Chapter Fifteen.

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Flynn Hale

I smiled at my father's figure on the bed. They had sent me a text message whilst I was at school that he had woken up and asked for me. That's the main reason I had asked Noah to accompany me to buy him a small 'You woke up' present. I had also planned to tell Noah that I had gotten accepted in the one Uni I wanted, but that I was sad that I hadn't gotten into the one he wanted, though I never expected him to tell me that he was going to give up on his dream to enter New Castle. I know that Noah wants us to be together, but I can't be the one reason as for why he gave up his dream, I am not the person that let other people give up on their dreams for me.

I promised Noah that we were going to be together, I stayed here for him, but if life wants us apart for a while, then so be it. You can't be glued to a person forever, not even when you marry someone.

"Flynn." My father smiled as he saw me. "It's glad to see you."

"Hello father." I smiled. "I brought you some fruit." I chuckled. "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better, but under the circumstances, I feel okay." He replied. "Come on, sit." He patted his bed.

I smiled and walked up to him. "Father," I started. "I have a problem."

"When are you leaving?" He questioned and I frowned.

"What? I am not leaving." I replied. "I'm staying until I graduate and then I'll move for Uni."

"You're staying." My father's face glowed. "Are you really staying here with me?"

"Yes," I grabbed his hand. "I will stay."

"Thank you so much Flynn." My father squeezed my hand. "What is your problem? Tell your father your problem."

"I got answer from three Universities." I sighed. "But, umm I didn't get into the same as Noah, and umm, we are kind of dating, and he got into New Castle, and he wants to give up his dream to go there, in order to be with me."

"Well," My father licked his lips. "That's an issue." I rolled my eyes. "Have you told Noah that you can still be together and not be in the same place?" I nodded. "And he keeps insisting that he wants to be with you?" I let out a sigh. "I don't think that all the Universities have sent their responses, so you'll have to wait, plus you still have what, eight months left, anything can happen in that time."

"So what should I do?" I shrugged. "I told him that we should wait, but father, he is so stubborn!" I exclaimed.

My father chuckled. "Just like you doll." He kissed my hand. "Let's not think about that, and let's watch a movie."

"Okay." I replied and got up to turn on the telly.

The afternoon spent with my father wasn't so bad as I thought that it would turn out. I remember that when I was younger we would always watch movies and make fun of them, creating our own dialogues and just having a great time. Apparently, what we used to do was still our own tradition, the minute the movie got somewhat boring, we started, and we couldn't stop laughing.

After two movies, I said goodbye to my father, and made my way towards Noah's house. Between movies, my father helped me with the Uni issue, and told me to sit down with Noah and listen to him and then make my point. He had to follow his dream, and I was going to support him, and it would kill me if he gave up on his dream for me.

I took in a deep breath before I knocked on Noah's door. His mother told me that he had locked himself up in his room the minute he came home, which I knew was my fault. He thought that he was going to lose me, what he didn't know is that I'm not going to let him go, I love him far too much to let him go, but that doesn't mean that I'll let him destroy his dreams.

"Arc dude?" I whispered as I knocked. "Will you let me in?"

"What are you doing here Flynn?" Noah questioned as he opened his door.

"I told you, I would meet you here." I whispered. "I also want to talk."

"Talk about what Flynn?" He spat. "You left it pretty clear that I should follow my dreams."

I licked my lips. "I did Noah, but maybe I don't really know your complete dreams." I stared at him. "I don't want to lose you Noah." I whispered.

"Flynn," Noah whispered as he embraced me. "I don't wan to lose you either."

Noah kissed my forehead before he let me inside his room. I saw how he had all of the Universities flyers; on his laptop he was calculating the distance between campuses, and everything. A smile crept into my face; he was finding a way to stay together, even after our small fight.

"You do know that we are still missing a couple of responses," I started.

"I know Rider." Noah chuckled. "I was trying to figure out some distances, if you didn't get into New Castle, or into another one together."

"We'll be alright." I smiled. "We can reapply, to some Universities." I shrugged. "You know, ask them to reconsider."

"I know," He smiled at me. "I just don't want to lose you Flynn." He sighed. "I'm really scared of not having you around, of losing you, not only as my best friend, but as the person I love. I know that if we part ways, you might meet other people, and Flynn you are so beautiful and amazing, that I wouldn't be surprised if you have an army of people trying to get your attention." I grabbed his hands. "I love you."

"I love you too Noah." I bit my lip. "You're the only guy I've ever loved. I don't care if people are trying to get my attention, I can only focused on one person, and that is you Noah. I only care about you." I stepped closer to him. "To infinity and beyond."

"A cowboy and an astronaut huh?" Noah chuckled. 

I shrugged. "You and I forever."

"Forever." Noah whispered before kissing me. 

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