Chapter Seventeen.

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It's the end. I can only hope you like it...

Chapter Seventeen


Six years later

Noah closed his eyes and took a deep breath, this moment was important, and he knew he should be calm. Licking his lips, he gripped on his briefcase staring out at the building he had been dreaming to step inside since forever. One of his many dreams had came true, he was now an important football coach of all times, and he was going to coach his favourite team, even when he was with the juvenile, he knew that it was just a matter of time before he was in the big league.

He took his first step into the New Castle Stadium to meet with the board and then the meeting with the players. Saying that he was nervous was an understatement, but we could not forget the fact that he was beyond excited as well.

"I'm home." He whispered as he scanned the place. "I'm finally home."

"Noah Parker." The Director smiled at him. "Glad you agreed to sign with us."

"It's my absolute pleasure." Noah replied. "How could I say no to this?"

"How are you feeling?" He questioned.

"Good," Noah nodded. "I'm getting better."

"I'm glad to hear that." He patted Noah's back. "Shall we start?"

"I'm dying for that." Noah chuckled.

Both men laughed and walked into the room where the board was waiting to meet Noah. It's been two years since the accident, and when he figured out that playing was out of the picture, he decided to become a coach of the game he loved. That way at least one of his dreams was still alive...

Taking another sip of the black coffee on the cup, Flynn stared at the blinking cursor debating the title for her novel. The only thing that was missing from it was the tittle, as everything else had been taken care of. She had started writing it since she started Uni, even when she didn't consider it for publishing, she merely wrote it because it felt right, she had to tell her story somehow, and writing was the only way she knew. One of her teachers had seen her writing and asked to read what she had, conveniently her teacher was also a famous publisher and had loved her book.

Flynn never thought that the hardest part of a book was the tittle; she was more worried about the ending of the story. The end, how were you going to wrap everything, was it going to be happy or sad? There were so many variations or variables that you could choose from, and yet, the ending for the story wasn't so difficult.

Getting up from her chair, she turned her back on her desk and stared out at the view of the city her window provided. She never expected to end up living in New Castle, but then again, life had a funny way of showing her that what she thought was best wasn't always best.

"Flynn?" Her assistant entered.

"Yes Marie?" Flynn questioned.

"I'm leaving," Flynn nodded. "And just reminding you that this weekend it's two years since their death." Flynn took in a deep breath. "Do you need me to book a flight?"

"Yes please." Flynn replied. "I'll be leaving on Friday and return Sunday."

"Also, your due date of the book if on Tuesday." Marie gave her a small smile. "If you don't give a name, they'll use the one they have, Best friends."

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