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It's really funny you see, he is the sports guy and she is the bookworm. Best friends, the most odd of them, but the most perfect pair. Everyone knew, even when they didn't, that they wanted to be more than just friends but neither dared to say a word.

"I freaking love you." He panted.

"You ran from your game to my house just to tell me that?" She questioned in disbelief.

"Yes," He grabbed her hands. "You're worth more than just running. You deserve the world."

She blushed. "I freaking love you." She smiled.

Flynn Hale is the perfect girl in everyone's eyes. Her beautiful brown hair was always on her back flowing with the wind, and her beautiful brown eyes were permanently staring at words on her books. Many of the people in her school looked up to her, and her friends were always around her, but there was one special person who she loved to be with, Noah Phares.

Noah Phares the captain to the football (soccer for Americans) team, the most popular guy there is at school. Everyone wants to be friends with him or actually be him. His brown locks and green eyes are the reason why every girl is in love with him, but he only has eyes for one person, his best friend, Flynn Hale.


Legs pressed to the chest, book opened on the knees and her face buried in the book, which was the usual for Flynn, as she waited for Noah to finish his practice. The October wind made Flynn smile, as she read about the story of Eleanor and Park.

Noah was running down the field, making signs to his mate so that they could score. His team was already winning by two goals, but he wanted to make another one, he had to prove the coach that he was worth the captaincy as always.

"Faster Phares!" Coach shouted. "If you want to beat Polar Bears defence, you have to run faster!"

Flynn looked up from her book, only to witness her best friend kicking the ball inside the net. She smiled as his teammates tackled him to the ground. She took out her phone and snapped a picture that she would surely use for the school's yearbook and then returned to her lovely book.

Coach gathered everyone on a circle so that he could debrief them before everyone went back home. Noah wiped his forehead paying attention to what the coach was saying. In a couple of weeks their tournament was starting and they needed to prove that they were the best team in town. Every now and then, his eyes would drift to Flynn, who had a small smile on her lips as she read.

"Got it Phares?" Coach spoke causing Noah to stare at him. "Are you going to focus?"

"Yes sir." Noah replied. "We are training every day right?"

"You bet." Coach replied. "Great job everyone. I'll see you all on Monday!"

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