Chapter One

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Flynn Hale

I grunted as I rolled to the other side of the bed so that I could turn off my stupid alarm. I just didn't want to face the day just yet. It felt like ten minutes ago I closed my eyes to go to bed (which could be a very true statement.) When I finally manage to get my hand on the nightstand, the bastard of my mobile decided that it was going to be super awesome to start ringing...

"Just kill me already." I muttered as I sat down rubbing my eye, picking up the mobile. "What the hell do you want so early in the goddamn morning?"

"Well good morning to you too Flynn." Noah chuckled on the other side. "I just wanted to make sure that you woke up today for school." I scowled. "I know that you bought two new books, finished them?"

"Yes." I muttered. "I went to bed around 4." I added. "Are you going to pick me up?"

"Damn it Flynn." Noah joked. "Did you finish Calculus?" I rubbed my eyes. "I'll be there at 6:45."

"Sure." I replied. "I'll give you the last answer at school." I stood up from my bed. "I need to get ready." I added and hanged up.

I threw my phone on the covers and walked up to my bathroom to get ready for Monday. Don't you hate it as well? I mean, I just had two days to rest and now I have to sit on hell for around forty hours a week... Nah! I pass mate I really pass that...

I walked into the bathroom and stripped out my supposed to be pajama and entered the shower, maybe that could get me up and I wouldn't be so moody in the morning, nah, I am always moody until I have my lovely coffee.

I changed into the first thing that I got out of my closet and ran down towards the kitchen so that I could make some coffee for Noah and myself. People tend to think that it is unusual how we act around each other, but I feel like it's normal, meaning that since kindergarten we have been best friends...

"Flynn Rider!" I heard Noah shout from the front door. "I am home!"

"Shut up!" I snapped. "My parents are still asleep." I rolled my eyes. "And stop calling me Flynn Rider, he's a dude." I pointed out. "Bacon or just coffee?"

"Just coffee please," Noah replied taking a seat on the table. "Mom made me some pancakes right before I left." He explained and I nodded. "She also asked if you wanted to join us for dinner tonight."

"Yeah sure." I mumbled as I served the coffee. "My parents are going to be out of town and I don't feel like staying alone." I grabbed a toast and some bacon. "So you're staying for practice?"

"Yeah." Noah smiled. "Coach wants us to be the best." He sipped his coffee. "Practice everyday."

"Sucks to be you." I spoke as I munched away my food. "I have to stay waiting for you, obviously." I tilted my head. "Do you have any-?"

"Books? Yeah, I got you a new one." Noah winked as he placed our mugs on the sink. "Shall we head to school Flynn Rider?" He asked with a playful smile.

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