Chapter Sixteen.

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Chapter Sixteen

eight months later

Flynn took in a deep breath as she prepared herself to give the speech. It was finally here, the day she was waiting and dreading at the same time. Somehow she had ended up being elected to give the last speech and give out the surprise awards the school always gave. The past months had been an up and down and full of activities and excitement for everyone. Her father was finally being a father for her, and next week she was flying over to meet with her mother and spend a whole month with her before coming back and spending another month with Noah before they started Uni.

The teacher finished speaking and everyone started applauding. It was her time, Flynn knew that right now the spotlight was going to be on her, just like in the past months, being Noah's girlfriend wasn't an easy task.

Taking in a deep breath, she stood in front of the stool and stared at the audience. "Welcome." She first spoke with a small smile as she stared at her mother. "I'm sure that you are all expecting the traditional and perfect speech from me, but I've decided that I am not going to do that. For the past couple of months, I've decided to change some aspects of my life, as life itself decided to give me a bumpy rollercoaster ride." She let out a chuckle. "I hope that you are all still awake, and if not I do wish you could wake up and just listen to me. For once in my life, I do want the spotlight to be on me."

"When I first started high school, I only had one friend, Noah Parker, and that one friend is now my boyfriend." People hooted. "I've always been the type of girl that spent her lunch time at the library devouring books, and I've enjoyed that life, people don't really understand that when you are silent, it doesn't really mean that you are not paying attention, on the contrary, we pay more attention to every detail." Noah winked at her. "In three years I learned that everyone has an alternate story to the one they show at the hallways, the smiles plastered on our faces don't always mean that everything is fine, but that eventually everything will be alright. Not everyone has a future planed, and that is okay, we are still young, we are still teens, and if we are not sure of what we want to become, we shouldn't be pressured to become something."

"They gave me the chance to become a model." She chuckled and people laughed. "But I declined." She shrugged. "I wasn't sure that I was going to be comfortable with having people take pictures of me, but guess what," She gave a small pause. "I do love photography, I like taking pictures of other people." The audience gasped. "Dirty little secret." She winked. "We all have dreams, and maybe they tell us that those dreams are not real, that we are just saying that because we don't want to grow up, but, why will I want to grow up when I'm still seventeen? Aren't I supposed to enjoy my teen years so that later on in life I worry about my adulthood? My dreams might seem stupid, or farfetched, but hey! It's my dream, and if you are not going to help me achieve it, then let me do my own thing. We are not asking for an easy road, here in high school we learn that no good thing comes easy in life. We are expecting a bumpy ride, and we are going to enjoy it, so if you are just going to become another rock on the path, make sure that you are willing to be kicked out of the road." Flynn closed her eyes. "Let us achieve the dreams we have created, let us become the person we want to, because at the end, the one's living the life is us, not you."

Noah stood up applauding, he had already read Flynn's speech, but along the way she had changed it into something that was sure going to inspire the class. He had proposed to have Flynn do the speech, as he knew that she loved writing, but he wasn't sure the rest of his class was going to accept. Things changed the moment the two had decided to start dating, well, that had decided to tell people that they were now a couple. Everyone at school knew that they were going to end up together, it was them that denied it every single time, except now.

They had reapplied to the Uni they wanted both to get in, but destiny didn't want them together apparently. Flynn had gotten a full ride at Australia University, and Noah was staying at New Castle University. After a lot of talking they had decided that the day they let for Uni, it was going to be the last day of their relationship.

"Noah," Flynn sighed. "I love you far too much, you do understand that right?" Noah nodded. "I'm sorry."

"Why do we have to Flynn?" Noah sighed. "I love you Flynn, and I will wait for you forever if that is what you are asking."

"Noah," Flynn took in a deep breath. "It's not fair." She started. "Why will you have to wait for me? You can find someone else, and it is going to hurt less, you don't have to think that you have a girlfriend back home and you won't have to cheat. Not that I am saying that it is going to happen."

"Won't happen!" Noah shouted. "I only want you!"

"Noah!" Flynn cried. "Please," She whispered. "If life really think that we are meant to be together we will be."

Noah stood up and walked towards the door. "Fine." He spat. "The day at the airport, but I hope you know Flynn that I will love you forever." And he left.

The ceremony finished and both Flynn and Noah walked hand in hand towards the parking lot where their families were waiting. They ignored the buzzing of all the others as they tried to enjoyed their time, Noah knew that in a week she was leaving to America, and later they were going to spend time together, though he wanted for her to be with him forever.

Once they were outside, the parents started asking for pictures. Flynn pulled a face as she commented how she hated having people take pictures of her, Noah simply chuckled and kissed her cheek.

"HEY LOVEBIRDS!" Alex shouted as he joined the group. "Are you guys gonna come to the party?"

"We are." Flynn replied.

"Are we?" Noah questioned.

"Yeah!" Flynn exclaimed. "I want to try out new things."

"That's the spirit Flynn!" Alex shouted and hugged her. Noah raised an eyebrow and Alex stepped away. "She's all yours."

"Only yours." Flynn smiled before kissing Noah.

Noah hugged Flynn. "I love you Flynn Rider."

"I love you Noah Arc Dude." She chuckled.

As they walked towards the car, Noah placed his arm around her shoulders. "You'll see Flynn, you and I are going to end up together." 

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