Chapter Nine.

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Flynn Hale

I rolled my eyes as Noah tried once again to persuade me into helping him cheat on his Chemistry test later today. It's not going to happen. I am positive that he is going to ace this test, as he knows everything. Yesterday night we had studied until Noah got everything right, so I don't get why he keeps begging me to help him cheat in a test, when he knows that is never going to happen.

"Come on Flynn." Noah sighed. "I will fail if you don't help me!" He exclaimed.

"Noah," I chuckled. "You are not going to fail. So stop being such a drama queen and man up."

"You are not going to fail!" Noah whined. "Just this time. Please Flynn, I really need to ace this exam."

"I will not help you Noah." I snapped. "Stop making such a fuzz and get ready for the test." I added as I walked to my desk.

Was I being too hard on Noah? Maybe, but he had to do this exam alone, a little faith in him wouldn't do him bad. He has enough faith in him when it comes to football, so why can't he have some faith in him when it comes to a subject he dislikes?

I turned to face Noah, only to find him with a small frown on his face. He was looking down at the notes we had made yesterday. I couldn't help but smile as I stared at him, he is stunning, everyone knows that, but I just can't help and wonder, why would he choose me to be his best friend, when he can have anyone in the world. His green eyes were focused on the words that he had written yesterday. His brown locks were a bit longer than usual, slightly covering his eyes.

"Get over him Flynn." Georgia ruined my moment. "He will never ever see as you more as the nerd that you are."

"Leave me alone Georgia." I sighed.

"Why can't you understand Flynn?" She questioned. "You are a bookworm, you are a nerd, no one likes you, everyone pities you, plus you have a boys name. Who do you think will ever fall in love with you?" She chuckled. "Noah hangs out with you because he pities you! He doesn't really care about you. He uses you Flynn, the sooner you understand that, the better. When high school finished and he has the scholarship that he's been fighting for, you're going to be forgotten forever."

"If that is true," I licked my lips. "Why doesn't Noah, hangs out with you? Why does he keep telling you to go away? Why are you so fixated in him? He hates you." I spat. "Are you so needed to attention that even when people tell you that they hate you, you still hung up to the idea of needing approval of everyone so that you are happy?"

"Listen here you pig." Georgia slammed her hands on my desk. "If you don't leave Noah alone, I'll make you regret it." And with that she walked away.

I took in a shaky deep breath. I still don't understand why Georgia has a target on me. I know that I hang a lot with Noah, but as I told her, Noah hates her, she's never going to get a date with Noah, she needs to realize that. Also, if she ever tries to make life miserable and Noah figured it out, she was in deep trouble.

I gulped as I realized something. Georgia will tell Noah that I like him more than just a best friend...


I was pacing outside the cafeteria door waiting for Noah to come and tell me how he had aced his chemistry test. I'm very optimistic. I wasn't even hungry, and I also had to make sure that Georgia kept her mouth close until I could tell him myself. It is hard for me to accept the feelings that I since I don't really have to express my feelings back at home.

Rubbing my eyes I turned around only to see Noah walking towards the cafeteria with his head hung down. I let out a small gasp as I ran to meet up with him. He couldn't have failed.

"Noah!" I shouted as I wrapped my arms around him. "Noah what happened?"

"Hey Flynn." Noah sighed. "I got an A+ on the test." He added with a shrug.

"You what?" She shouted. "And here I was worried about you!" I slapped his arm.

Noah let out a laugh as he embraced me in another hug. "I'm sorry Flynn! But it is so funny to see you worried."

"That's just cruel!" I exclaimed. "When something bad happens I won't believe you." I added rolling my eyes.

Noah kissed the top of my head. "You do know that I love you right?" He murmured.

"I do." I replied.

"Do you know how much?"

"I do." I replied looking up at me.

"I don't think so." He contradicted as he stared down at my lips.

I let out a small gasp, as Noah cupped my face and caressed my cheek with his thumb. Was Noah going to kiss me? This could not be happening! I am dreaming. There is no way in hell that Noah was ever going to be in love with me.

"There you are!" Alex shouted as I flinched away from Noah. "I've been looking for you man." He added as he punched Noah on the arm. "Come on, we have a meeting with Coach."

"I'll be at the library." I whispered as I gave Noah a small smile.

"Flynn wait. " Noah grabbed my arm.

"I'll call Mr. James so that he comes and pick me up." I whispered. "I don't feel so great." I lied. "I'll text you later I suppose." And with that I walked away.

Now I was being the coward. I was running away from my best friend, the only person I trust, and the person that I love. Noah Phares just couldn't love me, Flynn Hale. 

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