Back at Camp

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Alex was still sitting on the bed shocked from what he heard. Amora was shocked too. Alex stayed still for a while. Then Alex got up and ran out the door.

"Alex wait." He slammed the door. He walked out into the living room and kitchen. Tony and Pepper where there watching him. Alex seemed made. He walked out to the balcony and watched New York. Tony walked out there to talk to him.

"Hey Alex. Something wrong?" Alex looked at him. He was confused, mad and heartbroken at the same time.

"No." He looked away and said quietly.

"What did you say Alex?" Tony said getting closer to Alex.

"I said NO!" The building started to shake and it stopped as Alex cooled down. Alex didn't that he did that. Tony put his hands up and walked back inside. After a few moments of cooling down Amora was next to Alex.

"I'm sorry Alex. I do love you." She said as she tried to grab his hand but as soon as she touched him he moved it away.

"It's not that. I just remembered what you made me do. Amora I'm mad. I want to go home. I am a spy not a super hero or any kind of hero." He walked away and went to his room to pack stuff up. He heard a boom on top of the tower. Thor was back and Alex did not want to be here when Thor tells everyone what happen. He put on his armor and walked to the elevator. Thor was in the living room talking to Tony and Pepper. Alex pressed the button and the elevator door open. Thor saw him.

"Alex! Stop right there!" He started to walk to Alex but Alex just walked in the elevator and took it to the top. Once the door opened he walked out to the middle of the big circle that looked to have been used for Thor got to and from Asgard.

"Heimdall. Open the Bifrost." A big light appered and he was back where he was when he first came to Asgard with Thor.

"Welcome back Alex Rider." Said Homdoor nodding his head. "You wish to go to the SAS camp."

"Yes I would." Alex knew that he still had the phone Tony gave him. If something happen to him. He could still call them. Heimdall got the Bifrost ready and next thing Alex knew was that he was in the middle of a forest. He knew that if he walked west for a little bit he would be at the camp. He started walking.


Grace was waiting in her cabin when she heard a big boom. She thought it was lightning but it was not cloudy out. The one thing she could think of was that it was Alex. She ran out of her cabin and went into the forest. She could see the smoke from afar.

"Grace. Grace get back here." She heard Wolf calling out to her but she knew that it must have been Alex. As she got farther into the forest she saw a figure walking to her. She closer and she saw it was Alex. She ran to him. Alex saw her and he dropped his stuff and opened his arms to give her a hug. 

"Alex. Your back." She said. Alex just hugged her. He let go and they started walking back to camp. At the edge of the forest k-unit was waiting. As Alex got closer people started to surround the outside of the forest. He got in front of Wolf. Grace was still beside him.

"Wolf." Alex said. Wolf looked at Alex. Then he smiled at Alex. Alex smiled back. They gave each other a man hug.

"Good to see you Cub." Everyone started to surround Alex. He was home. "So Alex. What’s with the armor?"

"Well you see. You guys won't believe me but I went to a different world that has life on the planet." All of them looked confused. Alex told them the whole story of what happen to him.

"Wow Cub. Umm that’s really hard to believe." Fox said. They all started to head to Mess Hall when they heard a boom and Alex knew that Thor was there to get him.

"Everyone inside now." He started to push everyone into any shelter they could find. He handed his bag to Grace. They all trust Alex so they did as they asked. Once Alex turned around there was all the Avengers. Bruce was not Bruce anymore. He was now the Hulk. Alex didn’t now the Hulk. All he knew was that he was the strongest there is. The SAS soldiers saw the Avengers and believed Alex’s story. Alex straightened his back and looked at them. Steve came forward.

“Alex you need to come back with us.” He had his shield.

“You know I can’t do that Cap. This is my home. I’m not leaving without a fight.” Steve looked disappointed

“Very well.” They started to surround Alex. Clint went off into the forest and Alex didn’t know. They started to throw everything they got at Alex. Alex dodged everything. Alex caught Steve’s shield and ended up throwing it back at Steve knocking him down to the ground. Hulk had not tried to attack Alex. He was there just in case of something went wrong. Clint was sitting in a tree. He had his aim on Alex.

“Hawkeye. Do you have a clear shot?” Clint heard someone talking into his ear piece.

“Yes Tony.” He said back. Then he saw a women run out of the cabin.

“Alex!” Alex turned to see Grace running at him. Alex had his back to Clint. Natasha saw her and grabbed Grace’s wrist.

“Grace.” Saw as Natasha cuffed her. Alex stopped fighting. Clint had a clear shot to his back right shoulder.

“Take the shot now.” Tony yelled into the ear piece. Clint let go of his arrow and it went right into Alex’s shoulder. Alex fell to his knees. Half of the arrow was showing from his back and the other half Alex could see in front of him. He could hear Grace yelling his name.

“Alex! Alex!” She was crying. He put his hand on his shoulder. It was painful. He had never felt that much pain before. Steve went behind Alex and tried to cuff Alex’s hands but Alex was stiff as a board. Natasha had a hold on Grace and Alex was shocked at what happen. Natasha started to drag Grace to the plane that was in the woods. The ground started to shake.

“Natasha. Let my sister go.” Alex said very calmly. The ground started to shake more till Natasha lost her balance and let Grace go. Alex started to get dizzy. That’s when Amora came.

“Alex. Stay with me.” She said. A force field went around them. Steve was pushed back. Amora looked at the arrow. She was about to pull it out when Alex put his hand on hers.

“Don’t. It will make it worse. Amora you should go. I can handle myself.” She nodded and left. The force field went away. Grace ran to Alex. She help him to his feet. Tony landed in front of Alex.

“This is your home. Come on Avengers. Let’s move out.” They all left. All the SAS that were at the Camp came out. The sergeant came out with k-unit. Snake looked at Alex’s shoulder.

“You were telling the truth.” Wolf said to Alex. Alex nodded. They walked to the infirmary and they got ready to take the arrow out.

“Alex you ready?” Snake asked. Alex nodded. Snake ripped the arrow out. Then they started to take all his armor off and this shirt. When they got Alex’s shirt off they were all surprised to see that he was all healed within a minute. “Alex?”

“Yes Snake.” Alex was looking at Grace to keep his mind off of his shoulder.

“You’re healed.” Alex looked at Snake.

“What?” Alex looked at his shoulder to see there was just blood no hole. “Wow. I guess being a honorary God has it’s perks.” Snake nodded his head. Snake cleaned up Alex and let him go. Alex keep his armor on all the time and protected the camp from anyone who came and was not permitted. Once and awhile he would go to sleep but he would see Amora. He did not want to talk to her. He was still mad at her. His life moved on. Training Grace to be a SAS agent. He was happy for the most part.

Alex Rider/ Avenger Crossover: Code BlueWhere stories live. Discover now