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Alex ended up a dome the look to have been made out of Gold. Thor was next to him. Then a man in Gold armor with a sword that acted like a key. "Welcome to Asgard Alex Rider." Alex felt like his heart was broken once again. He could not remember what happen after he meditated with Steve.

"Thor. What happen?" Thor looked at Alex. All of them started to walk out on to the rainbow bridge.

"You were enchanted by a women named Amora. Seems like you are not anymore. The only way to have done that was to separate you two from many worlds away. I brought you to my home world Asgard." They took him side of a castle.

"This place is huge." Alex could see that there was a lot of guards in gold armor.

"Indeed it is. I want you to meet some of my friends." They walked into the feast room when the Warrior three and Lady Sif was there. The biggest one went up to Thor and hugged him.

"So god to see you Thor." He said the the two smaller guys went up to Alex. The one that looked to be more viking pointed at him.

"Who's he?" Thor came up behind Alex.

"Hogun this is a friend from earth. His name is Alex Rider. Alex meet the warrior three. Hogun." He pointed to the man that looked more like a viking. "Volstagg." The guy that looked to have been smaller. Also short hair. "Fandral." The big guy with read hair and a long beard. "Then Lady Sif." Thor pointed to the last person in the room. It was a women with armor on. She shook Alex's hand.

"Your the one that Thor has been talking about. The kid the knocked him out." Alex nodded. "Well we are going to have to do a battle with this one." She put her arm around Alex's shoulder and dragged him to the middle of the room. She kicked the huge table to the wall to make room.

"Thor. I think we should go back to Earth now. Please." Alex looked at Thor.

"Come on Alex. You beat me so you can easily beat them." He slapped Alex on the back.

"What's your favorite weapon Alex Rider?" Alex got closer to Sif as she said that.

"I have none. I am all fists." Alex said. Sif nodded.

"Alright lets do it your way. Fandarl why don't you tell us when to fight." Alex got into his stance. Sif did the same.

"Fight." Fandarl said with a piece of meat in his hand. Sif punched first. Alex blocked it all till she got tired and then he swiped her feet from under her. She fell to the ground.

"Sorry about that." Alex helped her up. She then tried to pull him down to the ground. It did not work so he backed up. She got up from the ground and shot out a fist. He grabbed her arm and got it behind her, it was the same way he had Natasha in twice. He could break her arm. She started to laugh.

"He is good." Alex got off of her and helped her up off the floor. They all laughed. Alex was confused. Thor went behind Alex.

"He is something an't he. Lets show he where he is going to be sleeping." Alex backed away from Thor.

"Place to sleep. I want to go back home now please." Alex said.

"I'm sorry Alex. Tony wants you here till tomorrow just to be safe." Alex shook his head. They lead him to a room that had a King size bed with gold sheets. They gave him some different cloths. He got changed while they left and he waited. He heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." A women came in. Alex did not recognize her. Till he looked closer. It was Sif. Alex stood up.

"Come. Oden wants to talk to you." Alex followed Sif. They came to a room bigger than any he's seen. A man on the throne in front of them had a gold eye patch and all white hair. He had crows or Raven round him. His voice boomed around the room.

Alex Rider/ Avenger Crossover: Code BlueWhere stories live. Discover now