babysit Alex Rider. It says she died little over a year ago by a car bomb in Cairo." Tony was a little worried by what he read. If it was true that Alex's best friend was the Jackie. Pepper looked at the profile.

"Poor kid. He must be going through some hard times." Pepper said. Steve got up. "Where you going Steve?"

"To talk to him." He was about to leave when Jarvis spoke.

"I would not do that. Alex is sleeping right now, He is moving quite a bit though." They all ran into Alex's room. He was a asleep but having a nightmare. Pepper was behind Tony. Natasha was next to Steve which he was by Alex's side.

"We should wake him up." Pepper told Tony. Tony nodded. They walked closer. Pepper and Natasha grabbed his legs and Steve and Tony Grabbed his arms. He was still dreaming. They did not want him to hurt himself.

"Alex!" Tony yelled at Alex. Alex's eyes opened. He was able to get out of there grip in a matter of second and the was standing on the the bed breathing hard. Alex realized that it was them and relaxed. He looked at them.

"Sorry." He sat down. He had sweat coming down from his head and and soaking his shirt. Pepper put her hand on Alex's.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. Want to tell us about the dream?" Pepper asked. Alex didn't know what to do. He just tried to calm down his heart rate.

"I don't know." Alex grabbed at his shoulder. It was hurting a little bit. Natasha got closer to Alex.

"Why don't you tell us about the dream." Alex looked confused. "Was it about your friend, Jackie Starbright?" Alex paused. He looked stunned. He could not believe they knew. He put his hands into his head. He nodded as a response for Natasha question. They were silent for a while. Tony and Steve left the room. Pepper grabbed his hand.

"I'm sure she was proud of you. Come on Alex. We need to go shopping." Alex looked at Pepper.

"Why?" Alex did not look so sad.

"Well you need a new look." Natasha said. "Got to keep you off Shield's radar." Alex nodded. He got up from the bed and they took each of his hands and dragged him to the elevator. Tony saw them.

"What are you guys doing?" They were almost to the elevator.

"Shopping." Both of them said. Alex was not too happy.

"Tony, help me." Alex said. Tony laughed.

"Can I come. I want to make sure you guys are not spending a fortune." Tony hopped into the elevator as it closed. "So you feeling better Alex?"

"I guess but now I have to go shopping with them and you. Not my kind of fun." Tony slapped Alex on the back. Alex tried not to yelp at the burns on his back.

"I know kid." Both of them smiled. They took one of Tony's sports cars to the Mall and they made Alex try on all kinds of cloths. They got him green contacts and brown dye for his hair. Right now they were in a clothing store. They gave Alex just about anything that had his size. He tryed them all on. Only the things with black suited him. They got him a couple pairs of black and blue jeans. Also a couple of black shirts with designs on them. They also got him a pair of black shoes to go with it all. After it seemed like to Alex hours of shopping. They finally were done and headed back to Stark tower. Then something hit the car making it turn upside down. The windows were smashed and some of the glass was in there face. Alex was the first one out. He help Tony, Pepper, and Natasha out of the car. They were all unconscious. He went up to Tony to try and wake him up.

"Tony. Tony!" Alex yelled at him. His eyes opened. 

"Where's Pepper?" He sat up and went to Pepper. Alex went to Natasha.

"Tony, she's fine. What happen?" Alex said trying to calm Tony down. Natasha and Pepper started to wake up.

"Looks like maybe a bomb." Tony said while helping Pepper up. Alex did the same for Natasha. Alex felt pain in his side. He looked to see a small piece of metal in his side. Pepper saw it.

"Alex. Stop moving your going to make it worse." Pepper went to Alex. Natasha saw it too. Alex started to feel dizzy. 

"Freeze." Men were surrounding them. Alex saw there eyes and a abnormal blue. They put there hands up including Alex with opened the wound even more. Then a man in gold looking armor and green clothing appeared. He had some kind of spear that had a orb in it and it was the same color as the men's eyes.

"What a show. Now we have two defenceless Avengers, a citizen and a wounded spy. What a present." He walked close to Alex.

"Loki. I thought you were in prison." Tony said. Alex pushed Pepper away from him as Loki got closer to Alex.

"I was in prison but there is always ways out." Loki started to circle Alex. Alex knew he might pass out soon cause his legs started to get weak. "A solider and a spy. Impressive. You would be a good alley for my team. Join me Alex Rider."

"Never in a billion years. I'm a good guy. I'm selfless not looking for power." Alex said with venom in his words.

"Such a waste of talent." Loki started to get the spear closer to Alex's chest but Alex reacted before anything could happen. Alex knocked the spear out of Loki's hands and into Alex's. Loki put his hands up. "He's a fast one." Then he disappeared and so did the men surrounding them. Alex fell to his knees still holding the spear. Tony ran to Alex. Natasha was already at his side with Pepper.

"Alex, why did you have to do that?" Tony asked. Alex looked at him.

"That's who I am." Alex collapsed. A ambulance came and took him to the hospital. Natasha went with Alex while Tony and Pepper went back to Stark Tower and told everyone the news. Loki was watching from a distance.

"That Alex Rider guy is outstanding for a mortal. I must have him in my army." With that he continued his plans and waited for the right moment. 

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Alex Rider/ Avenger Crossover: Code BlueWhere stories live. Discover now