Kidnapped Again

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This chapter is dedicated to RiptideT1 for commenting on the last chapter. Thank you for your kind words.


"What are you doing here Natasha?" She sat down in a chair in his room.

"We need you Alex. Fury sent me here to get you back into the Avenger team." Alex got up and walked around. 

"I can't leave. They need me." Natasha stayed still.

"The world need you Alex. Loki's back. We have the spear. We need someone to keep it safe for us though." Alex closed his eyes for a second. Then he opened back up.

"You need me to put it somewhere safe?" She nodded and took the spear out of her backpack. "I'll do it. I still have the phone Tony gave me. It's always with me." Alex smiled and she left the room. Alex tore up some of he floor boards in his cabin and placed the spear under the cabin. He put the boards back. Then he went back to sleep. He had the phone Tony gave him in his pocket. He knew that it would be safe there.


Alex got up two hours later Alex woke up and got dressed. He put on a pair of blue jeans and a black shirt. On top of that he put on the armor. He walked out of the cabin and walked around the camp for a few hours. By the time the sun rise he started to walk to the Mess Hall for breakfast. He walked in there and everyone was sitting down to eat. Alex grabbed two apples and sat down next to Grace.

"Hey Alex." She put a spoon full of eggs in her mouth. Her hair had gotten lighter from the sun. Her eyes were more grown up. Alex was watching his sister grow up. He had grown up a long time ago. It was too quick for him to grow up but for Grace he liked seeing her grow up a little each day.

"Hey Grace. So what is Wolf having you do today?" Grace shrugged.

"I don't know. Wolf? What are we doing today?" Wolf looked up from his plate.

"Well I was thinking the course again and some self defense." Alex nodded. "You going to be patrolling again Alex?" Alex swallowed a bit of apple.

"Yea." They keep eating and do small talk the rest of the time. Once they were done Alex started to walk around the area. He would see the deer once and awhile. Today was different cause he did not see the deer and he felt like something was drawing him near his cabin. He would walk by Grace training and smile. He keep walking. He circled the camp several more times and then something was not right when he got to the Mess Hall. There was no one out. Alex opened the door to see all the SAS men tied up with duck tape on the mouth. Wolf was out cold it looked like. They had Grace in a chair.

"Alex Rider. Drop to the ground not or I will shot her." He had a gun closed to Grace's head. She was calm. Sh had her mouth taped. Alex slowly went to his knees and put his hands above his head. Then Alex was on his stomach looking at Grace. She had a tear got down her cheek.

"Let her go." Alex said while the man circled Grace. He grabbed her chin.

"I don't know. She's very pretty." The room started to shake. People started to loss there balance. Then Alex was knocked out with the butt of a gun. The room stopped shaking. The Loki walked in and saw they had caught Alex.

"Very powerful boy. Take him. Leave the girl." Two men grabbed Alex and left the camp. The SAS men finally got out but they were too late to do anything.


Alex woke up in a room chained to a wall. His head was throbbing. He was thinking that at least the lights weren't bright. He looked around the room. There was nothing that could help him escape. Then he remembered that he had the phone Tony gave him. He went looking for it but he could not find it. It must have fell out. Great. He was thinking. Then Loki walked in with Amora.

Alex Rider/ Avenger Crossover: Code BlueWhere stories live. Discover now