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Natasha was watching Alex carefully. Alex approached the women like he knew her. Alex felt like he knew her and did not resist. "It's nice to see you." He said with a smile. He felt happy and not heart broken. The women with blond hair wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed Alex. Alex put his hands around her waist. He kissed back. He closed his eyes as she kissed him. Natasha saw green smoke surround them. She called Tony.

"Tony. We got a problem it looks like the Enchantress is back. She's kissing Alex right now." She hung up and stayed where she was. They stopped kissing and they were holding hands. They walked out of the alley and around the block. Natasha watched them. She heard them talking. The women had the same accent as Thor did.

"Sweetie. When are you going to move in with me?" She said to Alex. Alex looked into her green eyes.

"When ever you want." They stopped and went into another alley.

"How about tomorrow. Don't forget to bring the spear you told me about."" Alex smiled.

"I won't." They did a quick kiss. That's when Natasha, Tony, Thor and Steve ran into the Alley. Alex went in front of her.

"Freeze. Alex get away from her." Steve said. More green smoke swirled around Alex. Alex did not say anything.

"Attack them." She said into Alex's ear. He looked to her and then back to his team. He walked towards them as she disappeared. He punched Tony first which made him fly across the street. Steve attack Alex next with the help of Natasha. Alex kicked Steve and then knocked Natasha out with a punch. Thor was left.

"Alex. Stop this madness. She enchanted you. Snap out of it." Alex got closer to Thor. Thor threw his hammer which missed Alex and flew right back to Thor making him fly across the street. Alex ran to the tower to get the spear. He made it there before the others did cause he knocked them all out. Once he got up stairs he was greeted by Pepper.

"Hey Alex. Where's the others?" Alex was calm and seemed normal to Pepper.

"There getting something to eat. They wanted me to check on the spear. They did not tell me where it is though." Pepper lead him down to Bruce's lad and there is was. Alex walked over to it and grabbed it.

"What are you doing Alex?" Green smoke started to surround him as the Enchantress appeared.

"He's making me a happy women." She said as she went to the side of Alex. "Hand me the spear please Alex." Alex gave it to her and she kissed him on the lips for a second.

"You can't do this to him." Pepper protested.

"Yes I can. He has a broken heart and I am just making it whole again." She disappeared with Alex. Pepper went back upstairs and called Tony.

"Tony! She just took Alex." Pepper said once Tony answered the call. "She also took the spear."

"Okay Pepper. Where on our way. He just kind of beat us all." She could hear that he was in the air. "Almost to the tower." He hugged up and the was on the balcony with in a minute. He took off all his armor.

"Tony. Is everyone else okay?" She hugged him.

"Yea. There on there way. Jarvis bring up the tracker on Alex's phone." On the tv in the room was a map of Colorado. The tracker said he was in Denver.

"He's all the way in Denver. Tony you need to get going. If Loki is planning on something the Avengers need to be there." The rest of the group was there all but Bruce and Clint which were tracking down Loki's spear. 

"Okay team let's get Bruce and Clint. We know where Alex is." Tony said. A few minutes later Bruce and Clint came out of the elevator. "Okay here's the plan. Loki is planing something big and we need to stop him. Alex is now under the Enchantress's' control which means he is deadly. We need to bring him back to reality. Thor how do we do that?"

"I can bring him to Asgard which will make it so that he is far away from her so that the ties between them are broken." Thor said.

"Sounds good. When you get a chance to do that do it. We need Alex on our side again. Natasha, Cap, and Clint. We need to know what Loki's plans are so I need you guys to find that out." Tony said.

"What if we find Alex?" Natasha asked.

"Tell Thor and try and keep him at bay. Clint you got the arrows try and stun him." Clint nodded. "I will be looking to see if they move or if something happens." They all nodded. They left Pepper behind and went to the jet on top of the building. They flew to Colorado.


"Yes I can. He has a broken heart and I am just making it whole again." Alex was on in front of Loki with her by his side. He tensed up when he saw Loki. "It's okay Alex. He's a friend." Quickly Alex relaxed. She handed Loki the spear.

"You really got him under your control?" Loki asked her. She went back to Alex.

"Yes. His heart was broken so I put myself in there and now I have him." More smoke went around Alex.

"I see Amora. Now you may leave. I have business to attend to. I'll let you know when I might need you again." Amora grabbed Alex's hand and took him out of the room. She was in her armor for Asgard. She lead him to her room. They sat on the bed and talked. Amora was really falling for Alex.

"Alex. Would you do anything for me?" She smiled at Alex. He smiled back.

"Yes I would Amora. You know you have a beautiful name." She blushed which never really happened. She got up off the bed.

"I'm going to go change into some mortal clothing so we can go walk around." She left the room to go into the bathroom. Alex stayed where he was. All he could think about was Amora. She came out a while later with a pair of skinny jeans and a tight tank top. Alex's eyes light up. He didn't see that more green smoke surrounded him. He fell more in love with her every time there was the green smoke. He got up from the bed and went over to her.

"You look beautiful." Amora put her arms around Alex's neck and kissed him. He put his arms around her back. Both there eyes were closed. The kiss got more heated but she stopped it.

"Let's got take a walk." She grabbed his hands and took him out of the building. They walked and talked some more till they returned back to the building. She didn't tell Alex that Loki needed them back. They meet with Loki in the same area.

"Amora, the avengers are coming. I need Alex to go on the roof top and try and stop them." She frowned.

"But Loki that's going to put him in danger." Amora said feeling like she was falling in love with him.

"I don't care and neither should you. Your not falling in love with him. He's a puppet not anything thing else." He yelled at her. She lowered her head.

"Yes Loki. Come on Alex." She turned around and left the room Alex followed behind her. She lead him up to the roof. "Alex you said you would do anything for me." Alex looked at her with soft understanding eyes.

"Of course Amora." The avengers were getting close.

"You want to be with me for the rest of our lives." Alex nodded. "Take your shirt off and I will do a spell that connects us." He took his shirt off and Amora put her hands on his heart. She saw the scar but didn't care. Green surrounded Alex more. Soon there was a tattoo that only the two of them could see. They were connected now. "I can feel what you feel and you can feel what I feel. They can not take us apart now." She kissed him and she disappeared. The Avengers landed on the roof top.

"Alex, stand down or we will shot." Alex stayed still. All of them exited the plane. Steve walked up to Alex.

"Alex? What did they do to you?" As soon as Steve touched him Alex did a round kick to Steve's stomach and flew across the roof.

"No one may pass." He said. All of them freeze. Thor walked up to Alex.

"Alex, this is not you. Your a Avenger not a spy or a solider." Thor was trying to distract him. "Heimdall open the gates." Alex was taken to Asgard and the other Avengers took down Loki's plans. They put him in prison. All they have to do is get Alex back.

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Alex Rider/ Avenger Crossover: Code BlueWhere stories live. Discover now